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#1 Posted : 12/22/2011 4:58:58 PM
you can't delete your account on here??

variety is the spice of life - segregation is not Pleased


'it's just a ride'
Moderator | Skills: Growing (plants/mushrooms), Research, Extraction troubleshooting, Harmalas, Revolution (theory/practice)
#2 Posted : 12/22/2011 9:37:42 PM
Bionic Fuse wrote:
Except for you RebornInSmoke. I'd appreciate it if you didn't reply to this post. I'm sure you understand why - please respect my wish.

Sorry, that's not really how we do things here. If you'd like to post something on a public sub-forum you have access to, you should be aware that any member who can see/write in that subforum has every right to reply to your post. There's no need to advertise or air your interpersonal items in such a manner.

The NexianNexus ResearchThe OHT
In New York, we wrote the legal number on our arms in marker...To call a lawyer if we were arrested.
In Istanbul, People wrote their blood types on their arms. I hear in Egypt, They just write Their names.
גם זה יעבור
#3 Posted : 12/22/2011 10:40:48 PM
I feel that for every questions you posed that there might essentially be a right or a wrong answer. A yes or a no, but what is right or wrong? I think as humans we are designed to thrive in our environment. Some take this to an 'any means necessary' type philosophy but I'd say the only true way is to ensure those around you thrive as well. Through whatever spiritual or meditative drug use, as long as they are advancing, is it really harmful? When someone is lost and they are using x drug to find themselves, or they need something to 'cope' as you put it, to make themselves feel normal...is that harmful? Not necessarily physically, but mentally?

I have everything I need in this life, at this exact moment, I just wish at times that others knew they did too.
#4 Posted : 12/22/2011 11:05:13 PM
Hi and welcome .
Was in fact an interesting read. I know the Nexus welcomes and encourages female members, ( assuming you are!) so do feel free to air your thoughts, everybodys really helpful here.
Don't know what RebornInSmoke said, but honestly, you got to take it as it comes and not try and exclude certain individuals that you may have an aversion to.

Merry Christmas
#5 Posted : 12/23/2011 3:42:38 AM
That was a very interesting read Bionic Fuse, I will share some of my ramblings.............

I was brought up in Babylon and entered into alcohol and weed at an early age, followed by some synthetics, as well as natural psycoactives. Also ingested spice on a couple of occasions.

At this point in my life, I do not feel the need for any substances, other than Cannabis, and occasionally small amounts of good beer. Both of which I consider dietary staples. All of my experiences on mushrooms, lsd, and mdma led me to appreciating nature more, especially art and music. Recently glass has presented itself to me and is becoming my artistic medium. Working with glass has taught me more about life and the universe than any experience to date. I aim to create beautiful pipe art and spread knowledge to the local youth about good nutrition (Music, Art, Nature, Chemicals, Love, Respect.) I believe Cannabis is a key in helping unlock people from mental slavery as Bob would say. Here is a video to watch on why I think this.


Another discovery I have made recently is related to nutrition and cancer. I have discovered that between Raw Cacao, Raw Hemp Seed, and Hash/Oil, cancer can be prevented and inflammation will be minimized, cancer even being eliminated with Cannabis Resins when applied properly.

As far as the sacred molecule that brought us to this forum, I hope it stays underground and only finds its way to people who can utilize it, it also presents another step in unlocking people from there false ideals and beliefs.

I would still like to ingest Peyote, Ayahuasca, and Iboga when they present themselves to me.

The last experience I will share with you that changed my life for the better was going through a 3 hour sweat lodge lead by a Native American Healer. I was blessed to share an experience so humbling and grounding that everyone should experience, LOVED Sweating.

Welcome to the Nexus Smile
Thanks and Praises, Love and Gratitude, Peace and Unity, Hemp Seed & Honey
Shamasi Wiz
#6 Posted : 12/23/2011 11:34:33 AM
From the moment of birth you're dependent on a substance called breast milk. You're hungry, and so you drink. It's natural, and gives you what you need. You may overdo it sometimes, selfishly taking more than your fair share, wanting more and appreciating less than you should. This causes you to explosively shit your pants and vomit on yourself. Hopefully, through trial and error, you find that balance and form a healthy relationship with your mama's beautiful titty, and what a beautiful relationship it is. Then one day, the mutual benefits of the relationship cease, and it's time for both parties to move on. This pattern displays itself innumerable times throughout life, and it's up to each of us to figure out how to give & receive, and how to progress. I think you can apply this to many things.

If "you are god and god is everything", then there's no reason to call one substance a drug, one a medicine, and one a food. It's all god, right? I think we have to realize that we're being influenced by so many things every day: the people we meet, the things we read or see in the media, the amount of sleep we get, the current climate, the history behind us, the future ahead of us, the things we desire, the experiences available, the beliefs of the society we grew up in, the light of the sun, etc. etc., and yes, the substances we consume. Any of those things can be abused; any of those things can be a drug that brings you down. Or, they can all be healthy and beneficial. It's all about the relationship you create with them. You'll always get out a transformed equivalent of what you put in. Keep showing the universe love, appreciation, and growth, and it'll keep feeding you that sweet life-milk that keeps you running.

"You have all of the answers inside of you. Everything you need is already there." If your parents or anybody else really believes that's true, then have them test it out. Have them start fasting, for there's no reason for hunger. Everything they need is inside them already. They don't need the paper that their chakra and meditation information was printed on, or the clothes that keep them warm, or the plethora of other "substances" that they rely on for various other purposes. They may be sober of psychoactive drugs that can alter your state of being very rapidly, but that doesn't mean they're free of several other powerful influences that work slowly and subtly.

The Buddha may have said desire is the cause of all suffering, but I think it's also the cause of all happiness. There's a purpose behind who I am, where I am, and where I want to go, and I plan on finding those things out while enjoying my way there. It's up to each of us to decide what will help us progress on that path, and discard those things that are holding us back. It could be a person, or a drug, or a habit, or.....

When my stomach grumbles, I eat. When I'm tired, I sleep. When I'm lonely, I find friends. And when I'm ready and hungry for a wild journey into the unknown, I use psychedelics.SmileAnd when done with the right amount of preparation, imagination, love, and respect, it's the most natural thing in the world. That's my take.
"I have great faith in fools; self-confidence my friends call it."
#7 Posted : 12/23/2011 2:22:47 PM
'it's just a ride'
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