just tripped for the second time today, smoked 50mg, it wasn't a breakthrough still, and my mildly intense experience was like this:
All of the sudden a yellow vertical curtain drops on what was the black space it usually is when my eyes are closed, and then more curtains come in horizontally from both sides (left and right) simultaneously and meet in the middle.
The yellow curtains then created a criss-crossed wave patterns and it felt like I was in a yellow room, yellow everything. The furniture was yellow too, even though I was outside sitting on a cement block, in my head there was comfortable yellow furniture everywhere.
I was sitting down on a cement block, but mentally and physically it was like I was afloat.
Anyhow, a yellow figure was there with me, it was almost like one of the aliens that operate UFO's ... what modern society imagines when thinking of aliens. (minus the antennas)
The yellow figure was reaching out with its hand, and I was a bit afraid. It was overwhelming and I didn't know how to reach out for the hand...
The figure seemed upset, and so it sort of disappeared and it's like I looked down and there were now 4 or 5 hands reaching out, and one of them was green with a white outline on the tips of its fingers. I was still stunned, and didn't know how to reach out, or didn't even think of reaching out from being a little scared. It seems like towards the end the figures just sorta walked away and it felt like they meant something along the lines of, "he will understand soon, give him some time"
I gave up and opened my eyes, I knew it wasn't going anywhere, and I checked to see if they would be there again if I closed my eyes once more. They weren't, and I was just facing a yellow wall.
congraTS, sounds like a good trip. are you going to do another one anytime soon?
Try communicating with them with your mind. Maybe they'll give you pointers on how to interact with them? 
Listen to your colors in your journey. Yellow usually is an intellect color.. Kind journeys friend! Third eye always open.
Awesome trip! I think if entities are involved, then you broke through. Am I wrong? Done: THC - LSD - MESC - MDMA - Shrooms - DMT / Want:Hyperspace travel - World Peace Respect, intention, meditation, inhalation, observation, analyzation, respect.
I've had yellow trips as well if tripping with sunlight present. It's different, but pitch darkness is best! Thanks for the report. Very interesting! Peace
Mad Banshee
Note that the poster of this message would never actually use or recommend to use illegal substances. He is just an attention seeker and should be considered to be lying about everything he posts and his posts are only for the sake of generating discussion.