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Shroomhuasca breakthrough shpongletron Options
#1 Posted : 8/8/2011 7:16:14 PM
For anyone interested, here is a write up on my recent experience with mushrooms and syrian rue, dose 3.5 grams mush, and 4 grams rue.

Also i dont know if this is in the right section, so a mod can feel free to move to where it is most appropriate.

This was copied and pasted from mycotopia, where i origionally typed it, i hope that is ok. (its my words so i think it is....)

This took place several weeks ago. I do not often write reports, because i feel much of the content is inaxpressable,
and I never fancied myself to be very good with words at all, and in general I am rather quiet.

This will probably be a very long report, so please bear with me lol. It is being typed in haste, so much of it sounds like a bit of a brainfart/rant
so like i said please bear with me...

A few weeks ago we set off to Colorado, to see sphongletron at the mishawaka ampitheatre, located in the beautiful Poudre canyon.
We rented a isolated cabin by the river right in the Poudre canyon, at a very small and cozy, homely little campground..

The crew included, my wifey, best friend, my sister, her friend J, and myself. (My sister came last min, and im beyond glad we were able to share this experience)

Now fast forward to Friday night, the plan was for me and my friend to drink some tea (clear mimosa style) at the concert, so we brought the tea, and capped rue into the venue with us.

My wifey, sister and her friend were eager to trip for this event, and kept pressuring me to find them mushrooms, so I obliged

Upon getting the mushrooms, my friend (L) suggests instead of the tea, we do the mushrooms, and combine them with the rue , and I agree to this.
We had 1/2 oz. L and I both ate an 8th, and 4 grams of rue each.
The remaining 1/4 oz, was divided 3 ways between my sister, her friend, and wifey. (no rue for them, lol)

If youve done shroomhuasca, you know this is a big dose, exp. for this type of event, I was apprehensive about the dose, but my friend just quickly munched them down, and took the caps
right away, so i didn't want to leave him hanging, so i followed suit.

Enter experience:
Im just waiting for things to really get going, grooving out and dancing to Random Rab, the opener, whom i quite enjoy, when I noticed that my sister was clearly
having a difficult time. She looked a little ill, hot sweaty, nervous, (you all know the feeling). I could tell the environment was getting to her, and some quite paranoid bad trip scenarios
started running through my mind about the possible things that could go wrong. (lol and i ran through a lot of these scenarios in my head, including her getting apprehended by security
for freaking out, cops getting called, trouble ensuing, and then how angry my mother would be at me for dosing my sis, lol)

I was unable to enjoy it at first, way to worried about sis.
I sat down next to her, I told her it will pass i promise, in a few hours you will be normal. You need to let go and free your mind and not judge the experience and just go with it, try to enjoy it,
You know, all that jazz At the same time i was coming up something powerful!

Then I heard Rab end and Shpongle take the stage, and i could hear the opening calling me...
Still too worried to leave sis and friend, I say STAY RIGHT HERE!! DO NOT MOVE. I will be back very shortly to make sure your fine. Wifey and i started heading for stage, then i went back to
again re-iterate STAY HERE ITS IMPORTANT.

The opening was amazing, and i immediately recognized it. It wasn't a Shpongle song, but Ozric Tentacles (my all time favorite) song called Strangeitude. (a great ozric song, check it out)
The song was one of my favorites, There was some older new age looking guy dancing incredibly strangely to it, very freaky and cool, lol. But still unable to enjoy things, i asked wifey to go
check on my sister and friend. She quickly returned "They are not there". FUCK not good i thought. Again very paranoid shit ran through my mind, and i was genuinely pissed at her for leaving, and
worried at the same time.

I couldnt take it and was about to depart on a random and hopeless search through the huge croud for my sister, when to my left about 20 feet away I spotted them. They had smiles on their faces and were dancing.

