Of course you can go further. Plain ole freebase is nice for the what the fuck factor, but too fast to be of much lasting use. Aya or pharma will both take you deeper; not deeper into what the fuck ville, but deeper into yourself. And for meditation, a night with aya is the prescription. You can also make changa to enhance things, or take an MAOI before you smoke.
"Ego death" is a very subjective term. And don't fret about "entities" or trying to match your trips to other peoples' trips; things will unfold in their own time. I personally could care less about "entity contact;" I'm more concerned with personal evolution (yes, yes, quiet down, people, "entities will show you blah blah blah."

. I guess it's nice to see meet other selves in the multiverse from time to time, but your trips won't be diminished because of a lack contact. Patience, deeplake-san. And experiment with the many varied forms of experiencing DMT.
The Shift is About to Hit the Fan