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Friend changed in time. Options
#1 Posted : 12/9/2011 9:46:30 PM
So This involves a friend of mine, The Friend who actually introduced me to Spice, Even introduced me to this site. Idk we use to discuss a lot of things regarding spice, life, and so on. Ever since i have moved we have kept in contact here and there, and lately been messaging him and now he is all about god, and how he found Jesus??? Wait a second i am confused?

He basically ask me what my beliefs and ideas were, after replying that last message he has not responded to me, idk if he is avoiding me or if what said offended him, but i am just mainly curious, are there a lot of people that turn to spice and then turn to Jesus and the bible?

There was one thing he did say to me before all this back in February that i did like and it was, I don't do drugs at all anymore, not even smoking pot. I would encourage you to do the same. Drugs are an answer, but not a solution. One love
just seemed like a very evolved thing to say.

Heres the conversation which just came out of the blue
Him -Dec 2-Respect! If you ever want to talk about God and faith, holla at me. I would love to hear your thoughts.

Me- Dec 3-I Am not exactly sure what my beliefs are in the sense of G O D. I am not negating any belief of anything, but exactly what are you interested in knowing. Is there something that you wanted to talk about god and faith?

Him-Dec 3-Word. That's cool that you can be honest and say you aren't sure... I just felt called to ask you man. I mean I consider you a smart person and also imaginative. I know I used to be all about the whole New Age tip and what not. Then I found Jesus and my life was changed. So you know I was just saying hey I hope all is well, and if you ever have any questions about the Bible or want to discuss spirituality, please feel free. Not trying to make you feel obligated dude, I just felt called to ask you about your beliefs.

Him-Dec 3-Forgive me dude, I don't want to seem like I am pressing you. I guess I was just saying hi haha, but if you ever want to discuss God, who he is, and what we know of him, just hit me up. Much love and respect bredren!

Me-Dec 3-No worries bro i did not feel pressed at all, I figured your message was your way of saying whats up. If you want to talk about my belief in Jesus, i am interested, but i am sorry i would have to say it is hard for me to believe in him. I am not saying he is, and was not real but there are many gods that i believe in. Such as the god of the Sun, Earth(Mother Nature), Wind, Water, and even the galaxy, i believe in all of these separate gods or deities and many more. As for this Jesus guy if you believe with the idea of him being the creator of everything, than that is were i always ran into a problem. See in my eyes i see him as a man who walked this earth and sacrificed his life, and he is seen as a god who created the world? Surely there was existence and life before his birth and death right? Just so you don't take anything serious i don't want it to sound like what i believe is right and what you do is not. In the end when it comes down to it, my belief is that we live through this life, learning, evolving, making mistakes, and when we die we enter into the next realm, we have to start in a new vessel, and by next realm i mean you are born again into this world somewhere else, where then you start all over and the cloth is then pulled over your eyes again and grow up to break your fate to make your destiny. i don't want to sound like i am ranting so i am cutting my self off now.
Peace for now, good talking to you.
"You are an explorer, and you represent our species, and the greatest good you can do is to bring back a new idea, because our world is endangered by the absence of good ideas. Our world is in crisis because of the absence of consciousness."
— Terence McKenna

"They Say It helps when you close yours eyes cowboy"
#2 Posted : 12/9/2011 11:18:16 PM
i believe something has changed in is life. that was not spoken..i have seen this before..i can,t say i fully understand it. but they way i see life is this simple..i do not care if you pray to a baseball as long as when you get up off your knees. you treat the ones you meet with love and respect,that you live your life with the rule of ,do no harm, perhaps if you wish and he can explane to just talk about what brought him to this. and i would love to know how anyone can truly think that their religion is truly the right one.. because to me it all has to do with imput and where you are from.. some even jump to new one,s thinking this one is the one.. its why i have such a problem with organized religion..there is no room for any doubt.. or questioning.. if it becomes a problem than maby interact with it removed from the relationship.. i know you understand this.. im sure you did not need an answer and maby was not looking for one.. but i vaule friendship as im sure you do..respect oden<3
Senior Member | Skills: Harm reduction
#3 Posted : 12/10/2011 12:11:24 AM
It seems like your friend has had a life changing experiencing. It seems like he has decided to walk a path that no longer involves spice but involves prayer and studying the teachings of the bible. You may not agree, you may be worried or concerned about your friend but he made a choice in regard to his beliefs. Just like a christian can suddenly have a change of heart and become an Atheist, Muslim or Buddhist, he went from new age to Christianity.