Instantly all the worries, apprehension, and paranoia melted away, and I felt so relieved, like a huge weight was lifted off me.
I went to talk to her, and her incredibly bubbly and talkative friend J, was exploding to tell me how she calmed her down, and now they were both having the best time of their lives and, like omg, this is amazing
and, blahblah like omg bloah blah blah. I could tell J was simultaneously annoying my sis, and grounding her and making her feel better and enjoy herself, Lol it was quite funny lol they were both reeling, so i brought them back to our little group, and let them do their thing. They were having a blast and having their (fairly virgin to psychedelics) minds blown. I was proud of my sis for quickly getting on top of it!

Then DMT (divine moments of truth) came on and I was finally able to settle in and enjoy it. This is one of my favorite songs of all time. Its mind-blowing, pure genius. I was tripping powerful, and I could hear everything. It is a magical, and non linear song, Its like multiple songs on different levels of time happening at the same time connecting and interweaving between the eachother and weaving inside and out and backwards, but all flowing concisely, saying something... The voice (you know LSDdoDMT...) sounds so timeless and futuristic and ancient, calling you to the mystery and playing with it. It is a shamanic song, I believe.

I noticed the audience surrounding me, and everone was going through a vast array of emotions. I would describe the mood as generally eratic, chaotic, but extatic, with a definate part of desperation...
but indeed we are desperate for something, and that is why we are all here. Desperate for SOMETHING MORE.

Some people are laughing dancing losing themselves, some seem more thereas a social event and seem somewhat distanced and detached from it. Still others are crying, yelling, purging, lol contorting in all sorts of various ways, lol. Then i zoned in and heard something literally speaking in my head

"train the mind to be sharp and present, disciplined, be like the eagle and the owl" "seek not the extreme highs and lows, but be centered and balanced aware Thats what it said, im not interpereting it, its an exact quote! I could see the eyes of the eagle and the eyes of the owl. There is something about that piercing stare....

Its not often I hear this voice
so clearly, call it what you will, I call it the plant teacher.

I could see "into" the people of the crowd, and prevelent in what i saw was that hint of desperation I mentioned, a longing for a lost connection to the sacred, to the earth, to something...
I experienced psychic echoes of paradise outside of time, that nirvana we aspire to achieve. Calling me to return.... Scary almost!

At this point ill mention, I was having a full blown entheogenic experience, very strong and very affected by it. But somehow still at ease and comfortable. I really was the detached observor, A giant sensory organ, feeling and seeing, making no comment or observation. The senses were melding into one roaring experience and i was having visions. I was also having very positive vibrations, and was having an extatic time!

The DJ set was absolutely incredible, its one hell of a set! What a gifted genius this guy is. It was a fluid transmission of the other, of the inaxpressable, and unspeakable dimensions. I visualized the music as a shimmering and pulsating labyrith, forming from nothingness, a paradoxical labyrith, ever fluid and changing undulating and shifting and ringing and buzzing. So many things at once.
Somewhere intertwined with the very core of the multi-d

imensional experience of this life is this music. I dont believe its his music. It is borrowed, channeled from the esoteric realms, like all good art
This is the highest aspiration of art, to be like a hardware model for the sacred, the transpersonal and magical. (IMO)

I was having a lot of thoughts at a fast speed. I thought of this as the mental monkey reeling away on thought trains, while still my "self" was apart from this, observing.

Then I heard Terrence Mckenna's voice booming through, "and you take let as assume, third toke, long and slow, you vaporize....) Yes! another of our favorites, and my favorite DMT smoking song,
(a new way to say hooray) Im so glad hes playing this song!. (He really did play a fast array of material, including on the run by pink floyd, some younger brother songs, many of the less dancey- ambient
oriented tracks, which was awesome)

The beat and vocals came in sounding awesome, it damn near launched me out of my skull, lol, I was visualing the song, and the place it takes you to. I could sense the "place" like
seeing it with my ears. How fantastic that another human can visualize this and create it, and transmit this vision to me. I sensed "the dome" could see it with my minds eye.
"The walls, such they be are crawling, with geometric hallucinations" He's not talking about the walls of your bedroom, lol, hes talking about this place in another dimension. I had visuals of i percieved
The unfolding almost squelchy synth part as a solid bolt of electric light, being moved and worked and twisted in on itself going with the music. I was having amazing visuals, everything was as glitter almost,
shiny and beautiful. Aura borealis colors glittering on the backdrop of the stars and the rock face of many faces.

