Hey I am new to this forum and need some advice. I have 350 mg of n,n-dmt and would like to vape it as efficiantly as possible. I've only had smokable dmt in my life once before and that was when I had a large amount at electric forest festival and honestly didn't care how I smoked it because I had so much. I was honestly really dumb about it, putting .3 in the bowl at a time and basically just burning most of it I'm sure (even though it was more than sufficiant for breaking through). Anyway this time around I can't be so careless and need the most effective way to vape what I have now. My original method for trying out this batch was with a glass bottom bowl for oils and a heat rod. It wasn't what I was looking for to say the least. When I tried it I scaled out 30 mg of deemsters and placed it in the bottom of the bowl. I heated the heat rod with a propane torch untill the tip was just glowing red. When I touched the rod to the crystals a lot of smoke was prduced (not vapor). Also a good amount of the product stuck to the bottom of the rod and continued burning even after my lungs were full and I was trying to hold in the hit, thus wasting more product. By the time I was ready for the second hit the rod had stopped smoking and wasn't hot enough to vape any more of it. This shot was a misfire. I barely had visuals but was washed over with a strong body sensation and profound euphoria. It looked as if about half of the material was still in the bowl, and I'm assuming that about half of what was actually burnt was smoked and not vaporized. So I'm assuming I got about a 7-8 mg hit with that method lol. Not good. So my next idea is kinda out there but I think it could be highly effeciant and a worthwhile way to smoke spice. The idea is, using my bong, I cover the bottom half of the bowl with cannabis, and then put a layer of copper ribbon or steel wool(same thing used in the machine) on top of that, and then placed the dmt on that, and then put a second layer of copper or steel wool on top of the first one containing the deemsters. Then I would just use a lighter or torch (which would be better?) to milk the bong and take the whole dose in one hit. The cannabis on the bottom would serve to catch or soak up any spice that makes it through the bottom layer of steel or copper. So let me know, do you think that sandwhiching dmt between steel wool or copper and putting it on top of a bowl in my bong will result in an efficiant method of administration? Thanks I know this is long esspecially for a first post but any help is greatly appreciated! Learn. Manifest. Integrate. Grow.
Cant post the link with my phone, but search for 'dmt the machine'. Cheap, easy to make and very effective. -Я Ξ √ Ω L U T ↑ Ø N-
I personally think MJ makes the experience hazy and dont like smoking it with spice, so I would not use cannabis for your leaf bed, especially if you only have enough to do it a few times. Others may disagree with me, but in my experience, its like hyperspace is in "high definition" and when you smoke weed before going there, it is fuzzy. So if youre going to use a leaf bed maybe try peppermint leaves, which are easily available at most grocery stores. I use a piece of stainless steel scrubber cut to be about the same size as my bowl, and ball it up to fit snugly in my bowl. (Just a standard bubbler bowl, but any bowl should work just fine) Then I place the spice on top of the scrubber, and using a regular lighter, wave the flame near the top of the scrubber to get the spice to start to melt. Then holding the lighter far enough away from the bowl so the flame isnt touching, I slowly start to inhale. I then circle the lighter in a downward spiral motion, slowly getting the flame closer and closer to the bowl until I feel Ive gotten it all. Then I count to 1 one thousand two one thousand.. up to ten and exhale. If youve done it right you should have gotten most of it in the first hit, but try to take a second and third in the same manner, but you can start with the lighter closer to the bowl. I dont use a leaf bed or anything, just a steel scrubber and the bowl, and I have no problems being blasted to bits into another dimension. I would say I have pretty sensitive lungs, Ive been smoking MJ regularly for about seven years now and still cough like crazy from a big MJ hit, but smoking spice like this doesnt bother me a bit. SO if it tastes awful, burns, or makes you cough, there is a good chance youre burning it. Anyways, hope this helps, and hope you enjoy your voyages! Ive never used copper or steel wool, so I dont know how they compare, but this is the type of scrubber I use, and it works just fine. http://www.google.com/im...9&ved=1t:429,r:1,s:0
I would personally be concerned about using steel or copper wool because of tge possible presence of machine oils etc on the wool- no reason to believe it's pristine. The scrubber listed above could be cleaner- after all, it seems to pass the sensitive lung test.
