Hello my dear likeminded friends,
for some time now i have been collecting several important items to perform an extraction of the highest possible yield from the atomized rootbark of the jurema tree
even a kilo of zink oxide have made their way to my house because somewhere at some time i have read of it having the almost magical ability of turning dmtoxide into pure gold
or nndmt to be precise
Did not see anything mentioned in the wiki and not much consistent info on the forum in general on the use of it.
is anyone here experienced with the proper treatment of jurema with zink oxide?
My guess would be to acidify the jurema+water mix to ph 2,5 or 3 and cook it with an amount of zink oxide that resembles 1/10 of the jurema mix weight.
If anyone is inclined to give me a better idea on how to do it i will document the experiments for the public. Including yields and whatnot.
blessed be all forms of intelligence