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Judgement Options
Kike May
#1 Posted : 2/11/2012 4:58:26 AM
The figures seem to judge my person..

It's what triggers my fear. What will they think of me? And what are their intentions?

I've tripped 4 times before and I came to realize that I'm afraid of the figures because I don't know what they want from me.
The first time, the lady-like figure wanted to take me somewhere, she dragged me through rooms, seemed almost like a futuristic factory.
The other times, it was figures reaching out, not grabbing, but trying to take me by the palm. I don't know how to respond to that. How to take their hand ?!?

During my encounters, I'm just a confused person. I try to reach out but I fail.

I'm thinking maybe it's a fear of mine. Maybe I'm afraid of what they think of me.

It clouds the real experience, and pushes me away from the real breakthrough.

I don't like judgments, and I always wonder what people's opinions of me are in life...

When you communicate with them, what is it like?
Who are they ? ...
Senior Member
#2 Posted : 2/11/2012 5:02:08 AM
Replace every "They" in that post with "I" just for a change of perspective.

Since none of us truly know what is going on, both of these perspectives are as valid as they are not.

Kike May
#3 Posted : 2/11/2012 5:05:59 AM
۩ wrote:
Replace every "They" in that post with "I" just for a change of perspective.

Since none of us truly know what is going on, both of these perspectives are as valid as they are not.

You're right.
I'm not in the right mindset.

It's my mind after all and my thoughts influence what the trip is like.

If I wanted to go along with the trip, I would, and it's all up to me...

Eh I guess I answered my own question ?

I don't know... what are your thoughts guys
#4 Posted : 2/11/2012 5:49:51 AM
IM with ya on this 1.my last attempt was not a break through amount but they were all extending hands to me,I kinda freaked out and sat up.arms where coming out of everywhere reaching for me there was a entity in the corner of my room with arms extended,even the ceiling fan was arms trying to carress me. But since I didn't do enough that was it.they scare the crap outta me.I'm not sure why .i m starting to think lower doses are more frightfull .if I did enough I would be in those arms instead of wondering what they want.
Moderator | Skills: Music, LSDMT, Egyptian Visions, DMT: Energetic/Holographic Phenomena, Integration, Trip Reports
#5 Posted : 2/11/2012 12:39:58 PM
Kike May wrote:
The figures seem to judge my person..

It's what triggers my fear. What will they think of me? And what are their intentions?

I've tripped 4 times before and I came to realize that I'm afraid of the figures because I don't know what they want from me.
The first time, the lady-like figure wanted to take me somewhere, she dragged me through rooms, seemed almost like a futuristic factory.
The other times, it was figures reaching out, not grabbing, but trying to take me by the palm. I don't know how to respond to that. How to take their hand ?!?

During my encounters, I'm just a confused person. I try to reach out but I fail.

I'm thinking maybe it's a fear of mine. Maybe I'm afraid of what they think of me.

It clouds the real experience, and pushes me away from the real breakthrough.

I don't like judgments, and I always wonder what people's opinions of me are in life...

When you communicate with them, what is it like?
Who are they ? ...

If you're looking to have this stop interfering with having a breakthrough, your first step should be to take on the role of the "passive observer". If an entity reaches out to take your hand, don't worry about what you have to do, just let him do his thing. Perhaps he's not even reaching for you to give anything to him in the first place and he's merely directing energy flow or something. It's really not important because the point is just watch, do nothing. Your own judgments can hold you back as well, and not liking judgments is a judgment in itself. This is a rather natural reaction of the ego as its safety zones slip away when the hyperspace circus comes to town. When you're in the experience, simply watch, observe with all your senses, but try and save critical analysis for after or during the afterglow.

Additionally it sort of seems like they know your every thought and emotion that you're having anyway. Maybe it's from telepathy, or maybe as it's because as House said that they are really just reflections of you. Either way, your mental state is on full display, and this is their standard mode of operation. Let me give you an analogy that will hopefully clear this up. Let's say you're really ashamed what people will think if they see you naked. It's a perfectly natural reaction. But then if you go to a nudist colony where being naked is the norm, while it may be understandable to have an initial fear reaction, you'd probably end up realizing or having to come to the realization that they don't care or think twice about seeing your naked body cause that's just how things go around there. Similarly your naked mental state will be on display as well, but then again theirs can be as well. Who knows if the color of their bodies reflects emotion or that when you do hear them rambling that that's not their inability to conceal their thoughts? In any manner, you'll just want to try and get as comfortable as you can letting them do whatever they do with minimal action on your part unless perhaps if an entity outright tells you to do something. Become the passive observer.
"Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind" - Albert Einstein

"The Mighty One appears, the horizon shines. Atum appears on the smell of his censing, the Sunshine- god has risen in the sky, the Mansion of the pyramidion is in joy and all its inmates are assembled, a voice calls out within the shrine, shouting reverberates around the Netherworld." - Egyptian Book of the Dead

"Man fears time, but time fears the Pyramids" - 9th century Arab proverb
#6 Posted : 2/11/2012 3:07:19 PM
Kike May wrote:
The figures seem to judge my person..

It's what triggers my fear. What will they think of me? And what are their intentions?

I've tripped 4 times before and I came to realize that I'm afraid of the figures because I don't know what they want from me.
The first time, the lady-like figure wanted to take me somewhere, she dragged me through rooms, seemed almost like a futuristic factory.
The other times, it was figures reaching out, not grabbing, but trying to take me by the palm. I don't know how to respond to that. How to take their hand ?!?

During my encounters, I'm just a confused person. I try to reach out but I fail.

I'm thinking maybe it's a fear of mine. Maybe I'm afraid of what they think of me.

It clouds the real experience, and pushes me away from the real breakthrough.

I don't like judgments, and I always wonder what people's opinions of me are in life...

When you communicate with them, what is it like?
Who are they ? ...

Like house said,all those figures you meet are part of your mind...maybe in order to go for a breakthrough you first have to solve some issues that are bothering you subconsciously or try to solve them in hyperspace.anyway don't fear,it's just your mind trying to help you.
The character Indoril_Nerevar is an artistic work of fiction, and thus all his claims and ideas are works of falsehood and fiction and should be treated likewise. There is no relation between Indoril_Nerevar and any real living or dead person, and any existing similarity or seeming relation is purerly coincidental.
Senior Member
#7 Posted : 2/11/2012 6:39:32 PM
^That is not what I said. I said they could be. I never claimed to know anything, simply offering alternative perspectives. Conclusions are dead ends.
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