I know when I had my first salvia experiences they left me straining to integrate the new perspectives for at least a few weeks/months. They eventually fell into my persona and allowed my emotions free expression. It really feels like a matter of just coming to terms with your new consciousness and not being afraid or stressed with yourself but rather allowing the new deeper consciousness to flower gradually on its own. In the province of the mind what one believes to be true, either is true or becomes true within certain limits. These limits are to be found experimentally and experientially. When so found these limits turn out to be further beliefs to be transcended. In the province of the mind there are no limits. However, in the province of the body there are definite limits not to be transcended.-J.C. Lilly The Spice must flow Zat was Zen and dis is Dao.
This is something I used to think I would not say, but I would not encourage any person to smoke salvia. I find it pointless now anyway based on my experience with quids..but all of the negative reports out there like this involve smoking it. Quidding for me is a much richer expereince without the derealization and depersonalization that smoking it can cause. I personally had lots of good experiences smoking but also some horrifying ones and alot of people just seem to loose it after.. Chill out and rest..eat well and enjoy life and you will integrate all of this..it just takes time. Dont smoke any more salvia though.. Long live the unwoke.
I know exactly what you mean and i think it'll fade with time. For me it faded pretty quickly but it seems like it really lingers with some people Some may disagree but i think experiencing another psychedelic, like aya, mushrooms, dmt, or lsd, in the proper set/setting, can do wonders to integrate this de-realization feeling that can stay with you after smoking salvia. They reconnect you and tend to have the opposite effect i find.. they really helped me get back on track, at least. Just be brave, do things you love, don't overthink it, and don't do anything until your ready much love to you on your journey
<Ringworm>hehehe, it's all fun and games till someone loses an "I"
I find it interesting that there are many discussions of salvia on this dmt forum. It implies to me that there may be some extra-dimensional cosmic link beyond our comprehension between the salvinorin and dmt molecules.
My crackpot theory is that salvia brings some people into the mindspace I've been occupying for years on my own.
I never had a problem with salvia after the experience, rather I felt validated because I had already been questioning reality for quite some time. I was grinning and cackling at the prospect that maybe I was right. I wasn't being arrogant but it was rather enjoyable for me to laugh at myself and the world in light of seeing these illusions. Earlier in life I often had mild symptoms of depersonalization, like I was just an observer but not somebody who was there. It did not become a clinical problem so of course I did not receive or seek a diagnosis. It could have started around high school, and I was depressed in high school but I can't remember if the depression and depersonalization were related. Either way I overcame the depression while still accepting the possibility of nihilism and illusion with open arms. Now I'm really kicking into gear by integrating those beliefs with meditation.
Realize your emptiness is peace. Chaos is freedom. But at the same time everything you do is determined. Don't fear this, but embrace the duality and be comfortable to not know the causes of this, because no one hired you to investigate this and you can be happy without knowledge. I think disconnectedness arises from the illusion that we are individual beings and everyone is connected but you. In truth we are all the same beings and we've all been connected the entire time.
If you can get it I really suggest Steven Levine's A Gradual Awakening. He actually explains in detail the nature of our problems with identity. You'll think he was examining you when really he examined himself but our ego's are all so similar that it applies to all.
BBBlack wrote:
I am wondering about Ayahuasca as a possible healing force for Salvia-induced derealization, or really, DR/DP in general. I have never journeyed, but I have a very, very close and positive relationship with DMT alone, and would hope for some sort of improvement from it.
I am nineteen, and I had been feeling the most wonderful I have ever felt in my life until I was seemingly struck with this draining, confusing and ultimately frightening new conciousness.
Hi there, When I was your age, weed did that to me, was a real rough time, and back in those days you'd get loaded up with horrid drugs like Haloperidol, Thioridazine, etc. ( which just made it worse) Eventually benzodiazepines and time cleared the problem, but it took 2-3 years. It'll pass, you sound perfectly clear headed to me. I'd wait a while though with the DMT, there's no gaurantee that it would chase away your anxiety and could make it worse. Peace
oh yeah..if you smoke weed then definatily stop for now..it does not help if you are feeling depersonalized already. Cannabis is worse for than than seratonergic psychedelics for me. Ayahuasca might help you though, just go slow..more vine and less admixture if you do go that route. Long live the unwoke.
Were you smoking an extract? if so then what was it (6x, 10x, 20x) ?
I never went above 6x myself.
BBBlack wrote:When you guys say the word "integration", are you suggesting I simply get used to the feeling? I would hate to never return to the true reality that I have always known... How constant is your "true reality" though? Every event changes you and you are never the same, one second to the next. The first time you fly in a plane, the first time you have sex, the first time you do psychedelics (or the 10th, 100th, etc) you change because an experience has altered your perspective and relationship with the universe. Integration is finding a way to fold your experience in with the rest of your life.
