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Sex Options
#1 Posted : 1/20/2012 1:37:17 AM
What is sex to you? How do you use your sexual energy? How does it relate to your personal path and psychedelic use?

Through sex and the sexual energy, humans manifest what they arguably have of lowest (rape and abuse, unbalanced dominance/submission, ego-only oriented actions, addiction, twisted impulses and obsessions) and at the same time highest/most developed ("tantra" and other sexual-spiritual practices, becoming One with the partner, control/conscience of one's body, surrendering, etc).

At the same time, sex is a taboo. It is also part of the restrictions in some shamanic cultures/rituals (though this isnt always the case, I have a book that talks about about tribes using sex with ayahuasca, IIRC the Shuar, but I would like confirmation from people who know more about them). In some spiritual/religious paths, there are strict rules against sex, for example priests. But as Gurdjieff correctly mentioned, not all people can or should follow this kind of path, often the lack of release of sexual manifestations without the right "inner use" of this energy can lead to negative results, IMO one clear example is the amount of priest abuse scandals.

And then we have the biological aspect of it: Sex is one of the basic functions of most living organisms, us included. It's procreation, generating a new life that spreads our genes.

To me sex is amazing and reminds me of how incredible Existence is. I've never been, like some friends, a person to have sex as an end to itself as a mere personal gratification. I dont have any problem with one-night-stands if its two consenting responsible adults that want to have a good (safe) time.. But in general I unconsciously always looked for something more. At some significant portion of my life i've been alone and while I did want to eventually find someone, i actually had no problem being alone and also appreciated it. Now im with a partner that I match amazingly with, and I feel there's a whole universe to explore.

Now many psychedelic trips I have with my gf involve sexual exploration and it's amazing. It's not about just reaching a peak, it's a whole exploration of the body, forming an amazing connection with the other person. I understand why for some people it might be good if they abstain when taking ayahuasca/other psychedelics, or as a general practice at some point in life at least, as I've also done that (willingly or for lack of other available choice), but I feel it can be amazing for the spirit to have sex when taking ayahuasca and I dont think there is anything bad about it at all. I find most psychedelics in a variety of doses can work great if one has the right partner in the right context (though I also had experiences where there wasnt the energy).

How about you people, how do you feel about sex? What about sex and psychedelics, how is that mixture for you?
Senior Member
#2 Posted : 1/20/2012 2:05:35 AM
Not applicable.
blooooooOOOOOooP fzzzzzzhm KAPOW!
This is shit-brained, this kind of thinking.
Grow a plant or something and meditate on that
#3 Posted : 1/20/2012 2:47:45 AM
Every time is a different experiance for me...one time it can be clearly by instict,the other it can be pure love and celebration of existance...It is a vital part of our life,and it should be treated like that by society.I won't go into depths about the whole abstinence/tabboo thing,the only thing I will say is that envy and deprivation can do bad things to a person.
The character Indoril_Nerevar is an artistic work of fiction, and thus all his claims and ideas are works of falsehood and fiction and should be treated likewise. There is no relation between Indoril_Nerevar and any real living or dead person, and any existing similarity or seeming relation is purerly coincidental.
Hiyo Quicksilver
#4 Posted : 1/20/2012 3:32:28 AM
Drugs, sex, art, etc all relate back to the same experience as I see it; The celebration of exactly what is happening, for no reason other than that. Whether it's the celebration of the union of two people and their passion for each other and the world in the moment, or the celebration of the ecstatic union of our being and the universe... it's an explosion of love and harmony that reaches onward to the fleeing edge of possibility, and into the most intimately beautiful depths of existence.

Good Times.
#5 Posted : 1/20/2012 3:35:37 AM
Hiyo Quicksilver wrote:
Drugs, sex, art, etc all relate back to the same experience as I see it; The celebration of exactly what is happening, for no reason other than that. Whether it's the celebration of the union of two people and their passion for each other and the world in the moment, or the celebration of the ecstatic union of our being and the universe... it's an explosion of love and harmony that reaches onward to the fleeing edge of possibility, and into the most intimately beautiful depths of existence.

