The further I travel the more i recognize where I am, what i've been and what i can explore more - there are many views on the same issues - emotionally, conciousness, logically (altough that's the weakest form of energy) and imaginary - The moment I see the creation as it was and as it is still influencing my life, i become aware of the vibration I want to live and change to explore another topic of existance - isn't that beautiful? elusive illusion
what makes you say logic is the weakest form of energy? or a form of energy at all for that matter? just curious..
a waking conciousness and an excited body containing great joy is a much stronger attraction point for what you want than the continuosly chatting in the mind. elusive illusion
kyrolima wrote:a waking conciousness and an excited body containing great joy is a much stronger attraction point for what you want than the continuosly chatting in the mind. I think you are wrongly identifying the continuosly chatting in the mind with logic. Mental stress and circular toughts have very little in common with the concentrated power of focused logic. Logic is the capacity to think clearly; to silence the voices in your head and direct your toughts in accordance to your Will. It doesn't enslave you like the inner chatting you are talking about. Quite the contrary: without logic, you are easily enslaved by external influences. True logic flows in harmony with consciousness, not against it. "If you have any answers, We will be glad to provide full and detailed questions."
Perhaps the weakest in attracting what you desire, which is what the OP seemed to be focusing around.
Nobody wants to bear the load of a heavy heart.
unansweredquestions wrote:what makes you say logic is the weakest form of energy? or a form of energy at all for that matter? just curious.. to be fair, it doesn't hold much sway once you're no longer in the world of cause and effect. Granted, that's where most of us spend most of our time.
slewb wrote:unansweredquestions wrote:what makes you say logic is the weakest form of energy? or a form of energy at all for that matter? just curious.. to be fair, it doesn't hold much sway once you're no longer in the world of cause and effect. Granted, that's where most of us spend most of our time. Neither does emotions. I see logic and emotions as two very important part of what makes a human being. They are equally powerful manifestations of consciousness. I can see how logic could be considered heavy sometimes, but I suppose that if it is, than emotions are, also. They both are internal ways of processing external input. I don't see how or why one would be "weaker" than the other. Maybe the OP could tell me more about it? "If you have any answers, We will be glad to provide full and detailed questions."
Quote:log·ic noun 1. the science that investigates the principles governing correct or reliable inference.
2.a particular method of reasoning or argumentation: We were unable to follow his logic.
3.the system or principles of reasoning applicable to any branch of knowledge or study.
4.reason or sound judgment, as in utterances or actions: There wasn't much logic in her move.
5.convincing forcefulness; inexorable truth or persuasiveness: the irresistible logic of the facts.
I don't see how there is any kind of heaviness in logic. In fact on the contrary I find Logic very beautiful, fascinating even. IMO it is when the rational part of the mind strays from logic and becomes confused that things start to get heavy. Kyro I think you are mistaking two things here. Logic is not the chatter in your head. The chatter in your head may be your rational mind trying to rationalize everything. The rational mind too, IMO, is a great thing if in ballance with all the other parts of your self and not somehow neurotic or in a constant state of alarm. keep on exploring! Buon viso a cattivo gioco! --- The Open Hyperspace Traveler Handbook - A handbook for the safe and responsible use of entheogens. --- mushroom-grow-help ::: energy conserving caapi extraction