Could caapi give an experience equal to an iboga journey?
Most people use caapi only for MAO-inhibition. Some people use caapi brews for a visionary experience, but since larger amounts of caapi are acompanied with strong physical side-effects and caapi already seems to produce quite interesting experiences in amounts where these side-effects are absent or rather mild, i can imagine that the vast majority of caapi users has never felt an urge to push the boundaries here.
But caapi is very simmilar to iboga in many ways, and iboga can produce quite interesting effects in moderate amounts, but only when taken in amounts where strong physical effects are felt, the experience becomes realy visionary and immersive.
Could caapi have a visionary potential like iboga that just hasn't been touched yet by most of us?
In a recent post, mis_minxx told that she felt that especially in amounts where physical effects become quite strong, caapi starts to become truly interesting and visionary for her.
I wonder how people feel about this topic. Both the quality of experiences caapi can produce in large amounts as the safety of using caapi in this way.
People have O.D'd on iboga and using caapi in amounts many of us would consider extreme, could be just as risky as taking a realy large dose of iboga. Although caapi and iboga are simmilar in many ways there differences as well and i believe caapi is a much stronger MAOI than iboga.
I believe that the high dose Caapi experience comes very close to the Iboga experience. At no point on my flood dose did I feel the visionary aspects were of an order beyond Mama Aya. I've definitely had ataxia from Aya that matched that of Iboga's, but not for as long. Aya doesn't have the equivalent of noribogaine though, which is a huge aspect of Iboga's teaching. I've also never experienced the Ancestors as I did with Iboga, and I had never heard about the Ancestor aspect before going under. PK Dick is to LSD as HP Lovecraft is to Mushrooms
Claudio narajo did a lot of work with harmalas and people reported visionary experiences from them. I've a foaf who does ibo clinic stuff who reports that harmalas are as effective as ibo with addiction in large doses pharmacologically speaking they have similar actions in the reset dept. But it's really really high and unpleasant. Swim and the foaf hypothesis' is that it would be possible with smoked harmalas given over a day period. All theoretical and of coarse risky. Dorge is cooperatively owned and cooperatively run by various hyperspacial entities working as a collabertive sentience project for the betterment of sentient exploration. Offical Changa web site
Dorge wrote:Claudio narajo did a lot of work with harmalas and people reported visionary experiences from them. I've a foaf who does ibo clinic stuff who reports that harmalas are as effective as ibo with addiction in large doses pharmacologically speaking they have similar actions in the reset dept. But it's really really high and unpleasant. Swim and the foaf hypothesis' is that it would be possible with smoked harmalas given over a day period. All theoretical and of coarse risky. How much are they interested in smoking over a day? Sounds interesting. If your religion, faith, devotion, or self proclaimed spirituality is not directly leading to an increase in kindness, empathy, compassion and tolerance for others then you have been misled.
I think lots of people use harmalas in these doses polytrip. I would tend to think that iboga is more toxic than harmalas as I have never heard of dangerous doses or deaths from harmalas alone..I have never taken iboga though. I think dagger takes some very large doses of harmalas and that has always interested me as they seem even larger than I have taken and I get strong effects already..I will add more later when I have time. Long live the unwoke.
imo iboga is far, far less toxic than harmalas fractal..just personally.. They don't think it be like it is, but it do.
Here's an article I stumbled across that I thought was related to this discussion and might interest some. The effects of b-carbolines in rats trained with ibogaine as a discriminative stimulus Wiki • Attitude • FAQThe Nexian • Nexus Research • The OHTIn New York, we wrote the legal number on our arms in marker...To call a lawyer if we were arrested. In Istanbul, People wrote their blood types on their arms. I hear in Egypt, They just write Their names. גם זה יעבור