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Can anyone explain what happened to me? Mystical experience in NYC. Options
#21 Posted : 12/24/2011 12:12:03 PM
This is an awesome story, it sounds like the guy you ran into had a really powerful aura, and possibly developed some type of technique using the resonance of his voice to trigger some sort of alkaloid release possibly?

New York is a really strange place in itself. I'm from Philly and visited Manhattan last year on New Years Eve for the Shpongle show, and ended up wandering the streets a bit on five hits of acid after I left. It was quite intense, and creeped up on my unexpectedly. But anyway, I had the sense that I was at the center of human consciousness at that time (New York being a sort of psychic center for the planet, especially on New Years Eve at Times Square).

I sort of lost it when I was at the Port Authority Bus Terminal though, the escalator system inside really overwhelmed me haha, the sheer systematic layout of the place made me feel like I was in the inner-workings of a clock, and I was highly susceptible to outside vibrations. Had a pretty bad experience with psychic projection that night that I won't get into.

But your story really boosts my resolve towards inner disciplines that I've been practicing more frequently to raise my own consciousness beyond the fleetingness of using substances.
The only hell for a warrior is peace.

The warm fuzzy side of the cold hard truth.
Moderator | Skills: Oil painting, Acrylic painting, Digital and multimedia art, Trip integration
#22 Posted : 12/24/2011 5:43:03 PM
You're probably on the right track with your "carrier frequency" hypothesis... But it may have been something more informationally dense, like the sound of a modem... If tge frequency alone were enough to trigger it , I would think it would be pretty common for people to accidentally have this experience triggered by their washing machine or whatever. But you hippie/wizard fellow definitely had a high technique there- and from your description it sounded like he needed to enter a trance state to be able to produce this soundwave... Making me think it was something very specialized and specific.

One thing I seem to encounter regularly in the DMT space is this bright knob shape protruding from the ceiling of the chamber. This knob is always accompanied by a sound- almost a nonsense word like "freeen" or something to that effect... Usually diuring tge zenith of the experience. Anyone else here encounter the knob and it's accompanying sound?
Rising Spirit
#23 Posted : 12/25/2011 2:15:10 AM
Welcome aboard toxic8 Cool

Fascinating experience you related. What you describe resembles the Indian Yogic transmission of Shaktipad. This phenomenon happens when one person initiates the shift in another's consciousness. Disciples crowd around Holy men and Holy women for this euphoric high.

Sadly, corrupted Gurus like the late Swami Muktananda, actually sold this experience to unwitting seekers for $100.00-150.00 a pop! I personally declined the show, as the price for admission was too steep and the reality was, I didn't want any such solicited "Shaktipad". It just seems wrong! He did author a few well written books about Siddha Yoga... but the words are hollow if the soul is so tainted by such madness. Sigh...

That being said, I was to be shattered by such a shift in awareness, from an Indian Kriya Master named Sant Keshavadas... and it cost me nothing out of pocket. It did, however, briefly cost me my ego. Santji was visiting Boulder CO, in 1980, for a big spiritual conference at Naropa Institute. He also gave a free lecture and musical performance at one of the local Unity churches. He was an enthusiastic, accomplished singer and a Bakti Yogi. He was an advanced Kriya Yogin and radiated so much spiritual energy and joy, that just standing a few feet from him made my ears ring and my third eye buzz. We instantly had a connection and my brother and I hung out with this illuminated Sage and his disciples for the entire weekend.

Long-story-short, even though I had been initiated into Kriya Yoga through the Self Realization Fellowship, he offered to initiate me again. He praised Swami Yoganada and recounted his encounters with this famous Indian Kriyaban, in the 1930's. Then he leveled his gaze at me and said in a soft tone, "I will initiate you tonight, this time not for the methods but the reality." I looked him strait in the eye and said, "But I already know how to meditate".

He began to chuckle and asked me in a teasing way, "Who is doing the meditation then? Are you the one? Who are you?" I paused, ready to launch into some long and philosophical, existential dissertation. Something like, "I think, therefore I am."... but then he leaned forward and put his right hand on top of the crown of my head... everything went completely blank in my mind. My thinking process was frozen. I felt a jolting surge of current pouring throughout my body and I was decidedly intoxicated!

Instantly, as with spice, I heard the morphing rumble of the Om vibration and my head exploded with white light. I had no body, mind or any awareness of form at all. I was floating in an empty Void of insubstantiality and I was euphoric! I was free in an expanse of infinite bliss. Honestly, that is my remembrance of the subjective experience and this was the only time such a transmission has happened to me with another person. Essentially, I was just the witness. Shocked

This state lasted for nearly an hour and I had to be half carried by two friends and literally, propped against the wall in a sitting position, as I was barley aware of myself. I couldn't move. It was just like having sleeping paralysis. I vaguely recall hearing everyone laughing and Santji himself, roaring with such a belly laugh that tears flowed down his cheeks. Had I been able to see myself, perhaps I too would have been hysterical at my odd dilemma?

