0.3g salvia divinorum leaf
0.3g cannabis sativa
0.1g nepalese temple hash
0.3g nicotina rustica
30mg N,N-DMT
this is AWESOME!
it has been tested last night.. it went like this:
around 8 o clock 15mg ~70% psilocybin were taken sublingually. while it built up the joint was rolled. the joint was going to be smoked outside in a stormy night in the park standing in the midst of 3 trees.
right before leaving, another 15mg of psilocybin was taken.
in the middle of the park when getting the joint out while searching for some nice trees the filter came loose.. damn i hate it when that happens!(this was supposed to happen as it all came together so perfect in the end)
when the filter had been put back in which took like 15mins because no extra papers were handy to roll it fresh, it was sparked up standing between the trees. it was puffed fast! near the end of the joint it hit in! the grass was overlayed with spiraling energy strings which sucked everything into them. a feeling of hitting the cold muddy ground. digging into the cold earth deeply with the fingers to support the overwhelming body feeling rushing through everything. a bench was made out about 10m away. after 5 minutes of rush had passed it was managed to crawl over to the bench. eyes were closed again. sitting on a rollercoaster with lots of clowns on top laughing their asses off... these clowns stayed there as patterns the whole rest of the mushroom trip. after the body was able to move it went home to get some new clothes on which were not wet.
the body ate something. then it went to bed and drifted into dreamstate. it just woke up again. now it is preparing cacti for the evening

very nice mixture!
I am the Lorax. I speak for the trees. I speak for the trees, for the trees have no tongues. And I'm asking you, sir, at the top if my lungs.. (all posts are fictional and are intended for entertainment purpose only)