Hey bud hang in there. Salvia can be life-changing to say the least. It will take some time for you to find your "normal" self. My experience with salvia was quite unique in that I smoked it at a very young age (16) without any experience in hallucinogenic drugs. I didnt quite know what I was getting myself into. I had only been experimenting with alcohol and weed for about a year or so when a friend asked me if I wanted to buy salvia. At the time I wasn't aware if it was Available at headshops like it is today (in certain states). I had read briefly about salvia as well as other psychedelics on Erowid, and I was ready and willing to try anything. So I bought a gram off of my friend who claimed he got it from some other kid in school, who claimed that the salvia was grown by someone he knew. It was in a small jewelry plastic baggy, no labels suggesting it had been bought at a headshop, although it could have easily been. The point is I have no idea what I smoked, what strength it was. My brother and I would always smoke a bowl before we went to sleep, every night. I was going to be an asshole (as many brothers can be lol) and give a freshly packed bowl of salvia to my brother to spark up WITHOUT telling him what it was. Luckily at the last minute I reconsidered, and decided I couldn't do that and should be the first to try. So I took as big of a hit as I possibly could and held it in as long as I could (as I was told to do on Erowid). Before I could pass the bowl to my brother the effects had become so intense that I was unable to saly anything but "oh my god". Now from my brothers point of view I walked around his room aimlessly saying " oh my god, oh my god". He began to really get worried as he had no idea what I had smoked, what I was going through. It had me well within it's grasp before I could physically explain to my brother what I had done. It had me in it's grasp both figuratively and literally. From my point of view the room had completely disappeared. I was thrown into another realm that was deep and dark. From the farthest corner of my vision began a figure that somewhat represented a locomotive steam train but had a face that I could only describe as some kind of Mayan figurehead (even though at the time I had known nothing about Mayan culture). This figure traveled across the top of my field of vision, leaving behind it a trail of brightly glowing blocks of many colors. It then proceeded to make a square-like motion around and around my field of vision, each time leaving a trail that slowly covered my whole field of vision until I could not see my brothers room anymore. The funny thing about this phenomena was that I too felt myself physically breaking down into these blocks as well. It felt like my physical body was being torn apart but at the same time becoming part of this elaborate kaleidoscope that was unfolding before me. It was actually physically quite painful. I felt myself resisting this process but it was completely uncontrollable. I became part of this spiraling vortex of color but only briefly. In this state youre to utterly confused and scared that you black out. Going through this vortex was like some kind of door to an alternate plane. I didn't see or remember how I got to this realm, it didn't make sense, it was if I had just awoke from some dream. In this realm was the deepeset darkest void you could imagine. It was if there was pure, true nothingness all around me, space if you will (as in outter space). The only things visible were myself (my self projected image) and a giant blueish looking mat or road that I could only desrCribe as similar to a gymnastics or wrestling mat you would has used in highschool. I watched myself being slowly rolled up in this blue mat that appeared to go on and on, twisting all over the dark realm like some road or path of sorts. The mat slowly squeezed me harder and harder, and I could physically feel the sensation of being squeezed. Why? I thought. Why is this happening to me? The only logical explanation was death. Surely I had died, this was unlike anything I could experience in my "normal" life. But then before the squeezing mats could crush me to death, I black out again, only to return to the spinning vortex portal, if you will, that had led me to the realm only this time I slowly began to see my brothers room. It began to revolve around in a circle in my field of vision. I could see my brothers room and the vortex side by side spinning around one another. I Physically stick my arms out and try to grab the image representing my brothers room as it was the first thing I had recognized since this had began.
When I came to, I found myself drenched in sweat, leaning against my brothers wall. I found myself trying to grab the wall, it was my brothers wall that had reminded me of my "normal" existence, it was what I was trying to grasp onto when I was coming out of the vortex. I looked over to my brother and asked, what the fuck had just happened? He was pissed off and scared and said "you tell me." according to him I walked around the room for 5 minutes approx. Repeating "oh my god" the whole time. I then ran into his bed, fell forward and hit my head on his wall, this was the point that I came out of the trip.
Ive read that 90% of people who try salvia never do it again. I personally tried it around 5 other times after that, but I was too afraid to "breakthrough" for fear of having a similar experience, meaning I never went back to any realm, I smoked just a small amount each time after my first experience. Everytime I smoked that salvia the same exact experience would start over. I began to physically feel and see my plane of existence turn into blocks, and I would again feel the sensation of being pulled into that vortex, but I was able to manage to fight my way out of it and not fully lose sight of the world I know and understand around me. It will take you some time to feel every things "Normal" again. It is a very powerful experience that no person or book could prepare you for. I too at a very young age was forced to try and comprehend what had happened, and it wasn't easy, but time will balance you out again. Sometimes the information you're trying to download into your brain can be too much. Take a step back, take a break and give your mind a rest. Do little things that bring you joy or distract or entertain you. You need to forget about what happened for a little while, you can't sit there pondering it all day. It's OK that that happened, life will go on. Perhaps later in life you can go back and analyze your experience, when your mind becomes mature enough to comprehend what really happened? Ask What was the lesson that I was supposed to gain from my experience? I hope this helps. I know it can be difficult but you'll be normal again. Much like anything in life, like the death of a close companion for example, time makes it easier and easier to cope with. Life will happen, you Have many adventures to look forward to and you will gradually think about this experience less and less. Salvia can and will change you forever. Many existential questions will come about, some will scare you, but you'll be a better, smarter more experienced person as a result. Perhaps one day you will be thankful for this experience.