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Wierd OBE last night , what you think? Options
#1 Posted : 2/8/2012 5:45:50 PM
Any other spice lovers find that when they are going to sleep they frequently get sleep paralysis with weird vibrations , I get it every single night , When I find that I am paralyzed and seeing scary hallucinations in my room I usually try my hardest to get up and then I am back to normal , but last night I hung in there , despite intense fear I stayed lying down and gradually strange vibrations grew stronger and stronger , I then tried to rise out of my body and I was very close but I was lying on my stomach so It was hard , next thing I remember I am downstairs in my house walking around in the dark , I even petted my dog , but my kitchen looked slightly different , I then proceeded upstairs but it was very difficult and it felt like gravity was weighing me down a lot ,all the while I had a black sort of fog around the edge of my vision , I then made it a few feet away from my room and collapsed , suddenly everything dissolved and I was in my bed looking into blank space . Reality came back identical to the way it does when your tripping on smoking spice . What the hell was all this , can somebody please tell me ? I might do it again tonight , but the whole experience has a very dark theme to it
gory dkalz
#2 Posted : 2/8/2012 6:59:07 PM
This happens to me a lot. But I do it on purpose when I can. It sounds exactly like you describe, dark, heavy feeling, and when I wake up out of it I feel like I'm coming down from vaped DMT. Sometimes I wake up with closed and open eyed visuals similar to mushroom visuals I get. Rows and columns of letters numbers and symbols.

Its not always dark for me though. Try opening doors. I usually just keep opening a door waiting for something interesting to explore. Or I jump really high up in the clouds and come back down to find everything is different. Try looking in your pockets too. If you expect something to be there, there is a good chance it will. Or just look under things. I sometimes run around my house calling out for my wife only to find her under a blanket in a closet like she was playing hide and seek.

You can have a lot of fun in these lucid dreams/OBEs. Just explore.
The Earth
It spins and shakes
It spits you out
It knows your name

I'm a pathological liar.
Electric Kool-Aid
#3 Posted : 2/8/2012 7:21:39 PM
Amazing stuff!!!
I had the sleep paralysis thing the other night, but I was so freaked out because of some sound of flapping winged creature and followed by huge banging sounds, but I couldn't get up. This was just after vaping DMT and went to sleep, very light dose.
Done: THC - LSD - MESC - MDMA - Shrooms - DMT / Want:Hyperspace travel - World Peace
Respect, intention, meditation, inhalation, observation, analyzation, respect.
#4 Posted : 2/8/2012 7:32:50 PM
I get this every once in a while, just as you guys have described it... to be fair, I've had many different bouts of probably-hallucinogen-induced sleep paralysis, and thankfully they've never lasted for more than a few days at a time.

I find it really interesting that the type of trip is so similar, though. Dark, heavy, and strange vibrations are all motifs that I can 100% relate to. It's really weird, it's usually disorienting and kind of scary.

Do you guys think that's because of some unresolved issue relating to sleep? I usually have really troubled sleep, and even when the dreams are good, the whole night is still a little harrowing....


gory dkalz
#5 Posted : 2/8/2012 8:12:21 PM
For me this has been happening before I ever heard of DMT. I used to get sleep paralysis and like the OP I discovered if I didn't fight it, I could have a lucid dream. Then about a year later I got into DMT. After having another lucid dream I realized the vibration feeling I get when slipping into and out of the dream, is the exact same I get from DMT.
The Earth
It spins and shakes
It spits you out
It knows your name

I'm a pathological liar.
#6 Posted : 2/8/2012 8:24:32 PM
Vibrations play a key role in all of the mystic aspects of my life
#7 Posted : 2/9/2012 10:14:55 PM
I have had this happen, usually within the week after I smoke. It hasn't happened in a while, but I too experience a degree of paralysis(mostly I just don't want to move because I know I'm falling asleep) and I will see tentacle like colorful hallucinations. Very similar to what I would see on DMT. Not sure what causes this, but I have heard many people who smoke spice report this.
Sky Motion
#8 Posted : 2/9/2012 11:14:46 PM
Sounds kinda like astral projection?
Lost travellier
#9 Posted : 2/10/2012 5:13:36 PM
Beside me this too happens once in a while in dreams (without DMT). I love this! I also observe beside itself several "levels" such journey:

1) "Journey in ethereal body" - When journey is greatly drawn near to realities though many subjects are changed. So I two times tried to pass be drafty wall (once I have stuck in wall). Around no full darkness, sooner semi darkness. In this type journey displacement manages me by a narrow margin, as it is woke; waked on day of the pool under mass of water. The Vision too heavy, as it is woke; waked through water. The plot is limited by subject world and "sleepy" people. The Color vision is absent.

2) "Journey in astral body" - Usually this occurs nearly in full darkness though subjects and people are seen. Move easy and quickly. Here - an most interesting variety event. The Color vision happens.

3) "Journey in mental body" - Happen with me seldom. It Seems that thoughts drew the picture. The Color vision do not remember.

#10 Posted : 2/10/2012 6:50:27 PM
Thank you for this thread. I have been getting something very similar and really just thought I was going mad. Has reduced a lot with less smoking of weed! Plus have put a large chunk of obsidian in room which is meant to absorb negative energies. Admire those who can relax and go with it - I find it too overwhelming to - although did get sense of two 'guardian angels' the other night helping me through which was amazing.
gory dkalz
#11 Posted : 2/10/2012 8:20:34 PM
It took me a while to relax and accept it. For years I had SP and once tried to just go back to sleep but I got that melting sinking vibrating feeling and thought I was going to die so I woke myself up. Then a couple years later I tried to go back to sleep and to my surprise I woke up in a dream. After that I knew there was nothing to be afraid of.
The Earth
It spins and shakes
It spits you out
It knows your name

I'm a pathological liar.
#12 Posted : 2/11/2012 2:55:29 PM
At this stage I get in every night nearly , some nights I just want to go to sleep but its like my brain is now accustom to entering the astral world whenever it can , its like a gift but at times can seem like a curse , I will enter the world again tonight and report back on this thread
#13 Posted : 2/11/2012 6:39:02 PM
Woh! These are amazing responses. I ad something very similar last night - but induced by weed. I tried what was suggested here and relaxed instead of freaking out and gradually the experience became more enjoyable. In fact quite increduble really. Absolutely seeing through the illusion. Whenever I began to freak, I just reminded myself it is temporary and a gift, relax, enjoy. That definitely helped. I wouldn't have been able to that without the reassurances got from this site though - so thanks.
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