So this little dreamoar was off in the middle of the desert enjoying an early taste of the end of the world, and he found himself with a large bag of cactus chips...
After a full day spent brewing a nice olde fashioned cactus tea concentrate and leaving it to sit under the desert sun for anther half a day, he was left with a gooey icky gross black tarry resinous material. Well, this stuff was completely unworkable, and the dreamoar did not have any flour about to make it less sticky...
or did he?
He happened to stumble upon a large bag of ayahuasca 4:1 powder (hence forth referred to as caapi 5x flour). So he just poured a sizable amount of this powder into the sticky black goo and worked it and worked it and worked it till it became a solid mass, then moar caapi and moar work till it ended up a taffy consistency that was no longer sticky on the outside. This taffy san paapi cake was thrown in a baggie and slowly consumed amidst the fire and chaos for a proper night of magic and mayhem.
(Sorry amounts are not exact, this was made on the fly in a tent in the middle of the desert.)
~50 g of trichocereus chips
~10-12 g of caapi 5x flour
1. Boil cactus chips for ~ 1 hour, pour off water into separate container & save
2. Add moar water to chips and boil again for ~1 hour, pour off water into separate container & save
3. Add moar water to chips and boil again for ~1 hour, pour off water into separate container & save
4. Discard cactus chips after boiling 3 times.
5. Combine water from the all 3 boils into a pot and reduce as much as possible over low heat
6. Allow water to cook off leaving just a small amount of liquidy resin.
7. Let excess water evaporate off leaving a gooey mass.
8. Add caapi 5x flour to resin; mix, stir, and knead till it becomes no longer sticky and takes a solid consistency
9. Break off small pieces of "taffy", roll into balls, and swallow with water or some other liquid as desired.
10. Have fun!