Thats awesome news. Glad its doing well!
I had a similar yet not so severe experience with a rabbit.
I was working at the local zoo as part of a job shadow thingy for school way back when.
I was handed a tiny baby rabbit and told to take it to the clinic, it had what apeared to be bad diareah. I was also told I could snap its neck on the way if I felt like it, as it would no doubt be put down after several days of suffering.
I was skeptical but I know baby rabbits don't fare so well with diareah, but figured the Vet should check it out first before I killed the poor thing.
Turns out it was an absces and was cleaned and stiched up in no time. The little guy was fine within 2 days.
I never spoke to the guy who told me to snap its neck again during my work there.
Sonorous fractal manifestastions,
birthing golden vibrations,
that echo through folds of space & time,
ferry my soul closer to God