There were a chaotic array of lights blasting into the sky, or across the canyon onto the cliff face. The atmosphere at this very moment was beautiful, sublime. It took me out of my ordinary experience,
i felt "this is something else" (literally something else) (what is it ?!)

I was now in a very transpersonal state, My ego and the dialouge was melting away, and gave way to the now, the timeless.

Then, it almost seemed syncronized, right when the intro my favorite, and perfectly fitting for this very moment (When shall I be free), started, simultaneously i was struck by a wonderful
gust or wind..(literally a refreshing gust of wind) fresh air so to speak. It felt like it came through me, and cleansed me, projecting me out. It literally felt like that, it was amazing
and i was in awe for a minute. Im sure the shaman's (as I so lovingly refer to whoever the "shaman's" may be, lol) have a name for this exact thing, this wind. So i dubbed it the shamanic wind.

During this song, my boundaries were no longer disolving, they were altogether gone. My self felt projected, expanded, into the experience of the people and the music and the now.
At this point I quite literally was not my self. or not my own self, (well not my normal self anyways The limits of "me" no longer contained within
my skull, and my skin boundaries. I felt like I was my wifey, and my sister, and my friend, and simon posford. One spirit having many experiences.
The phrase came to mind "Many souls, one soul, Many bodies, one body"

The inner dialoge was gone. no observations or assesments, just ecstacy, I think of it as a "transpersonal" experience, because the not only the factors of the actual amount
of plant material i ingested, but many other factors also came into making this kind of experience possible. Im talking about the group conciousness of the crowd, you know?

Many people gathered for one purpose grooving the night away to visionary music.
To me this type of event is our new modern version of a shamanic gathering. The (visionary) music and art (in general) points to the forgotten secrets of the ancient past, and
to the future simultaneously, drawing us out of the world of physical limitations and into the timeless world of communication information and expression. Its a real
place, the imagination, outside of time, and never forget, we co-create and affect this physical world as well through our will and intent. "It all starts with you" said the voice.

The art is the evolution of language, of communication, in that it communicates concepts beyond the capacity of words, like a hardware model for the sacred other.
We are now re-discovering what we as a culture have forgotten, denied, and repressed from our minds, A real connection to the earth, and to our souls,
and to eachother.

This is what is lacking in our experience of modern culture, a fundamental connection to the nature of ourselves, & and a connection with the living earth, our sacred mother.
Because of this disconnect.... Well just look. You see how things are today, people are detached from themselves, eachother, and the planet. All (seemingly) is controled
by the Fear. Fear of what could be, and fear of who we really are. In the endless and mindless chaotic bombardment of the mainstreem media, There is no true connection
offered, nothing of real substance or spiritual value, Only mindless distractions too keep you constantly busy, leaving you no time to get down to the gnit and grit
of the true nature of ourselves and our dire situation on this planet. Its all topsy turvey, upside down...

So I emplore you fellow topiates (begin preaching to the choir) not to give them that power over your life. and dont be satisfied with the mind nulling nothingness
consumer culture has to offer you, and also be a beacon a dock for a fellow lost soul to go to for comfort love support and guidance. be human.

I didnt just go off on a rant there (well a little, lol) these were the thoughts I was having at the time, i was once again absorbed in though, eyes closed.

Just like that, i became more aware of my present surroundings, the song was ending, and i looked to my lover, and she just had a calm smile on her face,
Kind of like a wink, but it was a smile Suddenly and uncontrollably, the tears were flooding out of me, for the first time in a long time,
literally tears of joy. How amazing is this, i thought, how lucky and blessed am i to have this great oppurtunity of life, and the wonderful people involved in it.

