Hey everyone. I am finishing up a mescaline extraction and I t salted some d limo with vinegar. I used a lot of vinegar, a little more than 1000ml, because of separation problems. There was a fine emulsion of cactus still in the d limo that will never come out. So now I have a lot to evaporate and someone recommended to use a double boiler method to evaporate quicker but still keep the heat low, as I understand that heat will damage the mescaline and cause a loss in potency.
I left it outside all day today and was wondering if sunlight, especially direct sunlight, will degrade the mescaline? I am assuming it can damage other nutrients/alkaloids found in nature hence the frequent labeling on certain products to avoid sunlight. I dont want to leave it out to have the sun eat my dose. The sun has enough light already. Does anyone know?
A few days of evaporation isn't going to deactivate your mescaline.