Allulae, I really do appreciate your point of view. Sometimes it's good to see how your are perceived outwardly and I am sorry that I misled you myself. I think that's why these ideas bring so many questions to me because I am an extremely happy person and have been extremely happy with life lately, that's why it didn't make sense to me to be so sad and to crave being in that state and only that state. I think another thing I should clear up is I don't necessarily crave the DMT itself, just the state of mind that it brings me too. I have no urges (as of now) to take mass amounts. I am curious to retry it now that I have collected this information from all of you (THANK YOU AGAIN FOR ALL YOUR INSIGHTS EVERYONE, TRULY APPRECIATED.) I like to think that I have a pretty good control over my drug intake and rationality surrounding that. I come from a drug addicted family background so the idea of becoming lost in drugs is really off putting to me.
I don't disagree that I may have a psychological addiction.. But I think it's more to that state of mind and conciousness more so than it is to any specific drug.
I will be taking bits of everyone's advice and next time, take a little higher of a dose in a more proper setting after some meditation. And Guyomech, thank you. I knew that DMT would effect me differently and that's why I was cautious to try it, but to know that I'm not the only one who has had that experience gives me some comfort and control. I think I was afraid of that power and will now embrace it. Wow, all of this was so wonderful to hear, thank you all so much and please continue to share anything with me that you find fitting. I will report back here as well when I re-try it. Hopefully a much more positive return

Let love and light be by your sides <3