For the rest of the show i drifted in and out of this state. I thought of the shamanic wind, and the flow of energy moving through the people, affecting, and being
affected by them. contiuous, fluid, evolving. This is the nature of reality, i thought, liquid, reflective always changing, but flowing to the pull of something (gravity?!)(time?)

Whew sorry guys, lol, im even getting tired of typing!! i cant imagine how you must feel right now, but ill wrap it up as quick as possible

So when the show ended, a line much resembling a herd of cattle made its way to the exit. People were even saying, "Moo, Moo"
i found that hilarious. Then a quite ridiculous chain of events unfolds:
We get on the wrong bus, (under my ingenious guidance) but got off before it left, then went and found our shuttle, only to find out, it was full, and traveling
another direction, and would return for us in 45 min..

So there we are sitting out there waiting, and suddenly we see security jumping on this guy, (soon later, many cops and 2 ambulance) and he is freaking out and siezing out, (just out of no where)
we thought they tazed him, but nope, he was having a seizure. He was making aweful, un-human sounds, vomiting forcefully while
simultaneouslly having a seizure, it was horrible, i felt bad for the poor guy, and it was very disturbing to me at the time<(lol i dont
even like talking about it now, but it is what happened)

so we walked a ways a way and continued waiting. Then my sister shouts "BEAR!!" and there is
a HUGE FUCKING BEAR like 15 feet behind us!! yeah a real bear a big black one, WTF . Your not supposed to run, but we all ran across the street and closer to the
other lost stragglers. Then after an eternity of listening to sis and J blah blah blah (wich was very entertaining to me at the time) the shuttle finally arrived
It was the coolest shuttle ever, there was a chill lounge with furniture in the back, and a full keg of beer, lol. Were bouncing down the canyon in this
ricketty bus, listening to some crazy song, just after seeing all that.... It was quite hilarious and fun lol

We talk to this guy there who i first assumed was employed by the venue, or by the shuttle, cause he was being so nice and helping all of the confused
people (there were many) (which bus? where am I? f it lets just walk down the canyon!) but nope just a nice helpful guy. He said he was sitting
right by the entrance talking to the ambulance guy, and the ambulance told him the guy had ingested extacy and bath salts.....

After all the insanity, we were back at the nice cabin. Somehow many other shpongle campers had arrived and there were fires. But i was honestly
too affected to talk to anybody out side of my close circle lol. At least talk to them comfortably i mean, lol.

We smoked a bowl, and everyone went to bed, leaving me alone with my thoughts. It seemed i had not come down one bit. This was not a problem though,
I accepted it as an oppurtunity to do some work, and do some work i did!!
I went out started i fire, and ill tell you now i was reborn on that chair by the fire by the river with the sun rising.

I closed my eyes and was taken away
on a journey, a journey through my life. The teacher was guiding me showing me many things. Theres really nothing i can say about it, , but that im extremely grateful for this experience, and once again humbled.

P.S. My sister had her own rebirth apparently, she told me all about it! how greatful i am to share that with her.
Whew, ok thanks for reading, it took me a long time to type it so I hope that some lovely topiate out there take the time to read it
Thanks a million brothers and sisters, for bearing with me through this super long report!!
You have never been apart from me. You can never depart and never return, for we are continuous, indistinguishable. We are eternal forever
#2 Posted : 8/9/2011 6:10:29 PM
Sad I get no love here
You have never been apart from me. You can never depart and never return, for we are continuous, indistinguishable. We are eternal forever
#3 Posted : 8/9/2011 6:28:42 PM
Harmalosa, i read your trip report yesterday on mycotopia, and saved it, it was so good, i will re read it 2 morrow, it hasn't been ignored!...much love, Chris! Razz
"Eat your vegetables and do as you're told, or you won't be going to the funfair!"
#4 Posted : 8/9/2011 6:52:30 PM
Shrooms and Rue have to be one of my favorite combos...
I really enjoyed reading.
I wish I could have seen shpongle this time around.

