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does this scale look ok?? Options
#1 Posted : 12/23/2011 11:27:14 PM
sorry if this is in the wrong spot.. its my first post ever, been here awhile tho ad glad to be apart of a great community Smile

anyways.. this scale i just got seems to be reading weird? or is it just me being dumb..

1gr harmaline, looks a little high? not sure how much the bag adds..

200mg motrin

25mg tenormin (blood pressure) this one def looks off..

kinda confused.. thanks guys
Senior Member
#2 Posted : 12/23/2011 11:29:44 PM
Use money. Coins. You can get their exact weights by searching google.

Probably need to recalibrate it man.
#3 Posted : 12/23/2011 11:31:41 PM
yea definitely as house says, always make sure you are calibrated, wouldn't want to take something more than its weight. Smile
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"They Say It helps when you close yours eyes cowboy"
#4 Posted : 12/23/2011 11:34:04 PM
۩ wrote:
Use money. Coins. You can get their exact weights by searching google.

Probably need to recalibrate it man.

o ok thanks! il try that and post results
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#5 Posted : 12/23/2011 11:36:44 PM
Those pills have binders and things in them besides the active ingredient that's why the weights of those are different then the mg count on the bottle.
Row, row, row your boat, Gently down the stream. Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily...

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#6 Posted : 12/23/2011 11:47:16 PM
ok well.. its reading pefect with coins..

quarter 5.6 is what its supposed to be

nickel 5.0 it whats its supposed to be

so im assuming theres fillers in my pills i tested above.. but reading 50mg for a 25mg pill is suspect.. should i use it? i need to read 10-100mg mostly
#7 Posted : 12/24/2011 12:27:23 AM
get a gemini-20.
#8 Posted : 12/24/2011 12:28:47 AM
thesilence877 wrote:
i need to read 10-100mg mostly

then get .001 scale , I have this one and it is very good
We are each of us angels with only one wing, and we can only fly by embracing one another.


We are all living in our own feces.
#9 Posted : 12/24/2011 12:34:15 AM
but it looks like its pretty close... im trying to avoid getting a different one i think.

i think il keep this one..

is it ok to add a coin to the scale first and then add your chemical and see how much it goes up? that may help be more accurate at low weight??
Senior Member
#10 Posted : 12/24/2011 12:35:13 AM
It's close enough. And yes just add a nickel and then add your chemical.
#11 Posted : 12/24/2011 3:45:11 AM
smokerx wrote:
thesilence877 wrote:
i need to read 10-100mg mostly

then get .001 scale , I have this one and it is very good

ive got the same, good for measuring doses but no good for anything over 2grams
#12 Posted : 12/24/2011 11:08:10 AM
:idea: when weighing less than 100 milligrammes take the object on and off the plate for it to register correctly, sometimes if you add to the plate, it doesn't register. :idea:
"Eat your vegetables and do as you're told, or you won't be going to the funfair!"
Senior Member
#13 Posted : 12/24/2011 11:12:35 AM
Yes, these scales are not very good for very small weights. You need one with a starting weight, one with a spoon you can fill with stuff.
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