I have been perusing the extraction teks and have decided to go for my first extraction! My question is, how much would it make sense to buy? I'm somewhat low on funds, but I would probably step up and buy in larger quantities if it would make sense to do so. I have been looking in the 1/4 pound range, but if my estimation is correct, that would probably only lead to a gram or so, and that's if I do it all properly the first time. Also, if I were to just mix it into some tea with an MAOI, how much rootbark is generally needed for an aya experience?
250g MHRB will yield ~ 2.5g or more if properly extraction is executed properly. As you can see this is roughly ~1%
No matter what quantity you get, may I suggest that you only use a portion of it for your first extract. This way you make sure you have more if you mess up. You won't mess up if you follow the teks, but you will learn a lot your first time. You might find that you want to use different hardware for your extraction. This could be any thing from the container you use for STB or A/B, filters, turkey baster or sep funnel, and evap dish.
I've only done two extractions, but those where from one order of bark. I did learn and changed some hardware for the second, which went much smoother, even though it was with 5 times the amount of bark.
Happy extracting, Reosed