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Starting out with some dream herbs... Options
#1 Posted : 11/23/2011 10:42:31 PM
Recently with some spare time on my hands I came across this site and have been interested in lucid dreaming. The other night I got some calea from a friend and drank it in a tea, 3.5 grams or so. It made me relaxed before I went to sleep which was nice but thats about it. What is the difference in cappi compared to calea? Is it easier to drink, because the calea was bitter as anything! And how are the effects of cappi different? If anyone has any tips for me as far as techniques for having lucid dreams and the best herbs to buy please help me out.
#2 Posted : 11/24/2011 1:01:27 AM
Calea's the most well-known lucid dreaming herb because it has been studied and confirmed scientifically to increase the likelihood of lucid dreaming. I haven't had the BEST experiences with it personally, but I haven't explored it much myself - so, so rancidly bitter. I need to buy some capsules to take that stuff.

Nicotine patches are also well-known for causing vivid, lucid dreams.

I have had some powerful experiences with blue lotus tea before bed as well - incredibly vivid dreams.

But the most important thing is to practice lucid dreaming techniques. It's a bit tough actually and takes discipline when you're at your absolute sleepiest, which is why most people don't bother or give up after a brief stint.

Read up on the "wake back to bed" technique, and also just look through the wiki for info. Try this stuff out, honestly - it works.
#3 Posted : 11/24/2011 6:55:58 AM
Well celea is definitely a dream herb, and yes the taste is almost unbearable.

As for Caapi not too sure, i am waiting my self to take it alone, as for it helping lucid dreaming that i do not know, it think that both of those plants have their very own traits as far as the influence of it goes.
"You are an explorer, and you represent our species, and the greatest good you can do is to bring back a new idea, because our world is endangered by the absence of good ideas. Our world is in crisis because of the absence of consciousness."
— Terence McKenna

"They Say It helps when you close yours eyes cowboy"
#4 Posted : 11/24/2011 2:00:36 PM
Anyone know if caapi tea gives the same realaxed feeling as calea?
#5 Posted : 11/24/2011 7:31:17 PM
I tried Wild Lettuce many years ago which is supposed to give lucid dreams but it didn't do anything for me.
#6 Posted : 11/24/2011 7:46:49 PM
I spent 3 months drinking calea every night and the results were so so, although it really helped my stomach. I found that taking nootropics helps more than anything else. I have taken alpha brain and that gave me dreams almost every night. I spent a long time trying to lucid dream/astral project, but never really had any success other than when drinking calea and taking nootropics.
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#7 Posted : 11/24/2011 8:46:43 PM
In my personal experience working with the oneirogens I've found that they do increase the vividness and intensity of my dreams and for that very reason they decrease my ability to become lucid because I am more engaged in the content of the dreams. They also do wonders for dream recall.

As for specific medicines:

Calea - Quite effective, probably the best one for lucid dream work because the effects aren't quite as intense as the other oneirogens I've used. Best way to consume is to extract with water or alcohol, evaporate to a resin, and encapsulate for oral dosing, I found around 3-5 grams was a good amount for me, or you can just smoalk the leaves.

Silene Capensis - The most effective dream medicine I have used. Highly recommended. I could not get the root ground fine enough to make the foaming method work but 150mg in water each moarning was extremely effective. Takes about 3 days to start working and takes approximately as long to wear off as you have been taking it (if you take it every day for 2 weeks it will be about 2 weeks after stopping use that the effects wear off completely).

Caapi - Nightly caapi doses make my dreams moar vivid and add a specific ayahuasca-vision character to them. I experience tryptamine like visuals in the hypnagogic states between waking and sleeping as well from this nightly caapi dosing regimen. I've also noticed a strong mood-lift and antidepressant effect in my waking life.

Salvia - I have limited experience with salvia alone for dreaming but smoking in the evening did seem to have some effects on my dreamstate, I think this one might also be a good candidate for lucid dreaming.

Mugwort - This is reported to have strong effect on dreaming to the point that even just keeping some next to your pillow will effect your dreams, I haven't worked much with this one but it does seem promising.

Chamomile - Not a lot of effect on dreams but a great bedtime relaxant that seems to help get a deeper moar restful nights sleep.

Valarian Root - A medicine with strong sedative effects giving a very deep sleep that in my experience makes it harder to recall my dreams.

As for lucid dreaming:
There are many techniques available, a bit of googling will turn up all sorts of websites and forums dedicated to these practices. Diligent practice of these techniques is the best way to achieve lucid dreams.

Cannabis is very well known for its effect on dreaming, which is basically making it impossible to remember your dreams. If you are not a heavy user this can be used to your advantage however by combining it with other techniques.

A few methods I've found helpful:
Follow the wake back to bed technique, upon waking smoalk a small amount of cannabis to clear the previous dreams. Then take a oneirogen like calea or silene and go back to bed using meditation/visualization techniques to consciously enter the dream state.

My personal favorite bedtime blend is caapi/calea/salvia leaf smoalked approximately 30 mins before bed with a nice cup of chamomile tea and a dose of oral harmalas.
Row, row, row your boat, Gently down the stream. Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily...

Visual diagram for the administration of dimethyltryptamine

Visual diagram for the administration of ayahuasca
#8 Posted : 11/25/2011 12:07:00 PM
Thanks dreamer, I did notice after the second night of taking the calea that my dreams were actually really easy to remember. Even now which has been 2 or 3 nights my dreams were easy to recall and actually probly a little bit better. I am excited to try some techniques since I have stoped smoking weed and everything else 5 years ago, hoping now that it helps with this process.
#9 Posted : 11/25/2011 11:01:05 PM
Piper give Mugwort a try. Official name is Artemis Vulgaris, you can smoke it, drink it and litterly just inhale it hha.(People make pillows stuffed of it) Its real cheap and enjoyable , i recoomend Mountainrose Herbs
*Look for a while at the China Cat Sunflower, proud-walking jingle in the midnight sun, Copper-dome bodhi drip a silver kimono like a crazy-quilt star gown, through a dream night wind*
#10 Posted : 11/25/2011 11:45:10 PM
Sweet thanks for the lookout, anyone else got something just shoot.
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