Remember what the spice taught you: Be open minded towards his views and accept that. Even if he cannot convince you, respect his views and thoughts.
The spice extends life.
The spice expands consciousness.
The spice is vital to space travel.
#4 Posted : 12/10/2011 12:46:40 AM
Oden, always so wise. I really enjoi and respect your posts. Anyhow, about a year and a half ago, I was really struggling with Christianity. After my death and re-birth on aya, I came to see that perhaps Jesus being the son of God wasn't so far fetched, because perhaps we are all children of God. As of late though, I have begun struggling again with Christianity and organized religion. After the things I've experienced and seen, it's hard for me to swallow the idea of the Judeo-christian God.

I think Jesus was a great guy and I don't mind trying to model my life around him, but to say that if you don't believe in him you are going to hell for all eternity is just unfathomable. I feel like the bible has been heavily edited and was used by the church as a means of control for many many years. My father is a priest and has been very helpful in my struggles. You could say that he's a bit liberal and never really gives me any answers to my questions. Only questions that allow me to decide what I believe for myself.

Most recently, I visited my sisters church with her and this was one of the worst experiences of my church going career. Part of the reading was about how Satan uses fear to scare people away from God and I watched this guy use those same tactics to try and turn people to God. To me, it was disgusting.

I have been reading Osho lately and he talks about the devil actually being our ego. Ah, now this suddenly makes sense. He gave some examples of when Jesus spent 40 days and 40 nights in the desert and was tempted by Satan and suggests that there was no actual entity out there, but that his own mind had become the antagonist and that he head to fight this. I think this idea is also suggested in the move Rovolver - right there in your own head is a voice that sounds just like you, but it's not really you...

Anyhow, I think it's like oden says, it's not so much what you believe in or who you pray to, but how you live your life. I try to lead by example, by being caring, compassionate, kind, and loving. I tend to avoid talking about my own personal spiritual beliefs as they are not relevant to how I live my life. One qote I like is "to show people the way of Christ without ever saying a word." And this is how I try to live. I don't necessarily believe everything that Christianity has to say, but again, I don't think modeling my life after this Jesus guy is such a bad thing either.
(¯`'·.¸(♥)¸.·'´¯Pleased But suddenly you're ripped into being alive. And life is pain, and life is suffering, and life is horror, but my god you are alive and it is spectacular!
#5 Posted : 12/10/2011 1:16:06 AM
VoidTraveller wrote:
It seems like your friend has had a life changing experiencing. It seems like he has decided to walk a path that no longer involves spice but involves prayer and studying the teachings of the bible. You may not agree, you may be worried or concerned about your friend but he made a choice in regard to his beliefs. Just like a christian can suddenly have a change of heart and become an Atheist, Muslim or Buddhist, he went from new age to Christianity.

Remember what the spice taught you: Be open minded towards his views and accept that. Even if he cannot convince you, respect his views and thoughts.

I am Very open minded Towards whatever he believes, I am not worried or concerned about him at all i actually envy his decisions. (at least towards not using any drugs). He is a great friend who has taught me a lot of things i know today, and also turned me on to many people and ideas. I do not doubt any of his believes,and respect him fully for he has taught me the most about loving unconditionally.

I am not sure i have no worries for him, just curious how someone could go from one thing to another, it almost seems like a backtrack, to beliefs that seem on completely opposite spectrum's, but i could be completely wrong, everything i believe in and stand for could be all nothing, and just a load of sorted ideas put together.
"You are an explorer, and you represent our species, and the greatest good you can do is to bring back a new idea, because our world is endangered by the absence of good ideas. Our world is in crisis because of the absence of consciousness."
— Terence McKenna

"They Say It helps when you close yours eyes cowboy"
#6 Posted : 12/10/2011 1:21:58 AM
Ez wrote:

Anyhow, I think it's like oden says, it's not so much what you believe in or who you pray to, but how you live your life. I try to lead by example, by being caring, compassionate, kind, and loving. I tend to avoid talking about my own personal spiritual beliefs as they are not relevant to how I live my life. One qote I like is "to show people the way of Christ without ever saying a word." And this is how I try to live. I don't necessarily believe everything that Christianity has to say, but again, I don't think modeling my life after this Jesus guy is such a bad thing either.

I Agree 100% of course when it comes down to it, it's all about how you treat others, and not only that yourself, Because you have to help yourself before you can help others. I have been caring my whole life, i am the kinda person who has to try, to get angry, other than that i keep inside, and construct ways to release that whether its creating some art, or dancing to some music.
"You are an explorer, and you represent our species, and the greatest good you can do is to bring back a new idea, because our world is endangered by the absence of good ideas. Our world is in crisis because of the absence of consciousness."
— Terence McKenna

"They Say It helps when you close yours eyes cowboy"
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