I get the pre flight anxiety too, sometimes to the point where i think i shouldn't even hit it at all, which sucks.
I watched "The spirit molecule" the other day though and it was definitely a documentary i enjoyed alot and was something that put my mind at ease alot more when thinking about tripping again. After i watched it i felt alot more confident about tripping and i felt like i had alot more knowledge about what to expect which helped with my pre-flight anxiety alot. Also, i felt like a wussy kinda after hearing about the test subjects talk about their experiences, which made me wanna just say screw it and go for it, ha.
DMT is the most intense and powerful, blissful, terrifying and ecstatic thing I have ever encountered. I cant help but shake before I smoke it..it is like firing a cosmic shotgun into my brain.. I really dont prefer to smoke it anymore for this reason..last time I smoked was maybe 2 months ago. The preflight jitters I get are enough to throw me off as I enter hyperspace, and the experience is so quick when smoked it is a sort of like flipping a coin as to weather or not I will pass beyond the jitters into blissful hyperspace or be too distracted with it and other random thoughts and then just come down.. I have smoked alot of DMT..I love it. However, for whatever reason I dont get jittery like that before I drink the tea. It has nothing to do with it not taking me as deep, for I have gone far deeper with a brew than I ever did smoking, and those have been some of the most terrifying nights of my life at points. I dont know what it is..I guess the fact that it comes on slow and I know that even when I do freak out I always have time to make peace with it and end the experience in bliss, so that puts my mind at ease. Snuffing is my next favorite ROA on my list becasue again it comes on slower and I have more time to position myself in the space. Long live the unwoke.
are you talking about pharmausca? How do you take it? How do you measure it? I'm afraid to do the brew without a shaman. jamie wrote:DMT is the most intense and powerful, blissful, terrifying and ecstatic thing I have ever encountered. I cant help but shake before I smoke it..it is like firing a cosmic shotgun into my brain..
I really dont prefer to smoke it anymore for this reason..last time I smoked was maybe 2 months ago. The preflight jitters I get are enough to throw me off as I enter hyperspace, and the experience is so quick when smoked it is a sort of like flipping a coin as to weather or not I will pass beyond the jitters into blissful hyperspace or be too distracted with it and other random thoughts and then just come down..
I have smoked alot of DMT..I love it. However, for whatever reason I dont get jittery like that before I drink the tea. It has nothing to do with it not taking me as deep, for I have gone far deeper with a brew than I ever did smoking, and those have been some of the most terrifying nights of my life at points. I dont know what it is..I guess the fact that it comes on slow and I know that even when I do freak out I always have time to make peace with it and end the experience in bliss, so that puts my mind at ease.
Snuffing is my next favorite ROA on my list becasue again it comes on slower and I have more time to position myself in the space.
True wrote:Here's my 2 cents on the situation. For about 4 years straight I attended a music festival that would have 5-7 festivals at the same venue every year. What's unique about the venue is the band who headlined every festival owned the campground, therefore it was private property. This meant that there were NO cops present. They had private security but they were really lax and would only break up fights. So what was created was a playground in which people could buy, sell, and consume drugs freely. Without any worries whatsoever. The festival wasn't that big but could draw upwards of 7000 people. You could literally find any drug and not have to worry about getting busted. To top it all off the festival was located in a small heavily wooded valley that had a beautiful river running through. The campground was literally surrounded by government protected national forests.Sounds too good to be true right? Well it was, as a year and a half ago the FBI, DEA, and IRS raided the festival.
Anyway the point of this story is that there were large amounts of DMT being sold, bought and consumed. I'd ask friends that attended the festivals about DMT. I was told that I shouldn't buy it, it should be given to me, and on several occasions I had it offered to me for free but I declined due to anxiety.
Interestingly enough, someone there had warned me that once you more or less "achieve enlightenment" by use of dmt there was no going back. And he insinuated that he had regretted achieving enlightenment through drugs and that it could be obtained without the use of psychoactive drugs. I don't remember his exact words, but he made it seem almost as if he had cheated, or "took the easy way out" for lack of a better term. I believe too that he claimed that entities looked down upon reaching these states of enlightenment through drug use. I personally don't have much experience w DMT. The one time I got some I went down to the river with a friend and my girlfriend at the time. We had been drinking and smoking weed all night, and in this state I was less afraid to try it, but still to nervous to go all the way. I sprinkled some on top a bowl of weed and took a small hit that I didn't hold for long due to fear and anxiety. From the very small dose I did however experience kaleidoscope-like patterns while my eyes were closed. I still wish to experience a breakthrough, but im on the fence... What if some irreversible enlightenment is achieved? I fear the implications on my soul. Hopefully an experienced "traveler" could enlighten me as well as our friend Auto and ease our fears Sounds like weird moralizing ego projections to be honest, the whole DMT enlightenment being inferior and entities looking down on it etc. For one, who fraken cares what some entity thinks? If I believed every little thing entities told me or showed me when I drink ayahuasca I would concider myself a fool if I had met me..some of it sure..some of it is just absurd. I dont really buy into the whole, "doin it yourself" thing though so I might be biased here..although I strongly believe from experience you can have endogenous psychedelic experiences..they dont downplay a cup of ayahuasca at all. I find that idea sort of, hmmm unevolved? Maybe that is the wrong word..but I mean..we are on planet earth..actaully we are a PART of planet earth. We are linked together with everything else on this planet as we are each a tiny thread in a much larger system..and we rely on other aspects of that system for our own survival..that includes things like food and water. You have seratonin in your brain right now becasue you ingested something that had the proper precursers for seratonin..you have vitamine C in your body right now because you ate something that had vitamine C in it. You have water in your body becasue you ate food with water and you drank water. You are a part of gaia. This is the way the system is set up..each part interacts with other parts and that is what binds it alltoether into a coherant whole. DMT is just one of the many neurotransmitters found in this planetary ecosystem that we intake in a regular basis, and that is a perfectly normal and healthy thing to do. Anyone telling you otherwise is projecting some sort of delusional paradigm of individualized pride I think..it is basically some person telling you it is better to controll your consciousness without any exogenous feeback..I usually tell those people they should maybe try out breathariansim then..even those people claim to rely on some other crutch they call "prana".. I think that DMT/tryptamines and beta carbolines are soo prevailent throughout the entire glode becasue they are soo congruent with us, or we are so congruent with the rest of life on this planet..just as fruits that grow on plants are congruent with us..it just makes sense to ingest the stuff. Gaia is offering the monkeys a front row ticket to hyperspace, who is gunna pass that up? Also..if this person was really enlightened, than why would they regret how they got to that point? Doesnt really seem like something I would imagine an enlightened person dwelling on. It is like saying you regret being somewhere becasue you rode a bike instead of walked there..what does it matter once you are there? Long live the unwoke.