The experience was so much like the first time I smoked DMT, 31 years later, that I still wonder how he had generated such a powerful transformation in my being. I was drunk with the light for the rest of the evening. I can only speculate about your experience, toxic8. It may take you a lifetime to integrate such an unusual happening.

I never saw Sant Keshavadas again, although I wrote to him once, snail mail. I asked him if he was my Guru and he was kind enough to write me back. "Dear one, I am not your Guru. You were born free. You must remember this feeling? For you, the Guru is the one seated deep within you, observing existence within your mind. He looks out through your eyes, breathes the air you draw into your chest and beats like a drum within your own heart. Never look for God outside of yourself. If you wish to come to India, I will receive you as a student but just remember, India is wherever you are... and you need not come to this old body and kneel before it. We are already One."

While I have met many advanced souls, felt the juice from several high Sages, Shamans and have had many teachers... I've never again felt so much raw current buzzing around another human being since. Like most of those very high Gurus of the 20th century, he has passed on to the other side now.

I feel your story has many similarities to my own past experience. You have seemingly been initated in a rather unorthodox way and it is for you to now find out who you are. Teachers are everywhere. Some are hidden within plants, some are living people, some are thought-forms we contact in dreams and meditations. And if we pay attention, we can learn from many of those things that occur to us. :idea:
There is no self to which I cling, for I am one with everything.
#24 Posted : 12/25/2011 1:27:40 PM
Please contribute more stories like this.
At frist glance, it gives me such a happy bliss just reading them but also, it enflames a desire within me to achieve the same level of consciousness as the Jesus-like man or the Guru of the other story.

Is there anywhere to start into expanding ones mind? Not (only) with spice, but with my own body and voice?
#25 Posted : 12/26/2011 4:24:33 AM
Sound is the force that set the universe into motion, Be it "God's word" or Resonance. But wow, reminds me of binary beats, or I-doser. Which I had some effects from possibly placebo.
"If the flesh came into being because of spirit, that is a marvel, but if spirit came into being because of the body, that is a marvel of marvels. Yet I marvel at how this great wealth has come to dwell in this poverty." -Gospel of Thomas
Parshvik Chintan
#26 Posted : 12/27/2011 6:44:25 PM
AntiEgo wrote:
I-doser. Which I had some effects from possibly placebo.

yea i felt nothing off of multiple kinds of i-doser (peyote, marijuana). but some of my friends reported having full blown OEVs so i imagine it might depend partially on the listener too..?
My wind instrument is the bong
#27 Posted : 12/27/2011 11:46:35 PM
congrats on your initiation Cool
When Injustice Becomes Law, Rebellion Becomes Duty
#28 Posted : 1/5/2012 9:59:01 PM
I'd like to thank everyone for their responses here - overwhelmingly positive, encouraging ... and equal parts curious and skeptical, for some, I'm sure!

Special thanks to Rising Spirit for his amazing experience, which I re-read at least 3 times with goosebumps. Why some of us come across such things in life and others do not .. I know not my friends, but keep an open mind and life just might surprise you ..

So as it goes, I have been in touch with a friend from India who I have met randomly (of course) through zerohedge, an economics blog. I related my experience to him, specifically because .. well as I told him, he's the closest thing I know to a "guru" or spiritual person, funny as that may sound. I picked up on that vibe via his personal blog, which I will post here with his permission if anyone is interested. His viewpoint on life and the events brewing today in the world are unique and enlightening, and often peppered with mystical, esoteric, and astrological information that I do not run into anywhere else.

Being a native Hindi speaker, engineer, musician, and resident of India ...as well as being versed in "some" spiritual arts (pardon my ignorance) I am awaiting his response (to my story) and wish to share it with anyone that is interested, as well. We can all learn from each others journeys, and help each other on the way.
#29 Posted : 1/6/2012 4:52:04 AM
toxic8 wrote:
I am awaiting his response (to my story) and wish to share it with anyone that is interested, as well. We can all learn from each others journeys, and help each other on the way.

I'd love to hear what he and anyone else has to say on this subject, as it completely fascinates me. I had intended to type out a really long reply when you first started this thread, relating some very very intense pharmahuasca experiences I had had recently in the weeks before I read your post.

Tragically, I got sidetracked, and never found the time to type out my entire story. I still don't have the time at the moment, but it involves a series of four experiences in which I heard the same sort of frequency thing you describe, which would develop almost into a language, vibrate every fiber of my being, and result each time in my consciousness leaving my body and this reality completely for a very long time, drifting around in eternity, drifting around in hyperspatial dimensions.

I am a firm believer that sound is very important, and has amazing capacities that we probably have not realized. After all, what is matter but energy condensed to a very slow vibration? Ha ha. It's all waves, so I see no reason why stuff like this would be impossible.

Please keep me updated.
I am seriously making all of this stuff up. No, really.
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