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#81 Posted : 11/22/2011 8:49:16 PM
I think people just need to wake the fuck up. So many people are under the medias hypnosis that they don't even realize the problems are there.. Or they have heard about them but their material lives and favorite tv shows dont promote and advertise anything related to the issues so in their mind the worlds fine and everyone else is running around with their head cut off.

The other problem is that NO ONE CAN HAVE POWER! You just can not feasibly give someone power of another person. No one can use it properly. No one... Did I mention no one can control their power? Imagine yourself, if someone said here is 10 million bucks, all you have to do is sign a sheet of paper. In your head it's like sweet, awesome deal I would be crazy to turn this down. But, what you signed was a bill to clear out a forest or relocate some locals by buying out their properties regardless if they do or dont want to sell... But see, to you (me, and everyone) the problem is not just disassociation with the world, but that you truly believe that your life and that 10 million bucks is more valuable and has more meaning to the world than a couple red neck farmers. You justify to yourself why it's okay, why that money is important, how you will finally be able to get your wife that surgery or get your kid into that private school. You sign the paper, move on, enjoy your life but at the same time ruin the lives of many others.

This type of thing happens every single day, by everyone, in all shapes and forms, even the best of the best people. Power, is not something we should have. Power can not be used properly, it never has, and with the level of consciousness that we have on the planet now we still can't. Maybe in the future, but not now.

Government, it's not your friend. This community structure is a fallacy. It will never, ever EVER work. It has never worked, thats why we don't still live in Rome or Babylon, its the reason the world is in constant chaos and anarchy, its the reason for much of the worlds suffering and hate. There is NOTHING you can replace the system with, because ultimately nothing will work. Nothing, in a sense of organized social structure. It's not natural, its not even a real thing. Its something that we all buy into and by allowing it to exist we simuntaneously allow it to accumulate power. But, as some of you know, ALL CIVILIZATIONS CRUMBLE!

So what do we do? Well, in a sense it doesn't matter because ultimately regardless of what we want or think we want we have no control over the ultimate reality that will manifest, which is the falling of our government. Eventually, after a couple more of these cycles of overthrowing government, we might come to a point where we wake the fuck up and realize oh shit we don't need a government (because we dont) and we will take back to a more natural means of living.

Such as no more banks, no more currency, no more electronics at best buy, no more wal mart, no more grovery stores, processed foods, vaccines, misdemeanor law enforcement, public school systems, and so on. Instead, we will end up becoming self sustaining on an individual basis by growing our own crops, hurding animals, learning to sew, learning to live off the land and removing these dumb materialistic desires from our every day life.

Sounds scary right? Wrong... It's only scary because the government and media have BRAINWASHED YOU to believe that without a government and social economic system that we will all die and the whole country will go up in a single flame. BULLSHIT. You guys need to realize that just a hundred years ago we lived without electricity, without best buys, without walmarts without cell phones and electronics and cars and guess what? People lived, loved, learned and enjoyed life just as much as anyone of us.

Don't fall for their lies and their false promises. This is your reality, your life, there is no one out there who can paint your picture of reality for you, but rest assured that is EXACTLY what the government want's to do. Because the more people who buy into the government reality the more money and power the people who run that reality get.

You see, just as we think we are creating our own reality, so does the people who run this shit. Except, they manifest the reality that you incorporate into your life, so in a sense you are giving up your individuality to appease an external system. It's all bullshit. We don't need government to build roads, buildings, schools and enforce a moral law.

For example, if you think there was no government would you imagine that people would run up to your house and rob you and kill your family and other horrible things? Maybe so, but they do it now... ITS ALREADY HAPPENING! The government does not prevent crimes, they just try and catch criminals and put them in a system that makes the reality of our society even worse. The core facets of society that would need to be in place still, can still be there, just not handled by a government... ITS NOT REAL!
#82 Posted : 11/22/2011 9:12:00 PM
Oh yea and one more thing, by playing the game they gave us to play, we all surrender and allow our fears to control us. We say, I can't do this for myself, so I need the government to do it for me... But why? Its because of fear. Whenever you have fear, you always allow yourself to be controlled by that which you fear.

