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Entity contact (Colored neon wires). Options
#1 Posted : 1/4/2012 3:40:17 PM
Hi all,

SWIM started experimenting with DMT a few months ago and since then he has had some remarkable experiences. SWIM believes he has a very high tolerance for DMT, yet he was still able to break through on one occasion and has had very therapeutic sessions at smaller doses. SWIM tried some orally active Jungle Spice this past weekend and realized that he was visited by an entity that he has met in previous experiences with the drug. SWIM doesn't see/meet the same kind of entities that he typically reads of in DMT trip reports. He has never come in contact with any of the "Elves" that Terrence McKenna described, nor has he come in contact with anything that resembles a human or even a creature you could typically think of. When SWIM broke through, he saw amazing alien worlds in his head, but didn't encounter any creatures other than a distant star far off in the distance that seemed to communicate with SWIM telepathically. During that breakthrough session, SWIM received an incredible amount of information from this star entity (that SWIM was utterly convinced was God during the experience), but the information was so intense and came so fast, SWIM doesn't recollect much of it. There is another entity that SWIM has encountered that is also a teacher, but seems to be far more patient than the star entity he encountered during his breakthrough. When SWIM encounters this entity, he always has his eyes closed and it appears to him as a few squiggly neon colored lines against a completely black background. The lines will move a bit, but mostly they seem to play the role of a psychiatrist/psychologist. They'll communicate with SWIM (once again, telepathically) and give him an intensely personal therapy session. Like all entity contact he has experienced and read about, the entity appears to be extremely intelligent and appears to come from outside of SWIM.

Has SWIY come into contact with anything similar to what is described here? Does anyone not receive the "typical" entity contact, but rather meets/sees something more symbolic and less visual? Has anyone experienced these less detailed entities initially, yet moved on to more detailed ones in later experiences? Has anyone interacted with these entities? Do the entities appear to remember your past "visits"? SWIM isn't 100% convinced that these entities came from outside his physical body, but he believes that the implications could be huge either way. Either this drug actually provides a portal by which we have the ability to communicate with hyper-intelligent beings, or we all have this intelligence innately within ourselves.
Moderator | Skills: Music, LSDMT, Egyptian Visions, DMT: Energetic/Holographic Phenomena, Integration, Trip Reports
#2 Posted : 1/4/2012 3:54:24 PM
There are a number of entities that I come into contact with that are highly abstract geometric forms, and even though there's really no sets or configurations of shapes that really resembles them in consensual reality, they maintain their form from experience to experience. They won't show up in every experience, and often times it's just one or two of these guys in the same trip, but they have specific ways of moving and specific sounds that they make. One time when I smoked DMT in pitch blackness, I had a very hard time seeing who was there, but just based on the specific electronic rhythms that the entities were making, I could deduct exactly who was in the room with me. They seem to be relatively important even though they don't resemble any humanoid or creature I've ever seen. I realized the importance of them when one of them was the one who ushered me to the godhead in my first white light experience. They are pretty powerful and completely in charge of the scenes. I've also seen pharaohs and other familiar entities that are more recognizable from consensual reality, but it's really impossible to tell if you'll ever get any humanoid entities. Some people receive absolutely no entity contact at all, so you should count yourself lucky you have these abstractions at all. There's no telling how to make entity contact or increasing your chances of what kind and so on. There's one thing that I am relatively sure of, and that is that if you keep at it long enough, something's bound to change (whether that includes entity contact or not).
"Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind" - Albert Einstein

"The Mighty One appears, the horizon shines. Atum appears on the smell of his censing, the Sunshine- god has risen in the sky, the Mansion of the pyramidion is in joy and all its inmates are assembled, a voice calls out within the shrine, shouting reverberates around the Netherworld." - Egyptian Book of the Dead

"Man fears time, but time fears the Pyramids" - 9th century Arab proverb
#3 Posted : 1/4/2012 4:09:16 PM
Thanks for the reply, Global. You mention that you had an experience where you were ushered to the "godhead". I assume this was an encounter with an entity you assume(d) to be God? Did God appear to you in a physical form, or was it more like you had the certainty that you were in God's presence? SWIM is very glad that he's had the chance to come into contact with these entities, he's just curious as to why his contact with these entities seems so different than the experiences that he's read of. SWIM definitely plans to continue working with this magical substance, he'd just like to learn as much as possible about it in between sessions.
#4 Posted : 1/4/2012 6:09:48 PM
I,m still trying to grapple with my entity contact .
For me its become a consistent type of experience .
It's a symbiotic connection of some sort with what appear to
Be a highly evolved organism that lives and thrives in
The soup of consciousness. They are very old and take many shapes
Mostly forms made of light that are indescribably beautiful.