I agree about MJ dulling the experience- but for different reasons. I use it just to help round off the jitters, and my visuals are stunning. But what is lost is some of the recall- think of MJ's famous tendency toward short term memory loss... If you don't smoke before going to sleep, you're way more likely to recall your dreams in the morning.
Another alternative is to start with a 3-5mm layer of coarse MJ ash, then your dose, then another thin layer of ash. The top layer prevents the crystal from easily burning outright and encourages vaporization- not as well as emptymind's method, but it could be done under far less planned circumstances. Blew my mind, anyway.
Thanks for the reply man, ya I hadn't really considered the effects of the weed changing the quality of the expeirience. But, with the way I was planning to set it up none of the weed would actually be smoked, it would just sit under the bottom layer of steel, serving as a way to catch any spice that drips through so it doesn't stay in my bong slider. And lol when I said steel wool I meant steel scrubber with all the junk burnt off, I just didn't know what to call it. Learn. Manifest. Integrate. Grow.
Guyomech wrote:I would personally be concerned about using steel or copper wool because of tge possible presence of machine oils etc on the wool- no reason to believe it's pristine. The scrubber listed above could be cleaner- after all, it seems to pass the sensitive lung test.
I have burned the steel I use (I should have mentioned that in my post-some scrubbers do have stuff on them, and you should heat it up before using to test for chemicals) and no vapors come off, nor do I taste anything when I use it to smoke. Ill be the first to admit that doesnt really mean anything-it could still be harmful to smoke it. But Im not smoking 10 bowls a day of the stuff, and considering all the other toxic and possibly toxic things entering my body-exhaust fumes, food additives ect, Im not too worried about it doing long term serious damage.
They dont put anything on steel scrubbers except oil that is used as lube in the manufacture process, at least that is the case with the scrubbers I use. That oil is easily burned off leaving nothing but metal. -Я Ξ √ Ω L U T ↑ Ø N-
Do you have a headshop in the area where you can get an oil burner glass pipe? Or what they call a meth pipe? I never tried any of the sandwich methods and don't care to cause of all the misfires ect. I hear about it.
yes that's what i did, i got the kind of glass oil pipe that has no hole in the bottom of the bowl, it only has holes on top for the vapor to go through and you have to use a heat rod to light it. It didn't work well at all though. Learn. Manifest. Integrate. Grow.
Honestly if you just want a cost effective and reliable way to get to hyperspace the machine is the way to go. It was all I used for my first couple of grams of spice and my only misfires were due to initially not doin it right. Only reason im not still using it is because I gave it away and still havent made another, im just using a crack pipe with steel scrubber just now. -Я Ξ √ Ω L U T ↑ Ø N-
DO NOT USE A METH PIPE. It is a huge waste of spice, and wont blast you off the way a more effective method will. If nothing else, buy a 'chillum' or straight shooter pipe, usually a couple dollars at any head shop, and some sort of scrubber.
emptymind wrote:DO NOT USE A METH PIPE. It is a huge waste of spice, and wont blast you off the way a more effective method will. If nothing else, buy a 'chillum' or straight shooter pipe, usually a couple dollars at any head shop, and some sort of scrubber. Does'nt that burn the spice? I could use a better method myself until I can get a real vaporizer. I'm using a lightbulb with the guts taken out and a small hole drilled through the glass. Actually works pretty good if you heat it right.
