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Smoking while feeling depressed..? Options
#1 Posted : 12/3/2011 2:45:51 PM
Do you think its okey to smoke if you are feeling depressed? Or should you always have a good mood and clear mind??
#2 Posted : 12/3/2011 2:59:19 PM
In general I wouldn't smoke... However it's best to know what kind of person is smoking and why he/she is depressed. I would speculate that even for some people it could be beneficial, to see deeper, and at the same time possibly coming to understand the root of his/her depression. I think it's a bit complicated question...
Senior Member | Skills: Harm reduction
#3 Posted : 12/3/2011 3:03:04 PM
If you're feeling depressed or down then you are not at your strongest mentally. That could make it incredibly difficult to handle or properly integrate the experiences you'll have while under the influence. It's very possible that you can freak out or be very frightened by the experiences, something that wouldn't happen when you are mentally strong.

I say avoid smoking spice until you feel better. That'll make the experiences most fun, intenser and easier to integrate.
The spice extends life.
The spice expands consciousness.
The spice is vital to space travel.
#4 Posted : 12/3/2011 3:09:09 PM
Good mood is optimal but I,ve travelled under all kinds of emotional states.
I can say warming up on some caapi tea or maoi of some kind
Can help elivate the mood to the point where a hyperspace
Journey is more possible without possible emotional troubles.
Don't forget ayauasca is a teacher and can help you better than anything on
Earth in my opinion .
The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible.
Arthur C. Clarke

Moderator | Skills: Music, LSDMT, Egyptian Visions, DMT: Energetic/Holographic Phenomena, Integration, Trip Reports
#5 Posted : 12/3/2011 3:12:52 PM
In general, you should have a good and clear mind before smoking. Having said that, it's not always so cut and dry. I think you have to examine your intentions as to why it is that you're smoking. Are you smoking so that the drug will alleviate your depression? Let's try and tackle this analytically. It may go well. DMT can defy expectation and inexplicably generate euphoria even with the odds stacked against you. Having said that, you must realize that being depressed, the odds will be stacked against you, and it could go really badly.

Perhaps you're not merely looking to alleviate the depression, and are perhaps trying to get better insight into the roots of your problems and what (if anything) you may be able to do in your every day life to go about remedying the situation. Once again, this could go well, but it can also be extremely trying. You just have to know when you're going in ahead of time that it could be a rough session, but in this case necessarily rough. It needs to shake you out of your boots in order for you to be able to garner a new perspective on the situation.

I was stuck in a similar dilemma a couple days ago (and even now as it turns out). Two days ago, my 11 year old dog who led a good, long happy life was diagnosed with multiple metastasized tumors, she had an infection and her whole system was shutting down. We were told she wouldn't make it through the weekend. I was contemplating taking harmalas and DMT to see if I could perhaps spiritually help her in any way possible, perhaps with entity help or what not. In any case, I never got the chance, but I also don't know if I would have brought myself to take it anyway. Had to take her to the emergency animal hospital that night to put her to sleep because she couldn't wait any longer. I don't think I've actually experienced genuine sadness in over 3 years. Usually it's mild frustration or anxiety if anything, but this was the first time in a long time where I experienced true grief. I've been more shaken up over this incident than the passing of a number of close relatives. In any case, I've been thinking about smoking DMT over these past couple days. I'm not quite sure what I'm expecting to happen, and I fully understand that if I do decide to smoke that things could go completely and utterly awry. Having said that, I also believe that an experience under grief (a psychedelic experience of which the likes I've never even had the opportunity to explore) could come with some valuable lessons, even if the terms of the experience are rather harsh. So like you, I'm weighing all the pros and cons. In any case, I wish you the best of luck.
"Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind" - Albert Einstein

"The Mighty One appears, the horizon shines. Atum appears on the smell of his censing, the Sunshine- god has risen in the sky, the Mansion of the pyramidion is in joy and all its inmates are assembled, a voice calls out within the shrine, shouting reverberates around the Netherworld." - Egyptian Book of the Dead

"Man fears time, but time fears the Pyramids" - 9th century Arab proverb
#6 Posted : 12/3/2011 7:26:51 PM
Thank you for all your good answers you guyes, I really appreciate it! Was very helpful Smile
Senior Member
#7 Posted : 12/3/2011 7:28:40 PM
For breakthrough doses I would say you definitely don't want to be feeling down when going in to experience that.

But a nice low dose changa spliff on the cliffs when I'm feeling lonely or depressed always cheers me up and makes me feel amazing.
Moderator | Skills: harmalas, melatonin, trip advice, lucid dreaming
#8 Posted : 12/3/2011 7:51:51 PM
sonatine wrote:
Do you think its okey to smoke if you are feeling depressed? Or should you always have a good mood and clear mind??

Well i think things like ayahuasca are better for depression than smoked dmt. But that still doesn't mean you should just dive into it without a positive outlook on the experience and a clear mind. I think its certainly possible to meditate for a while and get your mind in the right spot to dose though, even if you've been pretty depressed lately. I just wouldn't take too massive of a dose at first Pleased . meditation alone does wonders for depression as well and i would do it a lot beforehand and during the experience.

Breakthroughs can certainly help with depression but are best taken while in a good mood..I'd just eat harmalas and try a low dose of changa..something as simple as this can show me immediately how ridiculous it is that i was depressed or anxious and rockets me into a glowing mood ..and that alone can be enough to set the stage for a deeper experience

<Ringworm>hehehe, it's all fun and games till someone loses an "I"
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