I ordered martin balls book, mushroom wisdom...and ralph metzners ayahuasca, sacred vine of spirits.
i am dissapointed with martin balls book. I read about 1/4 of it so far, and while I could see how it could be helpful to someone very inexperienced with mushrooms and entheogens in general, I basically find it boring. It reminds me of an instruction manual...
Havent started Metzners book yet, but flipping through it, it looks much more interesting..
What I wanted to know here if anyone has read any other Martin balls other books?? If so, did you find them interesting?? I like his podcasts and wanted to order his book on salvia, but now I think I will order zoe 7's book, back from the void instead, which I was going to do after..unless i can find others who have read martins other works..
Either way, I am glad I bought his book just to support him cus I like what he is doing..dont want to discourage others from his his works. I will prob just buy his and zoe's books..
Long live the unwoke.