I have been dreaming for over a year now, and my younger brother has been for about 2 months. We often smoke together as a bonding experience and we have become much closer then ever before. So close in fact that I fear we may be severely connected. On the night of this event I was dreaming alone while he was off at some friends house. I get a phone call around midnight from his friend saying that something had happened to my brother and he was on his was to get me, and take me to him. On the way there he explains that randomly my brother just fell asleep while they were playing basketball, and nobody could wake him up after numerous attempts. By the time I got there it had been over an hour of him just laying on the ground asleep. The second I see him I rush over to check his heartbeat, and at the moment my hand touches his chest he wakes up instantly. After everything calms down I ask him a few questions and establish he was indeed on a DMT trip. I'm wondering what anybodies thoughts on this are, and has this happened to anyone else? I had realized a long time ago in doing this that people just being in the vicinity of someone taking the substance will have minor effects as well. This is what I've come to call DMT secondhand, but never before has it had this powerful of effect or range. Any thoughts or opinions would be greatly appreciated. Let the Tao flow through you. Be the embodiment of it so throughout, that when passed by on the street they say, "Look! There goes Dao!"
when i smoke i commonly smoke with friends and family and many of us are very close but i have never had this happem to me or anyone i know. "Oh Dinah. It’s just a rabbit with a waistcoat... and a watch?!"
Scientifically, it sounds like narcolepsy. He should see a doctor. Spiritually, maybe there is some sort of connection idk. Are you guys twins or anything? PS
This is what the alphabet would look like if Q and R were missing
I know it's all speculation, but I feel that I have had a direct link connection with someone like that. Something along the lines of Rupert Shelldrake's morphic resonance, combined with the back drop of the zero point field... James Oroc's book "Tryptamine Palace" goes pretty into this concept. I felt it/sensed this phenomena 3 times, each time my ego truly couldn't comprehend it, and now it seems like a dream. The most tangible one was when I was camping in Yosemite by myself, and I brought some MDMA with me, and took it when I got to the top of this waterfall. Rather than opening me up and the usual euphoric effects, I felt some sort of horrible soul pain, like I would never be ok again, and as I sat on top of that waterfall fighting the feeling, I realized I needed to pack up my stuff, get in my car, and drive directly home. As soon as I started walking down the hill, my steps got lighter and I started feeling increasingly better. I packed up all my stuff, and got in my car and started driving, with the mind-state rising really quickly. Suddenly I get a call from my friend who is bipolar and had just been launched into a manic episode. I answered the phone and she just said calmly, "breathe, I'm here now" and suddenly I found myself launched into a full on episode that I can only imagine is what being bipolar or schizophrenic feels like. Basically, connected, open, and it was almost as if her presence was tangible. It was real to both of us at least, and the synchronicity is hard to deny. I also had the overwhelming intuition that I needed to dump the rest of my drugs, which at that point was a substantial amount. Sure enough, 4 hours later I'm sitting on the side of the road in Utah with a cop sticking his nose in my car asking me where my drugs are hidden.
Sorry for the long response, but it seems relevant to your situation. Have you felt any of these connection effects? If you have had personal experience, I really recommend checking out either Tryptamine Palace or Morphic Resonance, just because they are really interesting and the best "rational" explanation of this event that I have found.
I doubt it being narcolepsy because it has never happened before, and it only happened the one time like that. If it was I would think it would repeat several times. No we're 3 years apart, but oddly enough he looks exactly like I did at his age. While this is the only time it's happened over a distance of miles. It happens quite frequently when he's not too far. For instance when he had his first trip he never even took any. I was going to let him try it later that night, but when I smoked some, somehow he went into a deep trip. He was scared naturally cause neither of us knew or expected it to happen. Its even at a point where lets say for example I'm outside smoking. He will be inside and start dreaming as well. I've come to understand many things about this substance but this still escapes me. Let the Tao flow through you. Be the embodiment of it so throughout, that when passed by on the street they say, "Look! There goes Dao!"
I like how you mentioned your ego not comprehending it when it happens. I go through the same thoughts similar to that. This was a lot of help and I plan to check out the reading material. On numerous accounts I have felt odd connections relating to others I have done sessions with. I sit for all my friends and family when they do it because I'm decently experienced in it. So I've done it with a wide variety of people, and many times establish what feels like some sort of spiritual connection. Nights where I wake up at 3 a.m. and have this urge to get on Facebook or my email, and when I do one of my connected friends had messaged only minutes before about something deeply troubling them. Let the Tao flow through you. Be the embodiment of it so throughout, that when passed by on the street they say, "Look! There goes Dao!"
wow, that's a crazy story. its sounds like you have some natural telepathic talent, and that you are able to connect to the people you love in a very deep level.it can be very beautiful and helpful experience to have such deep connection. but it seems to be a bit dangerous in the relationship you have with your brother, it seems you 2 got too close in somehow unbalanced way, it sounds as if you are almost taking over his soul and ego, in the way that he is fading away into your experiences, instead of sticking to his own life. it is possible that he chose to do it, out of his love for you, but in any case it seems to be unhealthy. i think you should try to cut the bonds that connect you so deeply, it seems to be harming your brother. if you love him, you must set him free. `I can't explain MYSELF, I'm afraid, sir' said Alice, `because I'm not myself, you see.'
I have been told that by many others that I've sat for, but I try to avoid thinking like that. I have spent a lot of my life ridding myself of any ego, and every time a thought like that comes up I try to distill it immediately. I do see what you're saying as to the taking over soul/ego. I can say I do whatever I can to make his experience about him, and help him through his personal journey. It may have something to do with him feeling like he will never escape my shadow, or out due the things I have done. I'm going to have to work harder on helping him to understand that he is his own person who will have his own experiences in life. I can say for sure that he Dreams out of personal choice, and had he expressed at any point he didn't like it. I would stop smoking it anywhere near him so he wouldn't be forced into something he doesn't want. After the event I stopped smoking it with him for awhile, and stopped smoking it while he was away in case this event repeated itself. I think I'm going to sit down tonight and talk to him about it and go from there. Thank you for the input Fractalic and everybody else who contributed. It was more then appreciated. Let the Tao flow through you. Be the embodiment of it so throughout, that when passed by on the street they say, "Look! There goes Dao!"
it is not easy to change a close relationship which is already long lasting and well established. I've been in this place too, and i know how emotionally complex this situation may be. but a relationship cant be good (for either of you), as long as the forces are unbalanced and the one is constantly overshadowed by the other. emotionally, I've been in your place (as the dominant one in a relationship),and later on, i found myself in your brothers place (as the one who feels small and almost unworthy for being loved by the other person) from my experience, a brake for a few months, if possible than- traveling to a new place may help one to find oneself back, gain some new independent personal experiences and built his ego back .(i do believe we humans need to have some kind of ego and a firm illusion of independent personality in order to survive.) when you come back together, after a long separation, you might fined that both of you are changed as the power structure of your relationship did too, and you get the beautiful chance to get to know each other all over again. good luck too you 2 thanx for sharing this amazing story `I can't explain MYSELF, I'm afraid, sir' said Alice, `because I'm not myself, you see.'