Hey guys,
I used to smoke weed a fair bit (2010) and stopped for a year smoking only once since then, then the friday before last I started again and I smoked about two, maybe three times a day for seven days straight, mainly joints with straight weed , but hash twice and a pipe once. at the end of that week i was fine, but the day after stopping I got mild allergies and started coughing now three days later my throat is raw from coughing and I think it's from the weed.
I know a lot of people smoke on a daily basis and I know none of them to cough like this , and surely not after a week?
extra info: two guys that smoked every day except two of those (i.e. smoked the same weed in the same way as me) have not been screwed by it and one of the also smokes a pack a day.
thank you lovely nexus.
Cannabis is an expectorant and it could be just breaking up things that need to come out. I wouldn't worry to much about it. Try drinking licorice / mullein tea. Great for the respiratory system! You'll be fine in no time.
Did you mix any tobacco ?
In any case, smoking anything isnt very good for you. If you want to go back to weed, maybe check if you can vaporize instead. Smoking and combustion of anything generates several toxic by-products, plus the heat, cant be good for your throat, its only natural that after so long without any, your throat got irritated. Think about it, like people that play the guitar and have calluses on their hand from the friction, if you just start playing the guitar (or have stayed for long without it) and play for many hours, its gonna hurt. So maybe one has to get used to it again? Or yeah, vaporize is safer.
Also, one thing to consider is that, IIRC, weed lowers the immune system during its effects. Maybe you caught a cold as you smoked so much?
So lay off the weed for a while, if you come back to it dont mix with tobacco, try to use a bit less and ideally vaporize. Maybe that can help
Be well!
Are you certain it was good quality weed and hashish? most hash contains somekind of filler to make it stick better and weigh more, only the top top quality is 100% trichomes and plant material.
Also there is something called "grit" weed which is weed sprayed with various stuff to make it weigh more, it can be anything from sugar to small glass pieces or silicone!!!
Really nasty stuff and people selling it should be beat down with an aluminum bat.
endlessness wrote:
In any case, smoking anything isnt very good for you.
I usually wouldn't disagree with you, but a low dose of an expectorant smoked is actually quite good for the respiratory system (example: 1 hit of mullein, or cannabis.) Constant smoking, however, completely negates the benefits. As shroomtroll points out, it's very important you make sure that what you are imbibing is of good quality. Quality > quantity all ways!
Yeah on a few of the joints we did mix in tobacco and the hash had tobacco with it, furthermore I had a few cigarettes every day which was probably the worst i had that week. I was also thought it may be the hash , you know, just not sure what else could be in there, the guy that shared it with me is a glowing vibes type of guy not a dealer so I have think it would've been pretty good but I suppose anywhere down the line it could've been adulterated. Though the guy smokes that hash often and has no issues as far as i know. Well I think all the weed was good, got it from a reputable guy and a not really a dodgy character , so I think it is ok and so did all my friends , once again though I really can't be sure, or can I ? also I don't think it would be grit because it is measured very roughly by volume so extra weight is no use.
I will lay off for two weeks and then try smoke it as gently as possible, any tips on safest smoking methods besides vapouriser? I may buy one , but if not . . .
So no-one else really has this?
Yeah I think endlessness is right. My wife told me she read weed lowers the immune system after I was getting sick a lot during a particularly long, heavy stretch of smoking. It is possible it's just helped a bit of a cold take hold. Have you noticed any other symptoms associated with the common cold? Hope it clears up soon Peace PW Sonorous fractal manifestastions, birthing golden vibrations, that echo through folds of space & time, ferry my soul closer to God
Yeah so today my sinuses have fucked out my nose has been running, so unless a weed-related infection moved up into my head then it was simply a cold that took hold of my lungs first, so I think It's all cool. I'm fucking glad, means I can keep smoking when I am better without fear of this shit. sweet!
Cannabis does this to me also. If I smoke more than like 1 hit the night before the next day I feel like I have a mild sinus infection and my throat is a bit scratchy. Smoking DMT though never did that to me. I dont smoke daily I usually only have about 1 hit and it does not bother me. If I smoke like 2 or 3 times in a night though the next day my lungs, throat and sinuses pay for it. Long live the unwoke.
if you didn't grow it yourself you can't say what it was grown with, some weed seems to be unhealthy, likely due to use of insecticides, fungicides or even the occurrence of mold
try a different sample and see if you get the same reaction
medical cannabis really worsened my depression, disturbed my natural sleep pattern (even more so then it already was) and placed a strange fog on my mind. I also have been experiencing chest and respiratory pain (possibly related?). Cannabis is a wonderful medicine, but many "medicinal" users and re-creationists are in denial of its harmful effects as well. It has been three weeks since I quit cannabis, and I am feeling good, but the fog is not even close to being gone. The 6 year buildup in my body will take a long time to clean out. I truly believe, that if you suffer from depression or extreme insomnia, that you SHOULD NOT medicate with cannabis. Maybe occasional recreational use, at best. The worst is relying on cannabis medicinally for years, and then stopping . My Insomnia is now worse then it was before I started cannabis, and I experience severe headaches. I hope that I can achieve sleep some other way with less side effects. I also noticed in the days before I quit, that cannabis was no longer effective, even in large doses, for my Insomnia. It actually worsened the condition (a friend confirmed that I was still waking up multiple times in the night, and frequently turning from side to side, I just no longer had recollection of this.) However, Cannabis was still effective for my stomach ailments, and never lost its effectiveness for that condition. Please use caution my friends, nobody loves cannabis as much as me, but I know first hand that it can really tweak your system. Everything in moderation. May peace be within you all. The events that maxzar100 describes are only hypothetical, and never actually took place. maxzar100 has no link whatsoever to any illegal substance. Quote:Salvia, the metamorphosis of reality. -Mz
Try to use harmalas to counter cannabis withdrawels. Especially vaporized freebase. Seems to help with the reset. Iboga works too but its a bit more of a risk.
Lately a couple of research outcomes totally discredit most statements in this topic. For example sativa strains heavily influence your sleeping pattern and desires, while indica strains help getting into sleep. This can even be reversed depending on your body and mind. And even then with all the hybrid strains nowadays you have to find a strain that suits your medical needs. As with all medicine there aint such a thing as a "strain to cure all". It has been proven and admitted by science (as House mentioned already) that smoking small amounts of cannabis improves both your respiratory system but also your reaction ability. All research proves that the short-term memory problems often combined with heavy cannabis use are 100% temporary, normal and often even better memory functions restore after a total absence of minimal 6 months. The "fog" wich is mentioned and sometimes disliked can be easily avoided by smoking high CBD and low THC containing cannabis. As for the damage to the lungs etc, smoking aint good, period. If you smoke more then 1 cannabis joint a day and even worse mix it with tobacco, then your screwed. Recent research showed that the Terpenes in cannabis which give it it's exquisite taste, have more to it then science thought. Cannabis health risks? Quote: Mr Balderstone said "getting busted" was the worst health risk associated with cannabis use.
"You get a criminal record, which you have all your life, and it makes it hard to get a job, and that's when you get mental illnesses like depression," he explained.
Mr Balderstone said the "fear and paranoia of smoking under prohibition" is also one of the biggest causes of mental illness in cannabis users.
A couple of reports you might find interesting: http://www.tokeofthetown...pness_in_middle-aged.phphttp://blogs.laweekly.co..._intelligence_memory.phphttp://www.northernstar....annabis-use-up-in-smoke/http://health-med-news.c...t-affect-the-lungs-jama/