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Nightmares and DMT Options
#1 Posted : 1/26/2012 12:24:10 AM
Hey nexus
I've come to you guys because lately I have been having nightmares. It's been happening so frequently that I'm starting to think I am being antagonized by an evil spirit at night. The two most horrid dreams I had involved this scary black haired girl who seemed mental. The first one I was in this supermarket in a hill. After shopping for a little bit everyone starts looking at me and saying "hes one of the three." I then tell myself that I'm not and then all of a sudden I zoom into the air along with two other people zooming and then we all merge into this black haired girl. The dreams ends there because I had to get up. The second dream was extremely messed up and the only part of the dream I remember was this same girl using a hammer and chisel and trying to split open a head to perform brain surgery. I ended up waking up before she finished. The first one was kinda on my mind and didnt bother me to much but the second dream as really disturbed me and I feel scared. Now I've been meaning to go into hyperspace to work through this but after this second dream I'm absolutely terrified. Additionally with work I can only go at night which makes me freeze before I even take a hit. I've never been this terrified before and my close friend isn't here to give me any comfort Crying or very sad If you guys could give me any advice what so ever that would really brighten things up.
"for as long as there is love and light; I will fight for what is right; as a warrior with all my might; I will guarantee that hope shines bright" --Prayer of the Paladin

"If you labor, you are a "laborer", If you work on a farm, you are a "farmer", If you flow, you are a "flower""--Forest Sage

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#2 Posted : 1/26/2012 12:37:02 AM
Nightmares are common. Has nothing to do with evil spirits. Fears often get played out in a myriad of ways in dreams. I think it's showing you how much fear can be self generated. There's really nothing to be afraid of, even though these things may seem mysterious and intense. Sometimes it's hard to shake things off, but that's why we meditate.
#3 Posted : 1/26/2012 1:30:22 AM
When someone else on this forum had a bad DMT experience, I made the following remarks:

original_sessions wrote:
As the alchemists of old would state: "As above so below". Being such, since everything in this universe is connected and one with itself, nothing is as bad as we perceive it to be. If everything is one, then even entities like demons, devils, etc. are really nothing more than extensions of the human mind. Next time you find yourself in a state of fright, try to remember that however weird or "evil" something seems to you, it is just your cultural perception that makes it seem that way. "Nothing is" as RAW once stated. "It is only what it seems to me at that particular moment." Good luck to you on your journeys.

I agree with ۩ in the sense that nightmares are really just an end result of our subconscious mind being overly active, throwing random and indecipherable symbols at us sporadically, without any point or purpose.

According to webmd.com, nightmares can be caused by late-night snacking (which can increase metabolism and signal the brain to be more active); medication; intake of alcohol; withdrawal from various substances; and/or anxiety/stress. Also, the site noted that "while it's true nightmares are more common among children, one out of every two adults has nightmares on occasion. And between 2% and 8% of the adult population is plagued by nightmares." Other sources state that nearly 75% of the emotions that we experience in dreams are negative Sad Then, again, NPR (IMO) has never been that good of a source to cite. Very happy

As such, I wouldn't worry too much about it. Nightmares are pretty normal. I'm sure it'll all clear up in a few days or so. Until then, pleasant dreams and best wishes.
my smile is stuck / i cannot go back to your frownland / my spirit is made up of the ocean / and the sky and the sun and the moon / and all my eye can see / i cannot go back to your land of gloom / where black jagged shadows / remind me of the coming of your doom / i want my own land / take my hand and come with me / it's not too late for you / it's not too late for me / to find my homeland / where a man can stand by another man / without an ego flying / with no man lying / and no one dying by an earthly hand / let the devils burn and the beggar learn / and the little girls that live in those old worlds / take my kind hand / my smile is stuck / i cannot go back to your frownland / i cannot go back to your frownland
#4 Posted : 1/26/2012 8:01:32 AM
I feel ya even though i havent done dmt. I watched paranormal activity by myself a little after it came out and it scared me silly literally for a year or so (NIGHTMARES). Mostly because i was in an unstable mindset to begin with and lonely.

Ive always believed in the spirit world but i finally realized that it culminates down to my fear of death (ive mostly conquered it).
I believe that all the evil in the world grew and grows still from the fear of death.

If you got time and a little moolah there are some hynosis meditation cds you might be interested in that have helped me tremendously. And the best part is the good dreams it provokes as well as the lucid dreaming. Go to probablefuture.com and just read the page that pops up and you might very well get answers to questions you didnt think you even had.

I can tell you ime when first got them man i really had vivid lucid dreams (or hullucination you might even call it)(VERY good quality cds)(although a little pricey) It will dose you off without knowing it.

It talks about the matrix and the guy does interesting interviews and articles and receives messages from "The One" (whoever that might be for you).
It sounds similar to a dmt trip. He states in a few articles that he gets enveloped by a white cloud or light and loses all thought of having a biological body and speaks in english "tongues" (Not fake churchy tongues - No offence anyone just my opinion) and records those messages from that level.
Oh i did have an OBE with them before that was wild. It definately kills the ego fairly well. And rids me of junk and fear.

So yea enough of that, check em' out if you get bored or somethin'.

If ya' scared go to church! Haha J/k....or am I?
#5 Posted : 1/26/2012 8:22:37 AM
Not meaning o ramble but i was so terrified when i would wake up in the moring or if someone touched me to wake me i would pop up like a jackrabbit.

It deprograms fear very well (I'm sure Dmt does too i wanna try it really bad).

One last thing, my body used to be tense and hard like a rock (not bragging at all) from lots of issues that manifested as tension, now im very loose and relieved.

If you get them the key is to listen to your own thoughts and passively listen to the guys voice. I learned that the hard way. (Ocd, trying too hard ect.)
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