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State of intense Euphoria after first DMT expirence Options
#1 Posted : 1/5/2012 3:27:32 AM
Hey everyone!

I am very new to the world of psychedelics, I thought I should probably let everyone know that first.

The first time I ever tripped on ANYTHING was when I smoked DMT last night. I've been smoking weed for the past couple of years but I never tried any sort of shrooms or acid or anything. I took two hits of DMT and I entered a very psychedelic experience. There were so many colors and everything was moving and melting and it was for the most part a positive experience for me!

However with that being said, when I woke up the next day (that being today) I have been in a very weird phase. I feel very euphoric and stuff seems to matter less now. One thing that really got to me was Holy Geometry. When I first entered the DMT trip everything was in a hexagon pattern and was swirling. I feel like it had a connection with Holy Geometry like you see almost everywhere naturally occurring in nature.

With all of this knowledge I feel very alone and I'm in a weird place. I feel like people around me would not possibly understand this and just say "Oh that's just the drugs," or "Oh you are just tripping out it's nothing".

Has anyone else felt like this after DMT? I would like to know what other peoples experiences are like and I was referred to this website by a friend.

Thanks for everything!!
Walter D. Roy
#2 Posted : 1/5/2012 3:55:16 AM
Yes in fact I do understand what you are talking about. This has happened to me. Of course in my very own way, as is yours is unique to you. Let me add some explanation. With my experiences of DMT it has always brought me to a place where all beliefs or any sort of understanding was shattered. It shows possibilities and impossibilities that we never knew were possible before. This oddity of emotion, which we can call it, is not necessarily a bad thing. But it is YOUR own experience which sadly I personally doubt will every be shared with another human being. Do not despair! It is only a part of life in my eyesSmile but yes everything will seem less important, maybe because it causes a certain level of existentialism in your life. Best of luck to you!
The Unknown = A Place to Learn
#3 Posted : 1/5/2012 4:26:45 AM
Walter D. Roy wrote:
Yes in fact I do understand what you are talking about. This has happened to me. Of course in my very own way, as is yours is unique to you. Let me add some explanation. With my experiences of DMT it has always brought me to a place where all beliefs or any sort of understanding was shattered. It shows possibilities and impossibilities that we never knew were possible before. This oddity of emotion, which we can call it, is not necessarily a bad thing. But it is YOUR own experience which sadly I personally doubt will every be shared with another human being. Do not despair! It is only a part of life in my eyesSmile but yes everything will seem less important, maybe because it causes a certain level of existentialism in your life. Best of luck to you!

Thanks for responding!

I definitely can relate to you that you say it shatters your previous beliefs and understandings. I feel like this is what has partly happened to me. DMT is a very new experience for me and I am happy that I tried it. I guess I'm just recuperating from the "mindfucking" of DMT hehehe . It brings me comfort however to see that I can relate to other people and there own DMT experiences!
Moderator | Skills: Music, LSDMT, Egyptian Visions, DMT: Energetic/Holographic Phenomena, Integration, Trip Reports
#4 Posted : 1/5/2012 2:12:22 PM
Most people who haven't tried it (or even those who have and simply haven't had a powerful enough experience) can't understand what makes the DMT experience so unique and special, even those who are receptive to the notion that it may be opening doors to parallel universes or what not. It can be frustrating to make such positive discoveries, only to not be able to share them with those who are close to you or even more importantly, those to whom you are close who could benefit from a change in perspective.

