Healthy-looking crystals, Phlux! A job well done..... I am paranoid of my brain. It thinks all the time, even when I'm asleep. My thoughts assail me. Murderous lechers they are. Thought is the assassin of thought. Like a man stabbing himself with one hand while the other hand tries to stop the blade. Like an explosion that destroys the detonator. I am paranoid of my brain. It makes me unsettled and ill at ease. Makes me chase my tail, freezes my eyes and shuts me down. Watches me. Eats my head. It destroys me.
Hey phlux, two questions. First, why did you manske a caapi extract if there is no need for removing the vasicine/vasicinone as in rue?
Also, what did you do so there isnt all the salt contamination and so that it grows nicely, less salt saturation and slow cooling?
B-e-a utiful is all i can say. "You are an explorer, and you represent our species, and the greatest good you can do is to bring back a new idea, because our world is endangered by the absence of good ideas. Our world is in crisis because of the absence of consciousness." — Terence McKenna
"They Say It helps when you close yours eyes cowboy"
i the freebase in vinegar and added about equal volume hot salt water. i did it to get hcl salts - its easy and there seems to be no loss. less salt = nicer xtals - with rue they get to 20cm in 15mins. antrocles wrote:...purity of intent....purity of execution....purity of experience...
...unlike the "blind leading the blind". we are more akin to a group of blind-from-birth people who have all simultaneously been given the gift of sight but have no words or mental processing capabilites to work with this new "gift".
Quote: ‹Jorkest› the wall is impenetrable as far as i can tell Quote: ‹xtechre› cheese is great He who packs ur capsules - controls your destiny.
Quality, lurve a bit of crystal porn! “Right here and now, one quanta away, there is raging a universe of active intelligence that is transhuman, hyperdimensional, and extremely alien... What is driving religious feeling today is a wish for contact with this other universe.” ― Terence McKenna
endlessness wrote:Hey phlux, two questions. First, why did you manske a caapi extract if there is no need for removing the vasicine/vasicinone as in rue?
Also, what did you do so there isnt all the salt contamination and so that it grows nicely, less salt saturation and slow cooling? First, I must say those are some beautiful crystals! Are they actually as white as in the photos? I also wonder about the Manske – I thought that the Manske pulls out harmine and harmaline only, and leaves THH behind. So I wonder if you have any THH remaining? gibran2 is a fictional character. Any resemblance to anyone living or dead is purely coincidental.
My one experiment Manske-ing Caapi freebase was that I only harvested approx. 2/3 of the original Harmalas. This led me to conclude that THH must be lost with Manske. I made a post about it, I'll have to look. I thought I might have even re-freebased the solution and recovered some of the lost THH. I can't remember that part. I'll have to check my old post.
Anyway, I thought the simple way to check -- and I encourage someone else to try this -- is to re-dissolve a known quantity of Freebase Caapi Harmalas and apply manske: Then see what the yield is...
But how do you know what precipitates is THH and not maybe other trace alkaloids or what not? Also remember manske = harmalas+hcl ion+salt impurities, so how can you "check the yield" if you dont know how much of those impurities is there?
The only real way to check would be getting pure THH and doing the precipitation tests or some analytical equipment
Well I think one can certainly at least make a pretty reasonable educated guess if...
A third Manske on Rue = a small negligible loss...
And a Manske on Caapi after the initial Freebase = 1/3 loss.
However maybe I am forgetting something.
Freebase weighs more doesn't it? How much more?
Freebase weighs less because it is not forming an ionic compound with an acid. The weight difference depends on the weight of the acid used. And those are some beautiful pictures. Nice deep blue sea feel. These aren't the droids you're looking for.