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Do my cacti look like Predominant Cultivator San Pedros? Options
#1 Posted : 11/27/2011 5:26:55 AM
Do these look like PC Pachanoi?
ntwhtyouknw attached the following image(s):
IMAG0616.jpg (1,573kb) downloaded 67 time(s).

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#2 Posted : 11/27/2011 1:48:10 PM
They're definitely T. Pachanoi. In my opinion, the PC version does not have quite as much of that sawtooth profile as shown in your photos. The whole genus of Trichocereus is kind of a taxonomical mess, so it is difficult to say with 100% certainty.
#3 Posted : 11/27/2011 2:44:31 PM
While I would not say for sure... Because it can get slippery. I would, judging by the picture will guess PC.

It's become an obsession of mine, so I fell pretty confident. But, not for sure.

PC Pedro is self sterile, so you can find out for sure when they flower.

PC grows super well... Everyone should have a few for grafting and experimenting with temperatures etc.

As for mesc... It's in there ... Just not much. But, better extracted than straight consumed or made to tea.

Since there are cacti out there that don't look pc... That are also weak.... Don't feel too bad about these cuttings if they are pc.

In the end, you already bought them. Now you have to try them out to determine potency (which you would still be doing with even the most baller cutting)

I've got many many different genetics growing besides pc. 1 of the most legit looking Pedros I have wasn't hardly bitter all... We hunt for a few that rock... And propagate those. The others we keep for their beauty as plants.

Pc Pedro is still a pretty plant

All posts written by Madcap should be regarded as fiction.
#4 Posted : 11/27/2011 3:26:27 PM
wow... that last post was hardly worth the energy it took to type it.. sorry for the meandering lack of info.

Lets try this with coffee.


Linked above, is an essay of sorts from K. Trout

The picture on the cover of his book is a PC. In this essay he is arguing that the PC pach..... isn't even a bonafied pachanoi, but some hybrid that has been in cultivation so long (as san pedro) that it has taken on an incorrect name.

The shame is, that we will likely never know... the path is too muddy.

As I see it, the only real pain in the ass about PC pach is that they are for sale everywhere...

If you are looking for good strains of trichocereus, ebay is about the easiest place I have seen to buy them. Most sellers know what they have....and if it not PC, they will usually tell you in the listing what clone it is. You can fact-check their work by googling the strain they claim to have and seeing how the pictures match up.

Named clone cuttings go from $15 and up for 1 small cutting (too small to eat, you have to grow them out) I saw a SS02 cutting (about 18 inches lon) sell for $80 a couple months ago.... I don't get it... you can buy a small cutting for $15 straight from the source. I recon the guy who won it must have more money than time

You can also try sacred-succulents..(the origin of SS02) they are old school mail order though.... and again, you are buying small cuttings to grow (or seeds) ...not enough to boil down and consume.

There is some dufus on ebay right now selling scrawny PC pach that recently started adding the word monstrose to his listings....although the pictures, nor description give any further info or evidence of actual mutated growth. I doubt they are anything but standard PC...etoliated at that.
All posts written by Madcap should be regarded as fiction.
#5 Posted : 11/27/2011 7:23:07 PM
They do look like the PC; extraction sounds like a good idea.

All readable matter in the above post is ficticious.

Any similarities to real life are purely coincidental.

Without prejudice.
#6 Posted : 11/27/2011 9:02:33 PM
Thanks for pointing me in the right direction, madcap that's quite a bit of great info.

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