You don't hunt for your own food, because your afraid. You don't have time you say? Don't have time to feed yourself? Oh but hunting takes too long and you have that meeting in an hour, your not afraid though just busy right? Wrong... You don't hunt because you dont have time, you don't have time because your wound up by the rat race you play to get money, because without money you fear you can't buy that food from the store to support your family. Don't you get it, its one big giant mind fuck and the more you incorporate this external reality in your life, the further and further you allow your fears to consume you, rather you realize it or not. You might not even feel afraid, but would you feel afraid if you lost your job? Why? What is that fear really about? What is it that truly scares you about not having money? Could it be the reality the government has created for those without money? You fear a reality designed by the government! A reality of poverty and non material things... But, in actuality there is nothing to fear unless you give your power to someone else, in which case you fear because you no longer have that which you need to live because without even realizing it you have given it away.

If you think government is good and there to help us, think again. If you think school systems are good and in place to teach our children think again. If you think the government wants your opinion and your validation think again. The only thing the government wants is your fear, your power, and your childrens minds to mold into the same one they molded for you.

I know I sound like a pompus asshole, but like pretty much everyone out there I was dead asleep for pretty much my whole life! FUCK YA AMERICA WOOO HELL YA! So, please don't think I am talking about you, or you, or even you, im talking about all of us, myself included. I still live in my nice house which I don't need, drive my nice truck with is completely materialistic, buy food from the grocery store and for the most part play the hand they dealt me... But the thing is I see it... And I am working on getting my power back.
Senior Member
#83 Posted : 11/22/2011 9:21:03 PM
No need to swear, d&d Pleased
#84 Posted : 11/22/2011 9:41:10 PM
۩ wrote:
No need to swear, d&d Pleased

Sorry, i just get so worked up over here on the internet lol
#85 Posted : 11/23/2011 9:59:45 AM
vovin wrote:

We all sit around there and philosophize a great deal I just think this might be our one big chance to bring about the change in our society that we have sat and discussed for years. I do not want to see this end as I do not believe the establishment will ever allow this to come to pass in the future. They are coming very close to loosing power this will make them far more paranoid in the future.

This much is definitely true!!!...I hate to sound like any sort of conspiracy nut but face it, globalization IS the New World Order....doesn't take a leap of evolution to see that...

///Civil Liberties are dissolving worldwide...the capitalist corporate machine is TAKING more and more from "we the people"...what's sad is that people are the mechanization of the system.
We are selling ourselves into it's slavery...even buying our own servitude.

I agree with Anonymous and much of what's being said....BUT...it's easy to see that the blinders are on...

MOST people don't see what it's really about....The waters are made muddy by too many side issues....IF you are part of Occupy....IF you attend.....DO NOT hold a sign about a side issue...."Free Liberia", or "Gay Rights Now!", or "Underwater Basket Weavers Are Skilled Tradesmen!".....leave that shit to the side,,,,understand that what is being said is WAY more important!!!!....Stop fueling the "media" with dissuasive disinformative propoganda!

Shoshi wrote:
I don't see the movement lasting through the winter, from what I've been hearing this coming winter is going to be the worst in 30ish years. They should have started in the spring.

This is a PERFECT example of what it is about....if you can't see the change/or choose to ignore it then they are right to squelch the truth from you.

Whether you think it's our fault or not, there is a global (interplanetary?) climatic change occurring....and they DO want to hide this from you....the best way to passify a soon to be dying population is.....????...."They" have dug their holes..."They" have their stockpiles of rations...."They" don't give a shit if you have, or not. Period.

jbark wrote:
The problem with these type of movements is a lack of a CLEAR goal, a unifying AGENDA, and a charismatic LEADER

I completely agree....I hate it, but I agree...Anonymous is sorta the best figurehead but they draw on the notion that we are all one....my bigger issue is more to the point that post-...."revolution"...there is not really a plan for proceeding...It's easy to call out the problem....it's easy to say "Stop THAT!".....but what should it be replaced with?

