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Harmalol seperation thoughts Options
#1 Posted : 2/2/2012 10:06:24 AM
I just finished seperating a whole lot of Harmaline and Harmine from rue. I read in a thread by 69ron that Harmalol doesn't fall out with a manske and that Harmalol has an interesting effect. Normally I throw all the remaining alks of rue down the drain, but then also a lot of Harmalol. So, now I based my remaining rue-tea and in theory have a whole bunch of alks including Harmalol and quinazoline alks which we dont want. I read in Merck (13th edition) that Harmalol is readily soluble in hot water and vasicine only slightly. I can't find info about vasicinone and deoxyvasicinone, does anyone know something about their solubility? If they are also only slightly soluble in water my idea is to keep all the remaining alks in the filter and pour hot water over them. Then base the solution and repeat a few times. This would in theory seperate more Harmalol than vasicinone and so get a product richer in Harmalol (and other alks) then quinazolines in comparison to before the hot water extraction.

Also I keep my rue seeds whole in the extraction for 2 reasons:

1. Much easier extraction process due to easy filtering without losing much yield.
2. I read somewhere (don't know if it's true) that the Harmalines are mostly in the shell and the quinazolines more in the core.
In many seeds it is so that the 'toxic' alks are more in the core, since the seed many times wants to be eaten but not chewed on. Don't know for sure about rue.

But, if this is true, it would mean that I allready have a tea richer in Harmnalines then quinazolines. After the Manskes maybe allready much more Harmalol then quinazolines.

I am starting this try soon anyway, try the product and post my results. But maybe somebody has knowledge about vasicinone and deoxyvasicinone, mainly their solubility in water or any other tips/ideas to help me in the process.

We are infinite
#2 Posted : 2/2/2012 3:15:59 PM
Hmmm, bit too enthousiastic, was looking at the trihydrate form of Harmalol and that's readily soluble in hot water not the FB, kinda logical, I see no solubility info on the FB, my bad. Still, ideas would be nice Smile
We are infinite
#3 Posted : 2/2/2012 4:09:25 PM
Im not sure, I just base-precipitated the alkaloids in rue tea after taking the harmalas out through manske.. I will analyze it and let you know what I find...

This page: http://chemicalland21.co...cience/uh/VASICINONE.htm says vasicinone dissolves 1.6g in 1l water... No info about vasicinone or deoxyvasicine.
#4 Posted : 2/2/2012 5:15:31 PM
Nice your on it!

Found this:
Harmalol, Which occurs in P. harmala crystallizes from water as the trihydrate. It is freely soluble in hot water, acetone or chloroform but only sparingly soluble in benzene. The alkaloid is unstable when exposed to air. Its methyl ether is harmaline [7].
here: http://www.bioline.org.br/pdf?pt02001

What exactly do they mean by 'crystallizes from water as the trihydrate'?

If the Harmalol FB would be insoluble in water and the other quinazolines are also slightly water soluble, you could just wash the FB-mix with water several times to get them out. If it's easy to make the trihydrate of Harmalol, stick to the first plan. Or re-x a few times in water.

Curious what you find

We are infinite
#5 Posted : 2/3/2012 9:26:50 AM

If it doesnt precip in basic solution, it means you can base all the other stuff out first. Then filter and maybe it goes into a solvent like limonene. Then wash that with vinegar and dry?

Do you have enough to give it a try? And is it worth doing? Are the effects nice?
We are infinite
#6 Posted : 2/3/2012 9:44:59 AM
Here: https://www.dmt-nexus.me...&m=192894#post192894

Burnt shows that Harmalol does fall out after a base, though very little...
We are infinite
ModeratorChemical expert
#7 Posted : 2/3/2012 10:06:47 AM
Phytonaut wrote:
Here: https://www.dmt-nexus.me...&m=192894#post192894

Burnt shows that Harmalol does fall out after a base, though very little...

Very little falls or very little is present to begin with?

Anyway, the predicted LogP value of freebases of harmalol is 0.6, of harmaline 1.2 and of harmine 3.6. The lower the LogP is, the more water soluble a substance is. So it is likely that not all of it is found in the precipitates after a basic solution precipitation.

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