I dont get it..this aired here on TV a while ago on "The Nature of Things"..my mother taped it for me so I could watch it when I came by becasue I had no TV. Are they just trying to get it made into a DVD now? Long live the unwoke.
hmm, i have no idea in the video though they mentioned how they already had a version that was out, but they were going to add a lot to it i guess, so maybe that first version is what you saw? i dont know
<Ringworm>hehehe, it's all fun and games till someone loses an "I"
I just watched the trailer due to some personal interest. Let me tell you that only the rich would be using Ayuhasca in such an incredible building and trimmed surroundings, so Westernized!
I don't really understand the link they try to make between ayahuasca and heroin addicts. I guess they try to heal them with ayahuasca?
XoDys wrote:I don't really understand the link they try to make between ayahuasca and heroin addicts. I guess they try to heal them with ayahuasca? My Shaman and a few other people in South America claim that Ayahuasca can cure all addictions apart from meth. In these cases it is seen as purging the demon each drug represents.
Isn't it possible for someone to be addicted to ayahuasca itself. I know it's rare but anything can be addicting
I'm sure it is. People can become addicted to anything. The shitting and vomiting might put people off, and even the need to fast might make it difficult to be addicted to!
XoDys wrote:I don't really understand the link they try to make between ayahuasca and heroin addicts. I guess they try to heal them with ayahuasca? I watched the show when it aired here last month(or whenever it was..can't remember) and the way it was happening was that aya was forcing the addicts to face the issues in their life(past abuse/traumatic experiences etc.) that made them start using drugs. After being forced to face these issues, they were able to focus on how to get over them instead of temporary fixes like heroin and crack etc.. "I was going to make a machine, but after reading here in the Nexus, everyone makes it sound like trying to smoke spice without a VG is like trying to have sex without fully formed genitals..." -- Pup Tentacle.
**Believe this guy at your own risk**