I've been exploring the forums for a few months and finally decided to make an account. I heard about DMT from a friend and was amazed from what I've read about it.
I've always been fascinated by the smallest things and often found myself wondering why they are?. Things people take for granted, like life itself. Mankind is basically sitting on a massive rock floating around in space. How people seem to forget how small we actually are in relation to the universe and what ever else is out there. They just go around life doing the same routine without stopping to admire the beauty of our planet and the infinite possibilities of other life in the universe. With DMT i hope to enhance my curiosity and better myself.
After months of searching for people who have or know people who have come across DMT, i realized my search was useless. Most people never heard of it, let alone had access to it. Since then, I've been reading up on the extraction process. SInce my chemistry knowledge/techniques are sub par, I'm looking for people in the NJNY area who have had successful extractions. I'd like to sit-in and get a birds eye view of the whole process or just talk to them about it. Anyone interested in an exchange of knowledge, PM me or answer here.. Ill gladly send you my name (facebook me).
Welcome mjc,
I think you are getting into DMT for some good reasons and you have come to the right place. However, this is not the place to be meeting up with people. We do not condone or facilitate that here.
It may seem daunting, but everything you need to know is in that wiki^ and any question you have, you can ask here and post pictures and get a fast response. You can do this!
Peace and Hyperspace
Which extractions in the wiki or in general would you recommend i try? (ease of extraction,time,yield)
If you can make pancakes your halfway there. It's not difficult Whatever tech you choose just follow the directions carefully Don't get creative at first just follow exactly what it tells you to do The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible. Arthur C. Clarke http://vimeo.com/32001208