This is something that needs to be clearly defined....there are ALOT of great ideas...
dreamer042 wrote:

Xt wrote:
Lets start with growing vegetable's on supposed public land.

This is a great place to start.

I agree....but the path ahead (post-revolution) is not clearly chartered for this movement....And we have seen many great attempts at revolution dissolve into the same confines of the same corrupt paradigms they sprang forth of due to either lack of fore-planning or simply the inability of man to overcome his inherent selfishness.

۩ wrote:

Sitting on your asses talking about hoping you are wrong = WRONG

This much is also true. This does seem to be a time for action.
Unfortunately House...I do have...or at least take responsibility for children....which just makes me hate it more.

EverGreen wrote:

The truth is, it's not capitalism that is to blaim, because under captilism corporations are allowed to fail. So... What it really is is socialisim for corporations with at the core corruption of government.

Just wanted to state that fact cause many people are operating under the wrong assumtion, and as a result misdirecting their pitchforks. Their pitchforks shouldn't be aimed at Wallstreet, they should be aimed at Washington and the white house. Those are the ones selling us out, Wallstreet is just the one "buying the drug on offer" by the government, not commendable either of course, but they are not the core of the problem.

In my opinion these movements need to get their facts straight before something is gonna really happen. They're attacking the wrong enemy.

Hmmm....I can sort of agree...BUT.....Wallstreet buying out the government is, the temptation to the political officials to sell you....To put a name to the face...Lobbyist

...In true Capitalism the Gov. should NOT be bailing out business/corporations/financial institutions....but....PEOPLE affected by the failed enterprises....that's not socialist (it's just "social security" which is also being bled dry)....and neither is the current system....it's just highway robbery of the masses that benefit ONLY the 1%.

joedirt wrote:
Capitalism depends upon the continued..and ever greater, consumption of resources. This simply can't continue to work for very much longer....maybe 50-100 years before the planet hits the tipping point with many ecosystems.

Personally I think the main focus needs to be on removing business from government. Max campaign donations at $1000/person. No corporations. Just that alone would at least give the power back to the people. There are a lot of good ideas like this floating around in the trenches.

You really think there's that much time left?....I thought maybe 20 years before peak oil havoc truly unleashed....dunno....I'm just a speculator LoL

I like alot of your main points....limit Gov, limit Corp, Aid People that actually....uhm....MATTER....Government is a fictitious entity, Corporation....yep...fictitious entity....shit people made up to benefit....themselves...not as in the race of man but as in...themselves.

Okay...I'll stop quoting and responding there...I've made my bit 'o' statement in the matter and in some cases as I've read on even reiterated...sorry I was posting as I read Confused

I really feel this MAY be part of the "2012 awakening" so many are hoping for...or at least a bit part of it...no matter how small or big it truly becomes....this is the first tide of the upsurge IMO....

My only problem is in whether there truly is an endgame plan...alot of people feel this way...In truth the endgame will NOT be up to the movement...or any system....but the individuals....we all have to be preparing.

There have been quotes made by anonymous 1%er's referring to the "great culling" ...we have to except that there will likely be great loss of life in times to come....it's easy to see that we are greatly overpopulated as an ecosystem...and it sounds like the 1% has been preparing for this for quite a long time....as the 99% what are we doing to ensure our role in any possible future?

#86 Posted : 11/23/2011 10:16:45 AM
Sorry...kept reading a bit and well....D&D...it's like this....I made an analogy lately....something like this....

Every great human civilization has fallen....and likely ours will too...sooner or later...BUT...heres a big difference....

When the Roman Empire fell....Just before it fell....if you took the average working class citizen from a major city and plucked them from the safety of the city walls and dropped his ass in the wild....he'd probably get by....for a while at least....if not for a long while, in some degree of relative comfort even....

Present day, take an individual from the support structure of the dependency based modern industrialized social structure....we're dead what...24 hours....maybe 3 days if your well fed/watered/a little bit crafty?

