Hello, I found a site(maya) that sells caapi black vine 20 ml = 100 grams of caapi.
Is there anybody who has tested it? And is it effective?
They say they stored it in 98% alcohol, isnt that dangerous? or does it evaporate? "10% pure 98% alcohol was added to the brew to prevent fermentation."
Been searching the net and it seems it is a trusted site, but I would love if anybody has tried it from the same source(maya)
Would 10 ml and like 7-8 grams of mimosa work well together?
Not sure about the one you're talking about, but here's a good one that I've found. About 3-5 droppers full should be sufficient, for external use only, of course. https://www.dmt-nexus.me...m=304837&#post304837"I have great faith in fools; self-confidence my friends call it."
Oh, and the alcohol is probably just ethanol, which is completely safe. Also, if you've not tested the mimosa yet, 7-8 grams may be too big of a dose. You can read up on a good aya thread here: https://www.dmt-nexus.me....aspx?g=posts&t=8972"I have great faith in fools; self-confidence my friends call it."
Just evaporate the alcohol. Takes a few seconds.
Thanks for answers, I got access denied for the first link, and the second link is a good one. One cannot be to carefull Thanks for the second answer, as I suspected that it will evaporate. So its not dangerous at all then