Whooa there! Easy tiger Lose Control, Free My Soul, Break Me Open, Make Me Whole."DMT kicked my balls off" - od3
52-dsl wrote:emptymind wrote:DO NOT USE A METH PIPE. It is a huge waste of spice, and wont blast you off the way a more effective method will. If nothing else, buy a 'chillum' or straight shooter pipe, usually a couple dollars at any head shop, and some sort of scrubber. Does'nt that burn the spice? I could use a better method myself until I can get a real vaporizer. I'm using a lightbulb with the guts taken out and a small hole drilled through the glass. Actually works pretty good if you heat it right. lol quad post... but anyways if you light it efficiently I don't think the spice would burn, but run away into the mesh. then it would probably vape or dissolve
52-dsl wrote:emptymind wrote:DO NOT USE A METH PIPE. It is a huge waste of spice, and wont blast you off the way a more effective method will. If nothing else, buy a 'chillum' or straight shooter pipe, usually a couple dollars at any head shop, and some sort of scrubber. Does'nt that burn the spice? I could use a better method myself until I can get a real vaporizer. I'm using a lightbulb with the guts taken out and a small hole drilled through the glass. Actually works pretty good if you heat it right. Using a lightbulb/meth pipe type vape burns the spice. I spent a lot of time using said pipe, and ignored people saying it was ineffective because I thought I had gotten the technique down pretty well. After using a scrubber in a bowl, I will never use a bulb again. The spice doesnt burn when you use a scrubber, just start with the lighter kinda far from the scrubber, and slowly bring it closer and closer to the scrubber as you inhale.
Ok so what I did was cut a piece of Brillo scrubber and torched it untill all the gunk and residues were off it. Instead of fitting it for my bong I decided to use my bubbler instead. One reason is because I realized if for some reason I do need a second or even third hit it will be easier to do with a handheld piece rather than using a bong which requires more effort (putting the bowl back on, milking it, timing when to clear it, ect.) The other reason is that it's the bubbler that I had brought to the forest and first smoked dmt out of so I feel that it has good spirit. I'm going to be trying it out tonight in conjunction with the Brillo loaded with 40 mg so I'll let you know how it goes! If it's another misfire I may try the lightbulb method as others have suggested, or if it comes down to it Ill make a machine and give that a whirl. Ive also decided that the rest of the spice I have I will use soley to find my prefered method of vaporization and after that precede to learning how to extract from mhrb. Learn. Manifest. Integrate. Grow.
The GVG is the best method I've found to use dmt. But a cheap way is the machine and it is very effective too. And easy to make. ––––––
DMTripper is a fictional character therefore everything he says here must be fiction. I mean, who really believes there is such a place as Hyperspace!!
Ya man I looked into to the gvg, it looks awsome! I'm definatly planning on grabbing one of those once Ive completed an extraction eventually. But right now it's not really worth the 100$ for the little amount of spice I have imo. Learn. Manifest. Integrate. Grow.
Hey space face, I hope all is well. IMO, if you are the type of person that sought out this website, this will not be the last time you find yourself with some DMT to journey with. I know the $100 sounds like a lot, but the GVG takes a breakthrough dose from 40-55 mgs down to 15-25 mgs, and makes the entire experience much more pleasurable and worry-free (as worry free as blasting out of your body and talking to aliens/spirits etc. can be). Just trust me and a high % of this community: IT IS WORTH IT! Peace and Happy Journeys All posts are completely fictional and for educational purposes only
HOLY SHIT!! Me and one of my best friends alex just blasted off in syncronisity and OH MY GOD! 30 mg in the Brillo out of my bubbled and I was in total hyperspace I am completely perplexed and astonished! I had two different guides who showed me everything! The first showed me what was wrong in my life and let me know not to come back untill I fix these issues as there easilly solved and the second showed me all the beauty and wonder of the universe and then left me in a strange tunnel which I thought I might never come down from which was filled with the most intense energy I've ever felt in my life!. I'll post a more detailed report eventually this just happened 45 mins ago I have to collect my thoughts!!! Learn. Manifest. Integrate. Grow.