Hey nexus, My friend is making a psychotria viridis tea to take with Harmine. He has made psychotria tea before but was unsatisfied with the level of filtration he got with the old squeeze through a cotton tee shirt system. He wonders if there is a way he could filter out virtually all of the non dissolved solids(or even unwanted dissolved ones)in the tea so that even when boiled down it will not be very sludge like. Any Ideas would be great even ones that require buying some lab gear. Thanks guys my friend really appreciates it.
aside from buying or making a vacuum filter system,,,
the t-shirt system can work quite well if one uses tighter weave fabric, then paper filter.
first use a fine stainless filter/colander or french press
then t-shirt
then a tightly knit fabric--think dress shirt or other
finally coffee filter (repeat this step)
patience helps here, but one can carefully squeeze the water thru any of these steps
also, simply letting the tea sit and cool for hours will make things far easier as most solids will sink over time.
Solid advice given above ^
Also somewhere between this gradual filtering, another option would be funnel with very loose layer of cotton, and then gradually making a tighter plug in the neck of the funnel
Just remember to run a bit of warm water after each filtering step to retrieve back the small amounts trapped in each filter, otherwise over several filtrations it can be significant loss
Biopsylo thanks man Swim is doing as you suggested. He never thought to just let it sit and have solids drop out on there own very helpful. Swim wonders if maybe colder temperatures will cause more solids to drop out faster?
Endlessness My friend thinks there is a lot of potential with the cotton in the funnel idea. Also the running warm water through the filter advice is golden thanks for the help.