obliguhl wrote:Yes, the title is a contradiction but i hope it caught your attention.
While going over some scientific literature, i came across the notion, that psychedelic states come with hypersuggestibility. Could one use hypnosis while under the influence to ingrain the messages during the session even deeper into your subconscious (whatever that is) ?
I'm talking about a low dose mushrooms perhaps...
the hyper-suggestibility is one of the reasons why psychotherapy with LSD and mushrooms is possible. I believe the suggestions can guide the tripper's experience, and perhaps even be ingrained into the subconscious mind, but only to a certain degree. It must not conflict with the tripper's most fundamental beliefs. Though, most of the insights during psychedelic psychotherapy arises from within the tripper's mind, the psychiatrists may suggest certain notions to steer the trip in a certain direction.
I don't think trying to manipulate the tripper would work, since in most instances it would conflict with their most fundamental views, beliefs, and behaviors. This is why the CIA experiments conducted during the MK-Ultra (Mind Kontrol Ultra) failed, and was discontinued...
So i would *assume* that even through hypnosis while tripping, the amount of messages suggestible to the subconscious, only goes so far. But if its a positive message, our subconscious will natural be more open to those messages, and allow a deeper ingraining. Either ways, our brain is not an easy thing to just hack into; our subconscious can decide which messages to keep, and which to discard