The first thing you might wanna do, is find out who may be a sympathetic ear for listening. You may want to test the waters with these people. Perhaps you'll talk about your experience, but frame it like it happened to someone else you read about. Ask them if they've heard of DMT, or perhaps you'll tell your story without mentioning DMT and saying it happened to you in a dream or something (which inevitably takes away from the meaning of the story being that there's a lot more autosuggestion and control in dreams, and different parts of the brain are implicated). You'll discover with whom you can share your experiences, and those with whom you should avoid such conversation. Ultimately, if no one else will be willing to take you seriously, you can always come here to share your experiences, get things off your chest, and receive critical feedback. Part of what DMT has helped me do is in any number of situations, to take the positive and discard the negative: so you've just had a pretty positive, beautiful experience - don't start getting caught up about how the ignorant cannot relate Wink
"Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind" - Albert Einstein

"The Mighty One appears, the horizon shines. Atum appears on the smell of his censing, the Sunshine- god has risen in the sky, the Mansion of the pyramidion is in joy and all its inmates are assembled, a voice calls out within the shrine, shouting reverberates around the Netherworld." - Egyptian Book of the Dead

"Man fears time, but time fears the Pyramids" - 9th century Arab proverb
#5 Posted : 1/5/2012 2:37:11 PM
was the same for me, couldnt get the smile out of my face. but that was due to my state of mind at that moment and the change the discovery of it meant for me
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#6 Posted : 1/5/2012 2:45:09 PM
if your friends genuinely would say those things then they need to smoalk.

last night i smoked about 14mg. ive been working my way up with dosages the past few days.
i had no idea humans could experience levels of bliss like that. it almost felt as though the physical body isnt built for that level of pleasure Smile

Gun it to 88...
..::those who speak do not know, those who know do not speak::..
Moderator | Skills: Music, LSDMT, Egyptian Visions, DMT: Energetic/Holographic Phenomena, Integration, Trip Reports
#7 Posted : 1/5/2012 2:55:48 PM
RebornInSmoke wrote:

i had no idea humans could experience levels of bliss like that. it almost felt as though the physical body isnt built for that level of pleasure Smile


The vast majority of humans will never in their lifetimes have the capacity to fathom that such levels of bliss are remotely close to being possible for a human to perceive and experience. The human body may not be built for such levels of pleasure, but it certainly can rig it up if pressed to the limits.
"Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind" - Albert Einstein

"The Mighty One appears, the horizon shines. Atum appears on the smell of his censing, the Sunshine- god has risen in the sky, the Mansion of the pyramidion is in joy and all its inmates are assembled, a voice calls out within the shrine, shouting reverberates around the Netherworld." - Egyptian Book of the Dead

"Man fears time, but time fears the Pyramids" - 9th century Arab proverb
#8 Posted : 1/5/2012 3:44:23 PM
Hi LillytheBear,

Yes, I definitely know what you're speaking of. I'm not unfamiliar with psychedelics, but when I started experimenting with DMT last year, it pretty much knocked my socks off. I'm not very much into smoking DMT as I find the smoke incredibly harsh and even when I take in several large lungfuls, I've never been able to truly break through. However, I've become extremely interested in orally active DMT. About two months ago, I broke through with a combination of harmaline and THH as my MAOI and large amounts of DMT and Jungle Spice. It was an absolutely mind-blowing 4 hour trip which I describe in some detail here:

I've done MDMA on a number of occasions, even some drugs which make MDMA seem rather ordinary such as 5-MEO-DIPT (Foxy Methoxy). NOTHING even came close to the ecstasy that I felt during that trip. There was a portion of the trip where I was pretty much just bathed in a spiritual light and the ecstasy was so amazing that my face was contorted into extremely bizarre faces while I was experiencing it. I should preface what I'm about to say by noting that I've pretty much been a hard-core agnostic all of my life, but I believe the reason that the pleasure is so immense during these times is that it's not so much your physical body that's receiving this experience, but your consciousness (soul?). There was a time during my trip that the pleasure was so incredibly intense that I know it couldn't have been restricted to just my body. It may sound crass, but the best way I can think of to describe it was an hour long spiritual orgasm. Afterward, I cried quite a bit due to the emotional intensity of it all, I was utterly convinced that I had just received communication which made me absolutely certain that I had an immortal soul and that our time on earth as humans was only a very small part of what we are. If you're a fan of the smoked DMT experience, I'd very much suggest trying orally active DMT. For me, it allows a good deal more time to take in the experience and learn from it. Of course, as with any substance, you'll want to start off small first. Best of luck to you on your journeys.
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