Thanks for posting
Much love! Smile
This, what I'm experiencing now, is a whole new level of my being.
#5 Posted : 8/9/2011 6:53:28 PM
It sounds like you had a really good time. I'm glad you didn't get attacked by the bear! Very happy

Has you sister wanted to trip again since this experience?
Convert a melodic element into a rhythmic element...
#6 Posted : 8/9/2011 9:30:02 PM
Thank you brothers (bows)

I really do appreciate it. It was an amazing time, shroomhuasca was also my first entheogenic experience many years back, and has always delivered something profound!

As for my sister, Yes she does, she really gained a new understanding of it, for wich i am so glad. We had a long talk about it, and she came to the conclusion that she had found a spiritual connection to the earth she had not dreamed possible. Quite an eye opener for her, and whenever she shows interest, her big bro will be happy to show her the way as best as I can.

Thanks again guys, I appreciate it
You have never been apart from me. You can never depart and never return, for we are continuous, indistinguishable. We are eternal forever
#7 Posted : 8/10/2011 8:12:28 PM
Amazing adventure, your writeup is appreciated! I even put on some Shpongle on U-tube while reading, to get in the mood.

I wouldn't dream of doing something like this in a crowd, but hey that's just me Pleased

One of my things-to-do is taking a somewhat smaller dose of rue/mushrooms, say 3 grams of Rue (as a tea) and 1.5 grams of strong homegrown Golden Teachers, and then smoke some DMT 'as required'. I think an orally MAOId body already in low orbit by the mushrooms is ideal for smoked DMT.

I have a younger sister too, who knows I'll introduce her to some eye-openers some day!
#8 Posted : 8/14/2011 7:33:29 AM
much love!!!! great report!
#9 Posted : 8/26/2011 12:35:45 PM
Sounds like an awesome time Very happy I did start this TR a while back but didn't finnish as it was kinda long. Gave it my full attention just now though (with Strangeitude on in the back ground Smile) Mushrooms are something I feel the need to revisit soon, although I am not in a rush, having just started getting acquainted with DMT / Changa...

Those deep, spirit enriching journeys are what it's all about, thanks for sharing!
Lose Control, Free My Soul, Break Me Open, Make Me Whole.
"DMT kicked my balls off" - od3
#10 Posted : 8/26/2011 9:17:08 PM
"Within your heart is a lotus, and within this lotus is a diamond. This diamond is the source of creation, and in all the creation, there is only one lotus."

"Only from the Heart can you touch the sky." ~ Rumi
#11 Posted : 9/21/2011 12:47:10 AM
hey harmalosa,
maybe i didn't read the report well enough but did you get any nausea with the harmala shroom combo? I am going to see shpongle live this october and was thinking of taking 2g of shrooms and 50-70mg of tetrahydroharmine and maybe a cannaedible but don't really want to if there is bad nausea. I have done this combo before but with a small dose and was wondering if i should expect nausea with a bigger dose.
What are we but stupefied dancers to a discordant stystem, we believe - so we're mislead
we assume - so we're played
we confide - so we're deceived
we trust - so we're betrayed

#12 Posted : 9/21/2011 5:18:21 AM
About 20 minutes after downing the mushrooms and rue, i did get some slight nausea, but it was not bothersom, and did not even approach being sick enough to
need to purge. The nausea from this combo, i personally find to be much less than the nausea caused by an ayahuasca or mimosa brew, I almost always get nausea and purge on ayahuasca or mimosa rue.
My friend who also took the same dose experienced no nausea, or a levell of nausea low enough not to bother him.

Some people get more nausea than others from harmalas though, I personally tolerate them very well, and 5 grams of rue does not make me feel nausea at all,
I would say if you experienced minimal nausea from the dose you took, i wouldnt expect it to be that much worse.

Best of luck to you brother, and I hope whatever you end up doing, you just have an amazing time at shpongle live, and i wish i could be there too.
You have never been apart from me. You can never depart and never return, for we are continuous, indistinguishable. We are eternal forever
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