18 hours removed from a mimosa-huasca trip, I engaged in moderate drinking while watching the Super Bowl Sunday evening. I consumed several cups of fairly potent jungle juice (I witnessed it being made) and the strangest thing happened--I did not experience any measurable intoxication, at least not compared to my previous experiences drinking. How could this be? I had a revelation that the effects of alcohol could be completely psychological and able to be controlled, but this can't be entirely true, especially considering that I was not making a conscious effort to feel sober. "Culture is NOT your friend" - TMK
Dead-Yolk-Mau5 - Yolks N' Stuff ( 2008 )
The year is 01 ADMT
Haha, this is funny. Sounds cool!
Yeah it sort of is/was. I feel like it has something to do with the MAOI (b. caapi) which is something I've never taken before, but I'm not that knowledgeable. "Culture is NOT your friend" - TMK
Dead-Yolk-Mau5 - Yolks N' Stuff ( 2008 )
The year is 01 ADMT
Sometimes you cant feel ethanols effects after or during psychedelic use.
Since I am an ex alcoholic I tend to look at it like the psychedelics are showing you you don't need to drink that crap but I am evidently biased.
The second time I ever partook in DMT I was at a party, and was already on like my level of drunkness. I hit the DMT whilst the whole party talked about how hard I was tripping for fifteen minutes, I went to Hollywood, started my Phantom, and as soon as the engine was started, I visited my scientific spiritual pattern placebo pineal life trans formative of the tiny part of what is real while I left my body and simply existed. Came back after those fifteen minutes and felt a LOT less drunk. "Science is all metaphor." -Timothy Leary
Wow. Then it is possible. I'd be nervous or at least have reservations about smoking at a party, on mimosa-huasca anyway. It PAINS me to say that I haven't had a breakthrough smoking DMT, and I've precipitated all of these beautiful crystals. I'd inject it if I had complete assurance of my own health and safety. My lungs are not very seasoned, and perhaps the smoke is too much for me to handle. I'm contemplating a water bong next time or some other apparatus. "Culture is NOT your friend" - TMK
Dead-Yolk-Mau5 - Yolks N' Stuff ( 2008 )
The year is 01 ADMT
Use a water bong and consider synergy. Synergy for example being LSDMT. Do not overlook something as simple as prolonged exposure to dim light or darkness before travel, or even simply holding those hits longer, or dosing higher. It will happen.