My experience seems to be unlike anything I,ve read .
The thing thats unusual is that its consistent .
I seem to connect to the same things every time .
I sometimes call them my other family . They seem to communicate
With feelings and vibrations not verbal language.
I am trying to learn to communicate my own intensions through feelings .
It's difficult

After so many journeys I am still at a loss to understand it .
It has become an important part if my life to make the connection
To this every few weeks . It's not always easy but I know when the time is
Right. I have a routine and have learned how to do it .

Somtimes I feel like this is slowly making me crazy .
Other times a feel great gratitude and awe at having known
This possibility. I know for me these experiences are as real as
Anything tangeable in reality . This periodic connection with
This IS my reality at this point .
I have come to accept it and have learned to deal with it.
There seems to be no turning back .

Much love
The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible.
Arthur C. Clarke

Moderator | Skills: Master hacker!
#5 Posted : 1/4/2012 6:38:54 PM
SomewhatLost wrote:
Does anyone not receive the "typical" entity contact, but rather meets/sees something more symbolic and less visual?

I think it is incorrect to call any entity contact typical. What exactly do you mean by typical? How can you say your entity contact is more or less typical than Person B's entity contact?

Who's to say there is true entity contact? (By entity contact I mean contact with a separate and distinct entity.)

PS No need for SWIMing here. It just makes your post difficult to read.
"Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored." -A.Huxley
#6 Posted : 1/4/2012 8:25:29 PM
Hi Felnik,

"My experience seems to be unlike anything I,ve read .
The thing thats unusual is that its consistent .
I seem to connect to the same things every time . "

Yes, I seem to be experiencing the same thing. I don't ever encounter any detailed creatures as I've read of before, but I've encountered these neon colored wires a number of times and every time, he/she would teach me a very important lesson. He/she even seems to understand that I'm only capable of limited comprehension and seems to dumb things down for me just the right amount.

And to a1pha, I agree that it's not really appropriate to call any entity contact typical, which is why I used quotes. By "typical", I meant that it would reflect the similar themes I've encountered in the many trip reports that I've read. To me, the "typical" entity encountered on DMT is highly detailed and creature-like. The entity that I've been in contact with repeatedly is not detailed at all, and certainly not creature-like, but he is incredibly intelligent. It's almost as if he chose an incredibly mundane avatar by which to present himself so that I'd be far more focused on what he had to say as opposed to what he looked like. And I certainly couldn't say with any degree of certainty whether or not there is true entity contact. What I will say is that the implications are remarkable either way. Either DMT provides a channel to communicate with these hyper-intelligent entities or this hyper-intelligence resides within us all. Thanks for the update on SWIMing, I won't be using that anymore.
#7 Posted : 1/4/2012 8:47:01 PM
I talk a lot about my entity contact on these forums.

I relate to Felnik on the issue that it's the same for me almost every time. As I peak, I become aware that I can leave my body through the back of head. Sometimes I can't control it and it just happens, other times I can hold back, but at some point I get sucked up through this tunnel (it's not a tunnel but it's the best word I can use) at an amazing speed. Then I enter into this place, which is like looking at an Alex Grey painting of the inside of a human face, and my 'friend' shows up whom I call Teo and he alwaaaays says 'Who you are, cannot be described! It doesn't translate well, does it? I always agree with him on that.

After that Teo takes me on an adventure of some kind and this is usually the part of the trip I can't remember once I'm back down. One time however, he took me to this HUGE green rotating sphere thing made of a green ephermeral substance. Teo presented me before four other alien entities and they had a conversation ABOUT me, but not to me which went something like this:

Four Beings: Is he ready to come with us?
Teo: No, he's not through playing his game.

After that Teo escorted me back to my reality, back to my physical body and informed me that I was the 'all that there is' (and by 'I', I mean the 'not I' of hyperspace, not the human typing this message).

My intuition about Teo is he is my future perfect self, helping me in the past so that way I can one day evolve into who or what he is. This has already been completed on another level, but being bound by time and space I can't understand it and it seems impossible to my rational mind. However that's the way it comes across. Teo is intimately connected to me because he IS me on another level. At this stage in the game though he acts like my big hyperspace brother, showing me the ropes, taking me through my 'baby steps' as he calls them, all for some future purpose that I don't understand right now.

As far as how he looks, he doesn't always show up in my field of vision most of the time I can just feel him and 'hear' him in my mind and I know it's him. Other times, he shows up in front of me and resembles the faint image of heat coming off of really hot pavement. He is almost gaseous in his appearance, very much like a ghost but not at all scary. He also has no discernable facial features, just a general 'head' area which sort of warps if I try to get a good look at him.
All posts are from the fictional perspective of The Legendary Tek: the formless, hyperspace exploring apprentice to the mushroom god Teo. Tek, the lord of Eureeka's Castle, is the chosen one who has surfed the rainbow wave and who resides underneath the matter dome. All posts are fictitious in nature and are meant for entertainment purposes only.
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