Has anyone ever tried a breakthrough with dmt or salvia on the first try? How did it go?
It can be done. I didn't get it right until later on. I have, however, induced the experience for others who were seeking to go that far their first time. Others it's best to administer low doses so the individual can work their way up. All depends.
The first time i did DMT i did break through. At the same time i have also experiences and "broken through" on other psychedelics. I guess i had a experience on how to let go with the trip and just accept that the universe or the outer realm was about to teach me something. I tend to find that most people who cannot break through have something on their mind that are blocking their entrance into the outer realm. For instance, a friend of mine always a problem with breaking through because he had a deep rooted problem with in his subconscious about some things that happened to him in the past (will not say what due to the personality of the problem). if you truly want to break through you have to (at least in my experience, it varies from person to person) to just let go of everything and accept anything that comes your way. Acceptance of death may even play a part in this breaking through as for some people right before they break through they feel like death is creeping onto them. i would say to you to perhaps read some more threads in this forum, perhaps try some meditation to clear your mind and allow yourself to be in complete acceptance. Once you get that in check try to break through. For some people like i said before they might feel like something bad is going to happen. I know the first time i broke through years ago i thought i was going to die and a old friend of mine was telling me to relax and let go to everything and it worked like a charm.
I hope you find your breakthrough experience and hope the universe teaches you something amazing.
Thank you I've had a near death experience one time a few years ago when I chugged vodka and took six triple c's ( cough and cold meds) I saw the white light like so many describe and I saw a face in it I dropped to my knees one time I felt that my heart stopped then I walked a little further dropped again and I remeber crying to my friends that I saw god and started praying. Its so weird that is was so clear and I can still remeber that very moment to this day. I wonder if that would give me an advantage to let go or something.
That could have been God or your perception of God. I have had some close calls as a teenager (I was a rather irresponsible kid) so i know the feeling.