Good Times.

I completely agree!Though as I said before,like many things,sometimes it is more instinct than love.Take for example food...I appreciate food and for me it is a form of art,but if I haven't eated for days I'll dive in like a savage to the first thing i see Twisted Evil .Same goes for sex I guess,since it is a body function too
The character Indoril_Nerevar is an artistic work of fiction, and thus all his claims and ideas are works of falsehood and fiction and should be treated likewise. There is no relation between Indoril_Nerevar and any real living or dead person, and any existing similarity or seeming relation is purerly coincidental.
#6 Posted : 1/20/2012 3:41:30 AM
I absolutely love having sex with a woman I love whilst tripping. I've enjoyed many of the most amazing and beautiful moments of life that way.

In a more general sense, I've always felt something spiritual with sex. Sex without a real connection has always been much less interesting to me.

So yeah, the psychedelic and sex combination is great, but only when it's right.

"Whoever undertakes to set himself up as a judge of Truth and Knowledge is shipwrecked by the laughter of the gods." Albert Einstein

I appreciate your perspective.

#7 Posted : 1/20/2012 6:16:10 AM
Bedazzle wrote:

In a more general sense, I've always felt something spiritual with sex. Sex without a real connection has always been much less interesting to me.

Exactly the same with me. I wouldn't be surprised at all if this was true of most of the psychedelic community at-large. The kind of person who would be compelled to explore something as profound and shattering as Spice is a particular kind of person... And probably not someone who really feels the compunction to "use" another human being for sex when it comes time to get rocks off. For me, if the option comes up to have a 1-night stand with someone with whom I have zero meaningful connection, I'd honestly rather say good night and just go home and rub one out. Even the animal sex instinct in me isn't enough for me to give a shit. I don't like shallow sex. For me there needs to be respect and, more importantly, I have to have a feeling like we know each other. Once you become aware of how deep the level of communication is during sex, you can't really turn that off. You are embarking on a profoundly connective act with another person, and it's even self-destructive in a way - Spiritual sex involves its own dissolution of the ego. Each lets go into the other; Each in turn accepts the other; Self is lost; A unified whole is gained. I think most people out there are actually frightened of this aspect.

Most young people I know pursue sex because it's fun. That's the word: "fun." To me, the "fun" aspect of sex makes up about 10% of its appeal to me. And, big surprise, they get themselves into a never-ending series of relationship hells and purgatories. I'd rather have quality over quantity, and this also affords me a great deal of freedom. I'm free to spend my emotional and mental energies on things of great value to me, rather than spending it all fretting about a ridiculous girlfriend dilemma. But I would be willing to bet that there's a common thread amongst serious psychedelic users. We don't take our drugs lightly; We don't take our sex lightly. Maybe we just know too damn much.

Meanwhile, the actual act itself is as profound as any experience available to us as human beings - or at least it has the capacity to be. I often think about the point on the evolutionary tree where gender formed. Life got along quite well for a while asexually. When it comes time to reproduce, you just bear down and squeeze off a zooid. No probs. At some point we began to change, to develop distinct genders in order to COMBINE our genes and create new, more diverse offspring. A huge boon in the evolutionary process.

Consider the flatworm. These little bastards have reproductive systems and can breed with one another. Every flatworm can be both male and female - but they could also reproduce asexually, and very easily dissolve and regrow whole organ systems. When food is scarce, the reproductive system is the first part to dissolve in a flatworm - it's the least important. A flatworm can reproduce asexually if needed - It somehow goes through a process in which a bulge forms on the anterior end. This growth develops its own internal organ systems and eyes. At some point, somehow, the breath of life comes into it. Now you've essentially got a flatworm with another, smaller flatworm, connected like a conjoined twin. The smaller worm fights and wriggles for freedom. There is an exhausting hours-long tug-of-war that ensues as they tear and rip and thrash in order to separate. It's a violent schism, neither worm free while they're connected, but eventually the new life tears itself away. How romantic.

