So here's some background:
Been reading a LOT about traveling and just received a GVG in the mail today. Very excited, but also extremely nervous. Tried for the first time tonight and couldn't even get to the point where I inhaled everything because the onset was all too frightening. This happened twice! The extent of my experience was a vibrational body high and some wavy vision, open mouth etc. but no visuals. My mind was still here. My heart was pounding! How do you guys get past this? Starting dosage was about 10mg as this was recommended to me by others. Working on starting low and moving up. I suppose I can look at this as an introduction to the onset in hopes I won't be taken so off guard next time.
I have probably more background with drug experiences than I care to admit, but I remember thinking "this is nice, but not necessarily anything that is unique or has anything new to offer." I know there's more to it and that's the point, but if I reacted like that to the onset of a small dose, you think things will be worse if I crank up the volume? Once the onset subsided it was no problem. It was the onset though that had me thinking things like "Why the hell am I doing this?" and "Now I know, I will never do this again". How can I reach a point where it becomes 'worth it'?
I'm really looking to gather some spiritual insight or insight into what I consider to be reality. All these things fascinate me, but how can I convince myself it will be okay in that rush? Any techniques? I tried breathing before hand...didn't seem to work. Anyway, anything is appreciated.
this is normal Maybe try a lot of yoga and meditation beforehand, focus on letting go of thoughts, clearing your mind, and relaxing. There's nothing to be afraid of. but annihilation of you think is YOU is scary- even to those who've done it hundreds of times..but taking the plunge is worth it. You can get used to low/medium doses pretty quickly, especially when channeling the energy into yoga or something like that. and low doses do tend to kill the anxiety for many people, allowing them to go deeper easier so i would just do yoga/meditation and try a bunch of low doses until you feel more comfortable. slow deep breathes are important and slow down your heartrate and that mental chatter than can get in the way
<Ringworm>hehehe, it's all fun and games till someone loses an "I"
Yes its initially quite intense. You have to find you own way with it. There seem to be many phases to the experiences as you work with it through time . My experiences today are completely different from when i started. Over time remembering all the details seems to be the most valuable asset to working with dmt. Set, setting and dosage are the main things to consider. working in gradually is important . Never be in a rush. Take your time. Don't be in a hurry for some kind of breakthrough, lose all expectation, take it as it comes. it used to be hard to calm my nerves , my standard method was to go into nature and hike into a fairly remote forest away from people. I scout around for a good power spot to begin with. I found the physical exertion eventually broke me down enough to not be as afraid. Also meditation helps alot along with some kind of ritual setting and intention. I worked with low doses for a long time . YOU have to be strong and super grounded , stay as even as possible don't panic, breathe through the tough spots. After enough experiences you actually get used to all the weird physical stuff at the onset. And believe it or not ultimately there is nothing to be afraid of. Think of it as a connection to something. The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible. Arthur C. Clarke
This is all very natural. The onset is a really big deal, and for me, it's not gotten easier. But believe me when I promise you that it IS unique and has an ENTIRELY new world of experience to offer. You just need to muscle through the fear.
I started slow with 15mgs and worked my way up in 5mg increments until I found (and surpassed) the sweet spot. For me, the real beauty and mystery started to unfold around 25-30mgs, and each new increment after that seemed to take me exponentially deeper. Low doses can be uncomfortable. Still, I'm glad I began as I did.
Having a buddy present in the early going to keep you somewhat accountable for your dose is one good way to go about it. Commit to 15mgs next time out. Don't be afraid to let your friend man the pipe and lighter. Concentrate on vaporizing it perfectly and holding it in as long as possible. You should be able to take that in one hit, and it may be enough to begin to become visual or at least hint at what lies beyond. When you're comfortable with that, push it to 20. Repeat until blown away.
At the higher doses, physical discomfort ceases to be an issue, as you are simply no longer in your body. You won't even have any concept at all of what a body might be, and 60 seconds in all will be stillness as the great cosmic circus plays its tune. Of course, the onset at this level is something akin to sticking a fork in a light socket, but it's as glorious and orgasmic as it is traumatic and terrifying.
