When should anger and frustration come into play.... what are examples when anger should be shown...and needed?
i feel one occassion might be when you witness injustice? racism maybe? and similar, then it might be ok otherwise its most often not necessary imo! I am Probe. A gatherer of information. My mission is to absorb and expand. When Probe has absorbed and expanded Probe always comes back to base to report and re-fuel. Probe is always true and thorough for the cause of the expansion of the collective counsiousness. When information is accumulated and stored Probe is ready to be sent back in to gather more!
I think never... But we are not jesuses
^^^ - gaaaaaah, everyone knows the plural of jesus is jesii. Dammit! I'm so angry and frustrated!
of course i'm joking - i would agree with "never" but then I would be angry and frustrated with myself if i was ever angry or frustrated, and that's just an endless feedback loop isn't it.
For me, frustration is nothing more than misplaced expectations, and since I'm not omniscient, I can't expect to be perfect in my expectations, so I can almost expect to be frustrated at times. Having the expectation that I will be frustrated at times takes the sting out of those times. Then I can get over it much more quickly and continue on in more productive ways. The shock is the worst part, plan for that and it gets much easier.
At least for me, thought i'd share.
I say whenever it comes out, I am quite capable of being an angry and frustrated person at times though! I think there are definitely limits to how often and for what reasons you should let your anger out, but I don’t think any useful answer can come from a forum. It depends on situation, you as a person and those around you.
Another good way IMO is to go with the flow, if you feel like it, then be angry and/or frustrated. Hopefully of course never but it's difficult.
I think when it serves you. Ambigious I know lol, but speaking from experience my anger has helped me a lot when it comes to tripping and psychedelics, specifically when dealing with pre-flight anxiety. I have this inner rage that comes out from time to time (I use rage for sake of emphasis, it's like a very strong focused, willful emotion). Since I'm naturally a person who deals with fits of anxiety, trying to work myself up to take a psychedelic can be... difficult. My anger has served me many, many times by calling me out on my irrationality regarding my apprehension. It says to me 'what's the problem' and I say 'I'm afraid', to which my angry side responds with 'well then don't take it you big baby! Give up on your little psychedelic research project and become a just another brick in the wall like everyone else if your so afraid'. I can never accept this alternative, so I pretty much dive in after that. Honestly, without my ability to get angry at myself (when I'm irrational) I'd be very complacent in all aspects of my life. So in that respect, anger does have it's uses but only when properly focused on stuff that you SHOULD be angry about! All posts are from the fictional perspective of The Legendary Tek: the formless, hyperspace exploring apprentice to the mushroom god Teo. Tek, the lord of Eureeka's Castle, is the chosen one who has surfed the rainbow wave and who resides underneath the matter dome. All posts are fictitious in nature and are meant for entertainment purposes only.
I have issues with rage and anger, nothing crazy, I just have a stressful job and I keep a lot of my thoughts and emotions to myself, which eventually erupts (usually at the most inappropriate time) I'm working on this and do realise it's a terrible trait. That been said there have been very few times that I have directed these at people directly. In a few instances I was accosted by other people first and reacted with a complete eruption of this rage, sometimes to the point where I ended up looking like the aggressor. In my opinion it's best to try solve all quarrels/arguments with words first, and only as a last resort should one react aggressively. On the other hand self-defence is definitely one of the circumstances where this should be your first priority. Peace PW Sonorous fractal manifestastions, birthing golden vibrations, that echo through folds of space & time, ferry my soul closer to God
Umantis wrote:^^^ - gaaaaaah, everyone knows the plural of jesus is jesii. Dammit! I'm so angry and frustrated! This just made my day.. lol pissing myself with laughter as we speak! "I was going to make a machine, but after reading here in the Nexus, everyone makes it sound like trying to smoke spice without a VG is like trying to have sex without fully formed genitals..." -- Pup Tentacle.
**Believe this guy at your own risk**
anger is an emotion just like love and fear. it's ur heart speaking to you and it needs to release all emotions at some point. otherwise you bottle it up and you become frustrated. that's just my opinion tho
I think anger has also a very physical aspect to it, making tension in the muscles, therefore I would speculate some stretching or yoga would be beneficial to angry person.
Anger and frustration should never come in to play. Anger and frustration should only come in to fight, and to cause damage. Anger and frustration do not heal. Joy and love heal. Desire nothing. Be content with everything.
endophile wrote:Anger and frustration should never come in to play. Anger and frustration should only come in to fight, and to cause damage. Anger and frustration do not heal. Joy and love heal. i have pulled down many bullies that enjoyed their distructiom of the weaker ones.and those weaker were greatful that someone got angery and frustrated enough to come to their aid. that someone did not just watch as they were getting ripped apart. i do believe joy and love heals. but anger and frustration has forced big changes throughout history. it stoped hitler. and so many other things. it does have its place .. racism, crooked leaders, child molesters ,occupy was started because of it.. i want people to understand the post.. im not talking about screaming at your wife because dinner is not ready or beating someone down that cut you off in traffic.. do you understand now..
probe wrote:i feel one occassion might be when you witness injustice? racism maybe? and similar, then it might be ok otherwise its most often not necessary imo! yes these are good ones.. censorship? controlling what one does to one,s self.. when we know what is right to be angry about then maby stay away from the petty reason,s... thank you ..you understood my post<3