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Seeing Mythological Creatures on DMT Options
#1 Posted : 1/16/2012 5:51:09 PM
Whenever I smoke spice... I usually do it without expectations... as it tends to be so versatile and random each time; but lately some recurring visions and experiences have got me thinking...

My last breakthrough I came to a "place" where there were rows and rows of Griffins (like eagle-dragon-lions)

and they were very "real" looking. They were being kenneled in rows and they were spinning this "clock" wheel sort of thing... and they almost appeared to be like cattle of some sort. They weren't really scary or anything, and now I've had multiple experiences with them, and I get the feeling you wouldn't want to fuck with them. But they are meant to protect sacred things.

Sometimes the griffins appear to be more dragon like... sometimes they are all connected like a rope... and sometimes there is a leader who is bigger with beatiful eyes.. that usually "connects" with me... like grabs me by the back of my head and has these tendrils he forces down my nostrils and "syncs up" with me. like I'm an i pod on the end of a cable being calibrated. It feels amazing.

I've only seen one "elf" like mckenna describes, but I get these a lot. Does anyone know about these, what they represent, and why they are like this?

#2 Posted : 1/16/2012 6:50:11 PM
they are meant to protect sacred things

If that is your impression, why not go with it? They sound like gaurdians, or something.

"Whoever undertakes to set himself up as a judge of Truth and Knowledge is shipwrecked by the laughter of the gods." Albert Einstein

I appreciate your perspective.

#3 Posted : 2/1/2012 5:20:35 AM
"I've only seen one "elf" like mckenna describes"

I was under the impression that these elves were not really elves at all, so much as self-perpetuating bio-organic machine-beings etc... They do not look like elves, but they certainly seem to have an elvenly mischievous characteristic to them...
#4 Posted : 2/1/2012 5:05:35 PM
yes ^ you are right in the sense that many times its just a very intense feeling of their prescience. Like worker bee's , or cleaning people. Once though on my way "out" I saw one ... almost as if he was like going "boo!" .... he was short , wrapped in intense colors, with two big spikes (ears?) coming off his head. You couldn't make out his exact features... but it was there for sure.
#5 Posted : 2/2/2012 5:38:52 PM
My buddy definitely sat inside a sea of hyperdimensional elves on his first trip - he said they were a cross between a garden gnome and Where's Waldo but with pink and yellow striped shirts and blurry faces. I have not seen any elves yet Smile

"God is not outside us but is just us, the living and the dead, the never-lived and never-died. That we should learn it only now, is supreme reality, it was written a long time ago in the archives of universal mind, it is already done, there's no more to do." ~ Jack Kerouac

#6 Posted : 2/5/2012 10:09:18 PM
Its def. a very strange sensation to see something like it. I dunno what their function is or if they are pigments of collective human consciousness.

I love that Kerouac quote^^^!
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