I did fill out the bioassay template, but when the new topic page refreshed it deleted it for some odd reason. I'll try to fill it out again later, but I have an appointment to make. I hope you enjoy the read.
I tripped by a river, but paid no attention to the flowing waters. The sky was a deep blue, and the clouds were wispy and white. They fractalized as I watched the trees tickle the horizon. The people hiding up there were as fascinated with me as I was them. The blinded me with the sun, forcing me to close my eyes to a new world.
Atomic-sized spheres, each with their own individual personalities, collected into an ocean of stars. They scrubbed the deepest recesses of my chakras. They took their time as they slowly worked their way up to the crown chakra. A whirlwind of energy engulfed every fiber of my being. There was a sadness as the spheres began to recede, but I knew they were off to cleanse another soul that had been tainted by the world.
I am energized... revitalized... I am alive.
My eyes opened to friend. A smile broadened across his face, and as our eyes connected I realized he had his own experience completely different from mine but equally as beautiful. I also realized I deeply cared for this individual. We grew up through high school together. An enriched vocabulary was not enough; thank God we were on the same level. Leaning against the front of his truck, we watched the sun play hide and seek with the clouds. We enjoyed each others company: sharing stories, reminiscing about old times-ancient memories of history we created. We shared philosophy and discussed relationships.
All the while we continued to hit the bowl of changa laying on the hood of the vehicle.
I swayed to inner vibrations. Runes and hieroglyphs of some arcaic language, possibly of arcane magic rotated out from my feet. Feet? I think I'm a tree.
I couldn't take my eyes off the ethereal glyphs. I swear I've seen these before. They were similar to the circles drawn in alchemy. Faeries were also fluttering around; I think it is their job to maintain these ancient symbols.
I can't believe how good I feel. When did I become able to move like this? I am completely in tune with my body. Gracefully dancing to the beat of the sunset, my roots stretched into the Earth. Orange erupted into pink and purple as the sun disappeared behind the river bank. The wisps of clouds softened revealing the evening stars.
What a great afternoon spending 3 hours in hyperspace with such a good friend! So much happened; I wish I could share my afternoon in its entirety.
We are...
We are like that sentence.
We are not finished.