Have you noticed the new saturation of survival based reality TV?....Are you getting the hint yet?

As a people we don't even know how to live anymore without the support structure they've sold us...How many people would starve without a McDonald's on every corner?

And they like it that way....it makes us...vulnerable...easily controlled...AFRAID.

WHAT IF we no longer HAD to go to the Walmart or Burger King or....god forbid...MALLS!!!!

It's Chaos I tell you....MADNESS!!!!

Twisted Evil LOL

#87 Posted : 11/23/2011 6:08:40 PM
syn wrote:
Sorry...kept reading a bit and well....D&D...it's like this....I made an analogy lately....something like this....

Every great human civilization has fallen....and likely ours will too...sooner or later...BUT...heres a big difference....

When the Roman Empire fell....Just before it fell....if you took the average working class citizen from a major city and plucked them from the safety of the city walls and dropped his ass in the wild....he'd probably get by....for a while at least....if not for a long while, in some degree of relative comfort even....

Present day, take an individual from the support structure of the dependency based modern industrialized social structure....we're dead what...24 hours....maybe 3 days if your well fed/watered/a little bit crafty?

Have you noticed the new saturation of survival based reality TV?....Are you getting the hint yet?

As a people we don't even know how to live anymore without the support structure they've sold us...How many people would starve without a McDonald's on every corner?

And they like it that way....it makes us...vulnerable...easily controlled...AFRAID.

WHAT IF we no longer HAD to go to the Walmart or Burger King or....god forbid...MALLS!!!!

It's Chaos I tell you....MADNESS!!!!

Twisted Evil LOL

I agree, totally. For the most part, people would freak out and people who are attached so deeply into the roots of society that they can't take care of themselves will probably die. But, that's kind of where my point is going... Is that we need to realize that have surrendered our most basic survival instincts to a fictional thing we call society. Schools should teach things like 4h amd agriculture as a mandatory class. People need to learn how to gather their own food. We need to learn how to create shelter. We need to learn basic, primitive survival skills that society has stripped from us.

And why were they stripped from us in the first place? Why did we get to a point where we felt that teaching things like agriculture was something optional to learn unlike things like social studies? Why? Because I am pretty sure that it was understood that by stripping societies ability to care for themselves, man would rely directly on society to fulfill those needs directly insuring the security of the system in place. We have become so intertwined with this whole game that we don't even realize were playing a game, we think we are living a life like a natural person, but it's really anything but natural.

We literally live in the matrix, literally. We are supressed and made unaware to the reality of our existence, so that we can ignorantly and blissfully fantasize that we are part of a highly evolved technologically inclined culture because somehow in some way having corporate industries dominate our lives gives us the illusion that we are more evolved than our third world brothers and sisters. But, it's just an illusion. Your life, no matter what you might think, is no more evolved than anyone else. You might be more comfortable, and you might be more intelligent about certain things, but for that you also give up your ability to think and do for yourself.

So, I don't know. I really believe that at some point in time the human race will, as a whole, stop and reflect on their society and come to a realization that allowing small groups of people (aka government) to rule over the all, will never, ever (ever ever) work out. You just can't do it, you can't. Basic rules of logic here, if you tell someone not to do something, they want to do it. If you tell someone they have power, they want to use it. If you try and control someone, they lash out. It's like pusshing down a spring, the more pressure you put on it the harder it will push back. If you don't want the spring to push back at all, then you don't put any pressure on it.

The reason we have government is because we are afraid of other people and afraid we can't do things for ourselves. So, instead of having a society which confronts those fears and allows us to work through them to have a truly rewarding life, we create all this craziness to ensure that we never have to deal with that fear. Someone disagrees with us, then kill them. Someone broke in my house, arrest them and so on. Our school systems never teach our children how to over come fears, they just teach people how to work around them. How to come up with external solutions for our internal problems. It doesn't ever solve the problem, it just creates patches and work arounds. Eventually, we get to a point where we are now, where people are so detached from reality that they are entirely submerged in this illusion of society, literally they live in a totally unnatural world manifested around their fears, all the while never even realizing what is going on. It's their life, they think its normal, natural way of living. It's what their parents did, and it's what they learned, it's all they know. It continually adds perpetuation to the system, spreading and infect more and more every moment every second.

