So, I have recently drastically change the way I smoke cannabis. Once or twice a week, about two hours before bed, about 2-3 hits. This is quite a change from every weekend, bowls all day, that kind of thing. In my opinion the high is much cleaner, more spiritual, and I would say therapeutic. It leaves me feeling clean and refreshed when I get in bed and the next morning.
What does this have to do with HPPD? Well for a while I took psychedelics (usually psilocybes) about once every weekend for about 2 months. About two months later here I am, trying out this new smoking ritual. I sink deep into the couch, put on my extra fancy headphones

,throw on some Carbon Based Lifeforms and close my eyes. Next thing I know I am having the strangest sort of visuals. Bright neon backdrops, constantly changing, overlaid with a massive grid of tiny squares, each one changing it's interior pattern in synchronization with the others to form a sort of current, a moving picture. Meanwhile while this is going on I'm doing breath awareness, which allows me to really remove myself from the outside world. I find myself thinking about current problems i've been tackling lately in life, namely whether I want to go through with college and also how to ask out a certain special lady

. I realize that I can really tackle these problems and dissect them in a way that was very similar to a psychedelic trip. At first this didn't mean much but then I realized, the only drug I had ingested that night was weed!
Anyone else realized this sort of change in your weed high? less stoney, more spiritual? Also, with significant, noticeable closed eye visuals? Is this early HPPD? (for the record I also get less significant CEVs when sober). If so I like it. Anyone here have HPPD for sure? How is it?
Also, if anyone's interested, here's a song from Carbon Based Lifeforms. These guys are incredible, the way they make their music allows for a very immersive, otherworldly experience.