ChaoticMethod wrote:I am a pantheist, for I believe that out of this Emptiness emerged Consciousness...
I value science as the best system to navigate conscensus reality and learn how to have power over your environment... Yeah, that's pretty much me...
I think when you die, you see everything in 4D, this means that you understand every perspective, and see them all at once. This "at once" goes on for eternity, and is the ultimate present. I see myself as a drawer of conclusions. My I dont claim any mainstream religion. X
I believe I am living the right life, doing the right things for myself, that I married the right partner... Basically, I believe I'm approaching my life the way I'm meant to.
And I gladly acknowledge that I chose to believe all this- that it's based on faith, not facts. But life is easier this way.
Any of the bigger things, I can't claim any beliefs- that's all outside my jurisdiction, so to speak.
As far as Imagine's restated intention goes: I like the whole notion of universal connectivity. God is Self in its wholeness.
BTW, you all sound like a great group to hang out with.
I'm an atheist...until something is actually proven,its just speculations and wishful thinking The character Indoril_Nerevar is an artistic work of fiction, and thus all his claims and ideas are works of falsehood and fiction and should be treated likewise. There is no relation between Indoril_Nerevar and any real living or dead person, and any existing similarity or seeming relation is purerly coincidental.
I practice agnosticicm as my primary philosophy in life and my signature suggest interest in Taoism. Disclaimer:All these thoughts, words arranged in this message, come from the Tao and return to the Tao. Yet they do not touch it. Each of us will perceive the message, Yet to each our own interpretation.
I'll see you when the river meets us
I'm equal part psychedelic shaman, yogi, and scientist. Both science and yoga (Which is also a science of direct perception) have sort of merged for me and given way to the beliefe in Universal awareness. I pretty much side with ancient Hindu philosophy as a road map. I find reincarnation/rebirth to be satisfactory models for explaining the gross injustice in the world, but I realize that when fully adopted we end up with the evil of man made caste systems and BS like slavery. If you want a religion then I'm probably closer to Hinduism/Janism that anything else. Like the Jains I believe that everything is embedded/sustained via some cosmic awareness. I view our individual awareness's as pieces or shards of a much larger cosmic consciousness. I believe awareness is the fundamental particle. Note the use of the word awareness and not consciousness. Consciousness is a biproduct of the human brain. Awareness is the emergent property that binds everything together. If your religion, faith, devotion, or self proclaimed spirituality is not directly leading to an increase in kindness, empathy, compassion and tolerance for others then you have been misled.
I probably lean towards Pantheism, as it just makes the most sense to me. But honestly I try not to think about it too much. What I REALLY believe is that everything is fine. I trust in the profound inner feelings I get that seem to say 'everything is ok, don't even worry, this is pretty much a dream and there's waaayyyy more'. I approach life as I would approach a good movie. I don't try and figure it out in the middle, I just let it happen because the guys who made it know what they're doing.
joedirt wrote: I believe awareness is the fundamental particle. Note the use of the word awareness and not consciousness. Consciousness is a biproduct of the human brain. Awareness is the emergent property that binds everything together.
Yes! I find it rare for people to make the distinction.
This is an interesting thread. I grew up under the rule of a mentally ill mother practicing as a Jehovah's Witness. Through education on other religions and culture, it became very clear that so many different "truths" couldn't be a once - at least in the form of religion. I tried to believe that I was agnostic, however, the sense of something else being out there combined with the logical conclusion that, statistically, we cannot be the only life in the universe has sent me on a spiritual journey. I do not know where I will end up, but the eastern ideals are becoming more appealing. I am searching for a healing spirituality. The Ayurvedic traditions are most interesting at this time and I recommend that anyone and everyone look into it as well.
I would say that i am more spiritual then anything. I do however lean towards Buddhism for the most part. I tend not to try to put a title to myself or my beliefs but i guess in this case i would have to