It will get to a point where the spring has been pushed back so far, that when it is finally released instead of gracefully bouncing back up like normal, there is so much energy to be released that it explodes in a chaotic burst that is totally unpredictable and totally unexpected. This is how our society works, has always worked, and will probably always continue to work. We think we have a good system for society, starts off great, low pressure. The years go on, things begin to become more evident that there needs to be more pressure to control the system, there are more people more things there needs to be more control. The pressure builds and builds, and finally there is so much pressure in society that people feel they have lost their freedom and they overthrow the system that has suppressed them. Finally, once the pressure is gone, there is always this repeating of the cycle, where we think we learned from our past mistakes, and we have the right answer, the right system, the right type of pressure... And the whole thing repeats, and repeats and repeats... Which, is why I strongly believe that no system is the only system that will ever work... But in order to truly ensure a no system society, we have to be prepared, and the only thing that can prepare us for not having a society, is society itself... So its a catch 22 in some ways...
The Chr0nn01553ur
#88 Posted : 11/23/2011 7:51:13 PM
Death&Decay wrote:

I like this guy.
Life is art.

Row row row your boat, gently down the stream... Merrily merrily merrily merrily...............


The Day Tripper
#89 Posted : 11/23/2011 9:09:15 PM
Death&Decay, what you describe sounds alot like what mckenna would call the uncontrolled dominator ego trying to further manifest itself in reality. Its an idea of the mind that needs to change. I keep getting brain-flashes back to quotes and things I've heard mckenna, bill hicks, and carlin when i read your posts Cool. The part about fear and the hunting/food scenario is very true. Alot of the concessions of life, liberty, and happiness we have made have been instituted by the use of fear. Manipulating us through that part of our selves we would call the ego, survival mode, basically our hard wiring for millions of years. Mabey your right, power itself is the problem, especially when we let fear make decisions for us. Perhaps one day, power could be used for the greater good, but the entirety of human history says otherwise imo. I think until we evolve from supercharged monkeys, its time to step back and examine the damage we have caused before trying to pick ourselves back up and move forward. And imo the only way to do begin to maove foreward that is decentralize almost everything and try for diy/local community effort. Become self-sufficient. A good place to start is food.

All this requires the vast majority of people changing their ideas and perspective on how the world actually works and what the future could potentially hold, and ime psychedelics have played a big personal role for me in understanding things from more perspectives. Thats the only way to learn imo. Is it coincidental that a community of psychonauts can often have the most civilized and intelligent/reasoned discussions on these sensitive and complex topics? I think not, i can think of several historical examples where psychedelics played a role in betterment of society as a whole. Eulesian Mysteries, TMK's ideas on the full moon mushroom orgies, the vast realm of shamanism, etc. I feel the archaic revival could be just around the corner, and OWS is just a step along the way.
"let those who have talked to the elves, find each other and band together" -TMK

In a society in which nearly everybody is dominated by somebody else's mind or by a disembodied mind, it becomes increasingly difficult to learn the truth about the activities of governments and corporations, about the quality or value of products, or about the health of one's own place and economy.
In such a society, also, our private economies will depend less upon the private ownership of real, usable property, and more upon property that is institutional and abstract, beyond individual control, such as money, insurance policies, certificates of deposit, stocks, etc. And as our private economies become more abstract, the mutual, free helps and pleasures of family and community life will be supplanted by a kind of displaced citizenship and by commerce with impersonal and self-interested suppliers...
The great enemy of freedom is the alignment of political power with wealth. This alignment destroys the commonwealth - that is, the natural wealth of localities and the local economies of household, neighborhood, and community - and so destroys democracy, of which the commonwealth is the foundation and practical means.” - Wendell Berry
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