Terrence_Mechanic wrote:are you talking about pharmausca? How do you take it? How do you measure it? I'm afraid to do the brew without a shaman. jamie wrote:DMT is the most intense and powerful, blissful, terrifying and ecstatic thing I have ever encountered. I cant help but shake before I smoke it..it is like firing a cosmic shotgun into my brain..
I really dont prefer to smoke it anymore for this reason..last time I smoked was maybe 2 months ago. The preflight jitters I get are enough to throw me off as I enter hyperspace, and the experience is so quick when smoked it is a sort of like flipping a coin as to weather or not I will pass beyond the jitters into blissful hyperspace or be too distracted with it and other random thoughts and then just come down..
I have smoked alot of DMT..I love it. However, for whatever reason I dont get jittery like that before I drink the tea. It has nothing to do with it not taking me as deep, for I have gone far deeper with a brew than I ever did smoking, and those have been some of the most terrifying nights of my life at points. I dont know what it is..I guess the fact that it comes on slow and I know that even when I do freak out I always have time to make peace with it and end the experience in bliss, so that puts my mind at ease.
Snuffing is my next favorite ROA on my list becasue again it comes on slower and I have more time to position myself in the space. I am talking about ayahuasca. I dont really work with pharma much, though I have. I brew it myself and take it myself, or with my gf. How do I measure it? ..well I started out brewing small ammounts and drinking small ammounts..but I have drunk ayahuasca hundreds of times now and so I know off the back of my hand how to brew and how much to dose..you figure it out after a while. Start small and learn. Ayahuasca is like a gigantic freaking galactic university, and so you dont just show up in any classroom and expect to hold your own..definatily not. Even after a lifetime of drinking I cant imagine knowing everything ayahuasca has to teach. Be humble and approach it wisely. There is no need to jump into huge doses or go into it without understanding all the dynamics involved in ayahuasca.. Same goes for pharma, and rue based brews which I work with alot as well. This medicine will show you things you could never have imgained in your wildest dreams. Long live the unwoke.
jamie wrote:DMT is the most intense and powerful, blissful, terrifying and ecstatic thing I have ever encountered. I cant help but shake before I smoke it..it is like firing a cosmic shotgun into my brain..
I really dont prefer to smoke it anymore for this reason..last time I smoked was maybe 2 months ago. The preflight jitters I get are enough to throw me off as I enter hyperspace, and the experience is so quick when smoked it is a sort of like flipping a coin as to weather or not I will pass beyond the jitters into blissful hyperspace or be too distracted with it and other random thoughts and then just come down..
I have smoked alot of DMT..I love it. However, for whatever reason I dont get jittery like that before I drink the tea. It has nothing to do with it not taking me as deep, for I have gone far deeper with a brew than I ever did smoking, and those have been some of the most terrifying nights of my life at points. I dont know what it is..I guess the fact that it comes on slow and I know that even when I do freak out I always have time to make peace with it and end the experience in bliss, so that puts my mind at ease.
Snuffing is my next favorite ROA on my list becasue again it comes on slower and I have more time to position myself in the space. Well said! I just ingested for the first time in quite some time last night and was more nervous than usual (I guess from the long break between this experience and the ones before it). What you said about it being "sort of like flipping a coin..." is completely true for me too (and I'm assuming most people), for example last night I think my thoughts got in the way of any genuine experience (I'll admit that it was still fun though). I would definitely like to test out any -hauscas because they last longer, or even spice in its salt form for it to be active in other ROAs and doses could be more precise. Again, well said. “Recognize that the very molecules that make up your body, the atoms that construct the molecules, are traceable to the crucibles that were once the centers of high mass stars that exploded their chemically rich guts into the galaxy, enriching pristine gas clouds with the chemistry of life. So that we are all connected to each other biologically, to the earth chemically and to the rest of the universe atomically. That’s kinda cool! That makes me smile and I actually feel quite large at the end of that. It’s not that we are better than the universe, we are part of the universe. We are in the universe and the universe is in us.” ― Neil deGrasse Tyson