First of all, it depends on what state you are in. I found that feeling hyped up before is a good thing because it makes you real wanna feel the experience, live it to it's fullest! I always say to myelf "I'm accepting everything that happens" ...and everytime i feel uncomfortable i remind me of my choice and just try to go with it. We are also dealing with a very ecstatic state here and the best advice would be to really feel it. Be one with it...see DMT as your partner as you slowly but surely penetrate new depths, while you're experiencing sensations you wouldn't have thought to be possible... For me, a good analogy is the melting of a candle. Try to be that candle. Melt into the experience, feel the energy not as a threat but as part of the process of dissolution. Dance on the inside..then realize that it's the EXPERIENCE dancing inside you. Then you'll be truly one. Snap out of your everyday life trance. Flip the switch. Get down with the n,n
This place is awesome. You guys are great. Thanks for the insight. I will keep you all posted on any further journeys. It's comforting to know that this is a response that is terrifying, but the end goal is much worth it.
One can try to realize that the worst thing that can happen is crapping your pants
tele wrote:One can try to realize that the worst thing that can happen is crapping your pants What if it's dying? The worst thing that can happen is dying. (Note-I am not aware of a death by smoking DMT.). News flash. Life is a death sentence. Okay now what? How will we deal with this? This is my answer to your questions of how to go deeper, to take more. Face my fears and understand that they must be conqured, submitted to and accepted all at once. I only live once. Might as well take the extra hit.
Quote "What if it's dying? The worst thing that can happen is dying. (Note-I am not aware of a death by smoking DMT.). News flash. Life is a death sentence. Okay now what? How will we deal with this?
This is my answer to your questions of how to go deeper, to take more. Face my fears and understand that they must be conqured, submitted to and accepted all at once. I only live once. Might as well take the extra hit.[/quote]
Oh really?
I'm not so sure I'm willing to die...but as long as I keep in mind I will be okay, that seems logical...
C12N2H16 wrote:tele wrote:One can try to realize that the worst thing that can happen is crapping your pants What if it's dying? The worst thing that can happen is dying. (Note-I am not aware of a death by smoking DMT.). News flash. Life is a death sentence. Okay now what? How will we deal with this? This is my answer to your questions of how to go deeper, to take more. Face my fears and understand that they must be conqured, submitted to and accepted all at once. I only live once. Might as well take the extra hit. The sensation of dying is something I've heard several times mentioned on this board. I've also died but without pain and it was one of the best journeys. So I'm still on the view of crapping ones pants as the worst scenario!
Cos... i have had the ego death. although at the time it was hard to deal with. but when it was over i can truly say the reward was for me the greatest thing i have ever had happen. with that being said . if it had happened the very first time i did it. i can not say i would ever be ready for that to happen again so probly would not get near it.. but there is soooo very much more. it is a teacher, it will show you what you need. the first break through i got i was shown so much love and joy it made me cry i understood so many things that i truly needed to know.. i was drawn to spice because i lost faith in so many things. it gave me it back and then some!! i had to know no matter what the cost.. my advice is= how bad do you want to know. untill that question is known. you may be stuck.. many have givin alot of good advice here. but as with all of us we had to make that choice.. maby now you are not really ready for this adventure. i can understand that it. is a very big leap of faith. perhaps later you will be strong enough to pass your fear <3 it will still be there. if you choice is to keep trying. then work your way up to the dose you need. if able have a sitter. but know we all share the same respect you have for the spice and go through the same feelings.. as it should be.. its the spirit molecule.. SPIRIT! not i got so wasted trip.. to me it is very magical. i wish you great luck in what ever choice you make<3 it will all be fine.. let us know if you do and what you learn. it is a teacher unlike anything you have ever known. you just have to be sure you want to learn.. love and respect Oden <3 p.s since i know you do not really die.. i think crapping you pants would be worse!! lol
Again, awesome advice.
All my Love.