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Trips are intense but not colorful Options
#1 Posted : 1/13/2012 3:46:14 AM
I've had the opportunity to use a small variety of psychedelics and while each has it's own unique flavor, one thing I've been a bit surprised at (and a bit disappointed in I'll admit) is that I haven't had much in the way of colorful mental images. I have only limited experience with DMT (one non-breakthrough trip) and ayahuasca (2 mid ranged trips), but even these have failed to contain the color landscape that many associate with psychedelics. My smoked DMT trip in particular was stark in that it was only black and white imagery (checkerboard patterned). My ayahuasca trips were more than than two colors, but even then it wasn't what I would call vivid (very shimmering, deep deep purples/blues). I think they may have something to do with the way I think in the general. Even as a child my dreams (those which I can remember) weren't in...I dunno... high definition if you will. Even though I paint, the idea I'm working from in my head is never very definite. I have a strong imagination, but it's very conceptual and not very visual (I'm a better writer than I am a painter).

I'm curious if anyone else has run into this or has any ideas on how to work on moving past this. It feels like a place that I could grow from with a bit of intention.

Beyond that I'd be curious to read about anyone else's visual landscape if they care to share.
#2 Posted : 1/13/2012 4:45:57 AM
At least in my experience the visual aspect (to be honest all aspects!) displays enormous variation.

I have had journeys that have ranged from being plunged into blackness, seeing single colour visions, seeing visions made up of simplified blocks coloured in bright yellows and reds. I have had many experiences where I have full photorealistic 3D worlds that can be walked around as well as far harder to describe extradimensional worlds. It really is very various for me at least.

While I find in my journeys there are some typical features that pop up regularly it is impossible to say “a DMT journey looks like this”. Although I suppose it may be possible that your experiences may continue in the same visual style as they have been I would wait a few more journeys before saying that is typical to you.
D × V × F > R
#3 Posted : 1/13/2012 12:04:53 PM
Interesting. I find that when I smoke DMT / Changa in a bongthat it tends to be much more subdued in colour and content. When I vape, that is when I get ridiculously crisp colourful landscapes. But yes, it does vary quite a lot regardless - maybe you are just gearing up for a more colourful phase?
Lose Control, Free My Soul, Break Me Open, Make Me Whole.
"DMT kicked my balls off" - od3
Moderator | Skills: Music, LSDMT, Egyptian Visions, DMT: Energetic/Holographic Phenomena, Integration, Trip Reports
#4 Posted : 1/13/2012 2:11:12 PM
I think the more you do it, the more colorful it will get. For some reason, it should seem that there are a handful of people who even when they have the DMT properly administered efficiently in sufficient doses, they still tend to have particularly low visual responses. I do believe though, that this is temporary and most likely an issue attached to plasticity. The more you do it, the more neural connections you'll make and reinforce and the more and more visual the experience may tend to become. My visuals have changed almost somewhat drastically since I've started taking spice regardless of vaping efficiency, and I never had trouble getting visuals in the first place. Give it some time and more colors than you can shake a hyper-leg at will come.
"Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind" - Albert Einstein

"The Mighty One appears, the horizon shines. Atum appears on the smell of his censing, the Sunshine- god has risen in the sky, the Mansion of the pyramidion is in joy and all its inmates are assembled, a voice calls out within the shrine, shouting reverberates around the Netherworld." - Egyptian Book of the Dead

"Man fears time, but time fears the Pyramids" - 9th century Arab proverb
#5 Posted : 1/13/2012 2:15:31 PM
i've had the black and white visuals like you explained also, as well as complete blackness, latest one was amazing, a room that was all grids with a symbol in the center. keep trying you will see something eventually. my first few attempts i had more OEV than CEV's then i learned what form and technique worked best for me.
as above, so below
Moderator | Skills: Music, LSDMT, Egyptian Visions, DMT: Energetic/Holographic Phenomena, Integration, Trip Reports
#6 Posted : 1/13/2012 2:18:02 PM
It also occurred to me that as a personal preference, I tend to like to smoke spice in perhaps not a bright room, but a room with more light than it seems that most DMT users prefer. IME, light rooms make the colors easier to see and more vivid. I don't know where you were having your experiences, but consider using more light next time perhaps?
"Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind" - Albert Einstein

"The Mighty One appears, the horizon shines. Atum appears on the smell of his censing, the Sunshine- god has risen in the sky, the Mansion of the pyramidion is in joy and all its inmates are assembled, a voice calls out within the shrine, shouting reverberates around the Netherworld." - Egyptian Book of the Dead

"Man fears time, but time fears the Pyramids" - 9th century Arab proverb
Aetherius Rimor
#7 Posted : 1/13/2012 3:32:18 PM
I've talked to many friends, and it seems "Visuals" are influenced by body chemistry and aren't necessarily consistent.

