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how much FASI? Options
#1 Posted : 1/11/2012 9:37:24 AM
Im getting impatient so thinking of eyedroppering out fasi from d limon as the dam lab suppliy is taking FOREVER at the warehouse to get my oreder together..still no emailTwisted Evil so im trying o get an idea of how much fasi it takes to clear the dlimon like for say 200ml? is it the same nomatter whehter its 100 or 400 ml? at least i could get an idea.
also wondering how long you can let dlimon sit on the FASI..it ist just the socium carbonate you gotta be fast with? at lseast i could make a quick trial 100g batch and sample someof the IPA and have a litle fun WHILE i wait for theses guys to get my sep funnel! damn stores dont sell turkey basters!~
#2 Posted : 1/11/2012 11:12:19 AM
The amount of FASI needed depends on the amount of dmt in your pull. Once you add the FASI to your solvent you have to wait about a day for the dmt to settle at the bottom.
To see the world in a grain of sand, and to see heaven in a wild flower, hold infinity in the palm of your hands, and eternity in an hour.
- William Blake
#3 Posted : 1/11/2012 11:16:43 AM
Just keep adding FASI until you don't get any moar precipitation going on - any remaining FASI will stay in solution, just the DMT fumarate will precipitate to the bottom. Good luck, I hope you get an impressive yield Cool
Lose Control, Free My Soul, Break Me Open, Make Me Whole.
"DMT kicked my balls off" - od3
#4 Posted : 1/11/2012 4:57:47 PM
Yeah, keep adding it till it stops cloudying... It might be its 20, 50ml, 100ml or who knows, as said, depends on amount of DMT..

Not only its no problem to wait, you SHOULD wait and leave it crystallizing. I've found DMT keeps crystallizing out of FASI limonene even after a week, so the longer you wait with it undisturbed, the nicer and more crystals will form. After you retrieve crystals, add more FASI to see if it clouds up again.
#5 Posted : 1/11/2012 9:45:56 PM
SWEET! i guess i didnt catch that..I thought that you evaporated and the only time you VISULALLY saw dmt in solution was freeze precip method...I thought i had read every tek and procedure well and again. So the only time you dont want stuff to sit for periods is sodium carbonate flushing and in STB base/naptha for weeks to where other alkoli intrude.
at least this way i can wait for my separaatory funned and get started, that and if crystal form at bottom in a day i could transfer limo/fasi into ohter container and pcik off some goodiesWink

thanks again for that lab supply endlessWink even though they are taking forever at the warehouse the price was right. What is annoying is that there is a labsupply right down the street american scientific, but they are expensive.. i cant belive a pipette and bulb would run me about 25$ for anything that would be extrnous time(under 60ml) they were nto listed in the yellow pages but the fuamric acid is only $15 500g what is cool is you can get ether and diethl for alot less then nurnberg..but not ready to go that direction
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