I wonder what our evolutionary future holds in store for us as regards sex? Will we go back toward a more unified gender? Generations down the line, will we all become androgynous? Hermaphroditic? And how would that affect society and social interaction?
Big questions make me want to read good sci-fi.
Aetherius Rimor
#8 Posted : 1/20/2012 7:12:17 AM
I have almost a phobia of it in most circumstances. Conversation involving it, innuendo, or physical actions reminiscent of it make me extremely uncomfortable, unless the only other person is a girl I've been with before. I never bring it up in conversations, and if conversations turn to it, I get completely quiet and usually will walk away if possible.

If it's a girl I've been with, and it's just us, I'm like a normal person though as far the subject.

Even then though, I never experience sexual arousal, unless there is strong emotions involved, and cuddling is a required foreplay for me.

The complete aversion to it in everyday life limits potential opportunities, and the very strict criteria for arousal my body has make's things complicated even when the opportunity presents itself.

Made a comparison to a friend once, of what the idea/concept of sex is to me. It's like the platypus (If you're Australian, think of an Armadillo I guess). It's this very interesting thing, I know it exists, but since it doesn't exist in America, it might as well not exist. It has no effect on my decisions/choices/goals.

Sex is like the platypus to me. -_-;

I don't consider it all bad though. I'm completely immune to women in skimpy clothing trying to use sexual arousal to get what they want. I don't let sexual attraction ruin friendships (since it isn't there), and I never have to worry about whatever girl I'm in a relationship getting mad at me for looking at another girl, because I never do for the reasons most guys do.

That and when I get dragged to a strip club (only happened twice thankfully), it amuses me that I get what I want for free, when the girl is cuddling up to me trying to entice me to pay for a lapdance. That doesn't do anything to me, the cuddling though, thanks!
#9 Posted : 1/20/2012 9:20:21 AM
Most of what has already been said pretty much expresses my own views on it. I feel as if i'm just tapping into my 'prime' level of sexual awareness and potential which is a nice feeling.

I've learnt first hand ( Razz ) the correlation between the regualr dispelling of your seed ,and how it relates to daily energy and hormonal levels. An obvious example i'm sure the guys on here can relate to is the levels of fatigue right after climax.

I've also learnt how this effects the regulation of vital hormones and pheromones in the body and how the opposite sex picks up on them . Above all, i've realized how unbalance arises when 'improper' (varies from person to person ) sexual practices arent holistically considered. Sometimes it's good to release, but sometimes it's better to let the energy accumulate in order to provide a level of acceleration and drive which can be applied in, but not just limited to a sexual context.

It is after all , our very 'own' elixir of life. The biological side of it may seem like an automated boring area of thought, but for me, understanding the process biologically actually heightens my over all enjoyment of it. As well as heightening my connection to the universe.

I'm definitely looking forward to exploring more sex&psychedelics this year with my girlfriend and i can sense the potential 'levels' of Union and bliss we're almost about to tap into.

These levels can be attained without the use of anything , but i can see how they can speed up the process of divine-connection having heightened levels of physical,mental,emotional,spiritual and countless other factors.

For people with any sexual imbalances or 'disorders',just know that just as you have seeked the medicine's that has led you to this nexus, know too that there are other earth medicines out there , which can help restore balance should you need it. Only you would know if there is an imbalance.

Chinese medicine and Ayurvedic medicine are good starting points but everyone is different , so what might work for some, might not work for others. As with any medicine, even natural remedies, be sure to check all contraindications and find out if what you're taking may effect or be effecting by anything else. There are many physical and mental exercises to help with things too.The Chinese put a lot of emphasis on the kidneys and how they directly relate to sexual energy.

Be sure to give your Kidneys a nice good warm rub from time to time Smile

The term psychedelic is derived from the Greek words psihi (ψυχή - psyche, "soul" ) and diloun (δηλοῦν - "manifest" ), translating to "soul-manifesting".

Sex is Psychedelic
#10 Posted : 1/20/2012 12:48:20 PM
i find sex, like meditation, yoga, and acid, is one of the ways i can force myself into the now. its like meditation for 2 Smile
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