DMT gives me black and white, with some really dark shaded colors on sub-breakthrough doses.

Shrooms give me no visuals under 2 grams, other than the very small amount of "walls melting" phenomena. At 2 grams, I start getting colorful CEVs. At around 3, in the dark, I get colorful OEVs.

The good LSD I've had, I've never gotten open eye visuals except the walls melting thing, except the one time I decided to do 8 hits.

Shroom tracers are always black and white.

Acid tracers are full color at around 4 hits, black and white before that.

I ate shrooms for a few months before I ever saw tracers. I had 2 grams several times. Finally when I ate 4 grams, I saw tracers for the very first time (I'm in love with tracers). Ever since then, I can see tracers on just 1 gram. I also occassionally see them in peripheral vision when sober now as well, but that started after my 8 hits of acid. It's extremely amusing to me and I love it.

Some friends get colorful visuals on low doses, some don't. I honestly thought everyone was just lying to me about getting such strong visuals, but it's too many different people that I believe it now.

Mental effects however happen to me on 1 hit of acid, and about .5 grams of shrooms. I've taken .25 grams of shrooms once and only got a slight body high and sense of peace.
#8 Posted : 1/13/2012 5:32:51 PM
Purges wrote:
Interesting. I find that when I smoke DMT / Changa in a bongthat it tends to be much more subdued in colour and content. When I vape, that is when I get ridiculously crisp colourful landscapes. But yes, it does vary quite a lot regardless - maybe you are just gearing up for a more colourful phase?

Global wrote:
I think the more you do it, the more colorful it will get. For some reason, it should seem that there are a handful of people who even when they have the DMT properly administered efficiently in sufficient doses, they still tend to have particularly low visual responses. I do believe though, that this is temporary and most likely an issue attached to plasticity. The more you do it, the more neural connections you'll make and reinforce and the more and more visual the experience may tend to become.

This is probably true. It does occasionally feel like there's a door I haven't stepped through yet. It will likely come in time.

Global wrote:
It also occurred to me that as a personal preference, I tend to like to smoke spice in perhaps not a bright room, but a room with more light than it seems that most DMT users prefer. IME, light rooms make the colors easier to see and more vivid. I don't know where you were having your experiences, but consider using more light next time perhaps?

For almost all of my higher dose trips I end up under covers on the couch or in my bed. So no, not generally very much light.

Aetherius Rimor wrote:
Shrooms give me no visuals under 2 grams, other than the very small amount of "walls melting" phenomena. At 2 grams, I start getting colorful CEVs. At around 3, in the dark, I get colorful OEVs.

Even after multiple 4g trips I have yet to see any colorful OEVs or CEVs, though I did once see hints of what I could only describe as space folding.
Aetherius Rimor
#9 Posted : 1/13/2012 6:02:30 PM
onethousandk wrote:
Even after multiple 4g trips I have yet to see any colorful OEVs or CEVs, though I did once see hints of what I could only describe as space folding.

They are only visible to me in low light (star light/moonlight) settings.
#10 Posted : 1/13/2012 9:12:48 PM
d*l*b wrote:
At least in my experience the visual aspect (to be honest all aspects!) displays enormous variation.

I have had journeys that have ranged from being plunged into blackness, seeing single colour visions, seeing visions made up of simplified blocks coloured in bright yellows and reds. I have had many experiences where I have full photorealistic 3D worlds that can be walked around as well as far harder to describe extradimensional worlds. It really is very various for me at least.

While I find in my journeys there are some typical features that pop up regularly it is impossible to say “a DMT journey looks like this”. Although I suppose it may be possible that your experiences may continue in the same visual style as they have been I would wait a few more journeys before saying that is typical to you.

^^^^ <<<-- This!

I typically only do DMT orally, but I've found my trips to have ENORMOUS diversity. I've only broken through once, and that was utterly amazing and intense, but my other trips all had positive aspects to them. Sometimes it's as if I took a large mushroom dose and I get to kind of space out and be amazed by fairly mundane things. Other times it has seemed like a party drug, almost like candy flipping. Then there are times when it's solely been an educational trip, as if the DMT needed to teach me something. I'm utterly amazed as to how different DMT can be on each trip. I sometimes find common themes (such as a grouping of neon colored, squiggly lines that teaches/mentors me), but every time there's something different.
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