Hi all, I would like to share my extraction experiences. I have just finished a fairly large extraction with only a fairly small yield. But this is Acacia Podalyriifolia, not known for its high yield, but is mentioned in Trouts notes to be of interest. As I have a huge specimen here in my back yard I have done some tests on it. I did 5 test extractions of 60 gms of Lazymans STB Tek. , Bark (2 tests) leaves (2) Pods (1 test ) and 2 tests of A/B Lextek (vinegar cook) with bark.
With the above tests I had zero results except for the 60 gm of leaves (STB) where I obtained a very small amount of yellow goo that dried powdery (not enough to do anything with)..
After speaking with a few people on the chat and putting the results on file with Nexus I decided to give it one more test. This time I used 600gms of leaf and twigs. Full procedure as follows.
I placed 600gms of dried leaf and twigs (crushed up to .1 to 2/3 millimetres size particles) in a large enamel cooking pot. It was about the size of ½ a plastic shopping bag (lots).
Lextek A/B Tek.
I poured in 3 ltrs of 50/50 white vinegar and water to just cover the material and warmed till simmer and left covered for 1 hour, decanted and filtered through a cotton pillow case. This I did 3 times with more vinegar solution, and was left with 6/7 ltrs of light brown cloudy fluid in a glass container.
While this fluid was still warm to the touch I separated it into 3 lots for easier handling, HDPE plastic jugs, the same ones the Vinegar came in.
I placed 200 gms of 98% pure NaOH dissolved into 100 mls water into the vinegar solution slowly and stirred. It turned blackish and I then left to stand while I proceeded with the other 2 lots.
After I had prepared the lots (3), I cleaned my work area and left them to sit for 3 hours, gently agitating every 10 mins or so.
I then added (poured) 100/150 mls Shellite into each jug, then shook slightly more than agitated/less than violently every 10 mins for 30 mins. I was buzzing and ‘in the flow’ being very careful with regard to flame and spillage and eye contact etc. No-one was witness to any of this, and I was 100 % attentive (this is not a very scientific description but I wish to convey that I was not ‘sloppy’ in my methods or in any way disrespectful of the advice I have Used). My intention is to refine anything I find into Pure DMT Crystals.
At this point I would like to say, I have no intention of doing anything contrary to the ethic of the Nexus and the idea of making ones own product is my only option. Not only do I understand this ethic as I have been living it, to a certain degree, with regards to another popular yet illegal substance, but I fully endorse it. I am 52 years old and live Australia, where the laws are relaxed to an extent in some states with regards to self producing small quantities of this substance, Hydro weed, THC.
I am a veteran of the old Stonehenge hippi era but now live a stress free (ish) life, squeaky clean, by humanistic morals.
I feel absolutely drawn to DMT and I don’t know why. I have slightly touched something 25 years ago with lots of meditational Acid and Mushy trips and found a mental pathway I was comfortable with. I wish to revisit. I have even had dreams where I am using DMT and am welcomed by a gate keeper who says to me “ Ahhh you made it” “you are here at last, hahaha about time too hahah”. Sounds odd when I read this back. But for some reason I feel I have a lot to offer it (DMT)
Recently, I have dreampt I drank some sparkling crystal liquid from a huge rotating crystal ball, this drink tingled my throat as it went down and filled my being with energy and light overwhelmed me. To me it’s telling me to get my skates on as I am getting passed my prime.
One year, 10 or so years ago, my wife came home with Wally, a small acacia from a shop here called Bunnings (huge garden/home-wares store). I took less than no notice then, yet remember it well now. It is now 30ft+ high and 20ft wide.
Only about 6 months ago I discovered Mckenna etc and hence read about DMT, I wanted it there and then. I had always been aware of Tim Leary and crew and only really knew about acid (LSD). Ten years ago I tried MDMA, but I’m sorry to say its wasted on me, it felt so ‘fake’, happy and smily and all that. I then discovered Nexus by chance and here I am, with this huge Acacia calling to me every day . After reading Trout’s and other reports I felt this was meant to be and that DMT is in there somewhere.
Back to the extraction
I ‘pulled’ the Shellite and added more (same amount with agitation for same times). With 4 pulls each I have about 1.7 ltrs of clear/slightly yellow shellite. I did a small (60mls/2oz) freeze precip test in a 8x8inc New pyrex baking dish and left it over night. In the morning there were some precipitant which I collected by pouring off the now cloudy shellite and evap then scraping with razor blade.
I have continued to do this and have collected about ½ gram of whitish/yellowish crystal/powder.
I am not game enough to smoke it as my intuition tells me it needs to be tested first. Could it be something else ? and maybe harmful. Did I pick anything up from the plastic HDPE jugs ? Im thinking its plastic contaminant, is there a test for plastic ? Clear shellite to cloudy in the freezer good sign ? Precipitation in freezer, good sign ? I have no UV lamp, should I get one.
Oh do I need some testing.
I am not a chemist and need Help please.
Gowpen attached the following image(s):

(486kb) downloaded 337 time(s).One can never cross the ocean without the Courage to lose sight of the shore